Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
for guidance; as in tarafta:' a form of writing'. -7 Publicity, advertising; Tristafa Mv.5.12.
प्रशस्य .. (Compar. श्रेयस् or ज्यायस् , superl. श्रेष्ट or FU8) Praiseworthy, commenda ble, excellent.
Train. The ocean. प्रशत्त्वरी A river.
STTH 4 P. 1 To become calm or tranquil. 2 To be soothed or appeased. -3 To stop, cease, terminate. - 4 To be allayed, be quenched or extinguished ; प्रशान्तं पाबकास्त्रम् U.6%3 निर्वाते ज्वलितो वह्निः स्वयमेव प्रशाम्यति Pt. 3. 56. -8 To decay, wither away. -Caus. -1 To soothe, appease, pacify; 917 yet a facut Ms. 8. 391. -2 To allay, extinguish, quench, put down; PATATE91f4a19 Me. 17. -8 To remove, put an end to; 77 (1971) A: R. 15. 47. --4 To conquer, vanquish, subdue; que fa ftat AT 491: Mk. 10. 60. -5 To settle, adjust, compose; hufa fare è 40114 S. 5. 8. -8 To kill, destroy. -7 To cure, heal.
TETA: 1 Calmness, tranquillity, com posure; 94- Afgagaf9 R. 8. 15; Ki. 2. 32. - 2 Peace, rest. -8 Extinction, a batement; hieraat Ku. 2. 20. -4 Cessation, end, destruction; fara EEFT: THIERRO Ve. 1.7; 998: Ear Si. 20. 73. -8 Pacification, appeasement; qd 941 Si. 16.51.
9TH 4.(-aft f.) 1 Calming, tranquillizing, pacifying, removing &c. -2 Curing, healing. -77 1 Calming, tranquillizing, pacifying. -2 Alla ying, assuaging, soothing, mitigating; 3119a1d147971: 4401 HA1914 Me. 55. -3 Curing, healing; as in suf2433474. -4 Quenching, extinguishing, suppressing, quelling; Mb. 5. 165. 9. 6 Cessation, abatement. -6 Bestowing fitly or on fit objects ; 3495148 Far Mb. 12. 45. 10 (com. youtu : fa7HTA: 919 290 ) Ms. 7. 56; ( auch Kull.; but others give it the next sense ). -7 Securing, guarding, keeping safe ; 35495TH 48 aggregat R. 4. 14. -8 Killing, slaughter. -9 Restoration of peace; 4921454 Kau. A.
T a p. p. 1 Pacified, soothed, composed, appeased, allayed. -2 Extinguished, quenched. -3 Atoned tor, expiated; 199 YTTETRO TET: faHY914: U. 1. 40.
Tota p. p. 1 Calmed, tranquillized, composed; Franca: EU ACHAT Hea: Bg. 6.7. -2 Calm. serene, quiet, sedate, still; BET pirated 1974. -3 Tamed, subdued, quelled. -4 Ended, ceased, over; at 1798 ya H arah Mal. 9. 36; Than U. 6. 'ceased to work or withdrawn.' -6 Dead, deceased; (See T4 with "). -6 Allayed, removed ; f el a 38 18: Rām. 7. 69.39. -Comp. 16HT a. com-
8. .... 18
posed in mind, peaceful, calm. -55 a. weakened, enervated, prostrated. FTA a. content. - fere a. valm. - «. resting, ceased to work. -17 a. having all obstacles or calamities removed; प्रशान्तबाधं दिशतोऽभिरक्षया Ki. 1. 18.
auffa: f. 1 Calmness, tranquillity, composure, quiet, repose. -2 Rest, cessation, abatement. -8 Allaying, quenching, extinction.
TIT: 1 Tranquillity, calm, composure. -2 Quenching, extinction, allaying. -3 Cessation. .
FITTE a. 1 Having many or spreading branchen. -2 Being in the 5th stage of formation said of the embryo, when the hands and feet are formed ). et A small branch or twig.
rafat A small branch; Mb. 8. TETTE 2 P. 1 To teach, instruct, advise ; 39f9 H TT fecuta ega-agtilean Bk. 19. 19. -2 To order, command; T 97991 1914 Märk. P. -3 To rule, govern, be lord of; o seara N. 5. 24; R. 6. 76; 9. 1. -4 To punish, chastise. - To pray or ask for, seek for (Atm.); 2: H
THE U. 1. 1 (used in the sense of the with 31 q.v.).
T18i 1 A director, ruler. -2 A spiritual preceptor.
प्रशासनम् 1 Governing, ruling; एतस्य वा अक्षरस्य 9714ff 1947 fayat faga Bri. Up. 3. 8. 9. -2 Enjoining, exacting. -8 Government.
Efee, TTIEC . 1 A king, ruler, governor; na: warga: get wear puertas Rām. 2. 91. 40. -2 A director, adviser; 177 29 yafaat Pt. 5. 63. ARTE p. p. Ruled over, governed.
fife:, TE, f. Ved. Command, order. after a. 1 Very loose ; f eq.247 . 3.9. -2 Very feeble, hardly perceptible.
762: The pupil of a pupil, the disciple of a disciple ; शिष्यप्रशिष्यरुपगीयमानमवेहि तन्मण्डनमिश्रधाम Sankara| digvijaya. sayfa: f. Clearness, purity.
T a. Swollen.
: Becoming dry, drying up, aridity. (571) 4 Sprinkling, oozing; ezezad 3
4 -TH U. 3.11 ( v. l.). TXT: (agg-ara ] 1 A question, query; an inquiry, interrogation (estragar 9 affa); 37144947964 $. 5 ' with an inquiry about your well-being
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