Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
eg: 1 Flowing or streaming forth. -2 Wind. -3 -2 A strong or stormy wind; alasa un fy: N. of one of the seven courses of wind said to cause S. 6. - 3 An airy place; wataacfaf19 Ku. 1. 46. the motion of the planets); प्राणापानी समानं च व्यानोदानौ च Comp. -4 a bed placed in the airy place. तत्त्वतः । अधवैवानिलं ज्ञात्वा प्रवहं चानिलं पुनः॥ सप्त बातांस्तथा -HT a. delightful by a fresh breeze. car Mb. 12. 301. 27-28 : : fang: atau N. 22. 77.
Tari, tarihi A cover, covering. -A reservoir into which water is carried off. -
TERUTH 1 Satisfying (a desire ). -2 Priority of Going forth, going from a town.
choice. - Prohibition, opposition. -4 A free will offerTEGUH 1 A covered carriage or litter (for women); ing (4954977). 27158 YETH Mk. 4. 23/24.-2 A carriage, conveyance, vehicle in general. -8 A ship; & ATISATA:
Tao See ala. 1 2T-TAIT Kau. A. 1. 10.
faitot p. p. 1 Scattered or strewed about. -2
Dispersed, diffused. -Comp. - a woman who has Tarot- TT: Corporation of workmen; Kau.
various lovers. A. 2. 4.
aferera p. p. 1 Named, called. -2 Famous, Tate: 1 Flowing or streaming forth. -2 A stream,
renowned, celebrated. course, current; eta ari 1277479 RTT 2: G. L. 2: R. 5.46; 13. 10, 48; Ku. 1. 54; Me. 48. 3 Flow, run
giatuta: f. Famo, renown, celebrity. ning water. - Continuous flow, unbroken succession,
प्रविघटित p. p. Hewn off, severed; झटिति विततवह्नपुcontinuity. -Course of events rolling onward like a FIT 1 siqa #494: 44: Mv. 2. 59. stream). - Activity, active occupation. -7 A pond, afera: Examination, investigation. lake. - Course or direction towards. -9 An excellent horse. (1fa means (lit.) making water in a
afat 1 P. 1 To roam a bout. - To move onward,
advance. -3 To wander through. stream; (fig.) doing a useless action). Targ a. Carrying off or forward. -
faar: Discernment, discrimination.
A goblin, an imp.
etc: Distinction, division, species, kind. -Comp.
-ART: (pl.) springing from side to side an artifice TEIEATH 1 Driving forth. -2 Evacuation by stool. l in fighting); 7 for at : Ki. 17. 56.
Fargoft The sphincter muscle which ejects the afaita p. p. Examined, investigated accurately. faeces from the rectum.
afg1 P. 1 To shake, tremble. -2 To deviate, प्रवाहिका Diarrhea.
Swerve from, go astray; -32TT 94: aan T TT: Tanfe a. 1 Carrying forward, driving onward.
Bh. 2. 83. - To become confused. -2 Carrying away. -8 Flowing, streaming forth.
afarafca a. Moved, set in motion, shaken. garet Sand.
grafera a. Triðd, proved. walk, (also -FE FT and #1) See selesar.
प्रविचेतनम् Understanding. A riddleenigma; विदग्धबालेङ्गितगुप्तिचातुरीप्रवलिकोत्पाटनपाटवे E: N. 16. 102.
sfacra p. p. 1 Spread out, expanded. -2 Dishevelled,
disordered hair) Fa : A proclaimer. Talat a. Eloquent, oratorical; ( 2) 787929
afart: Bursting asunder, opening. of gara afaat far: Si. 2. 25.-2 Talkative, garrulous;
afarture Tearing, rending, breaking, bursting 9919: 0037 Mu. 3. 16.
asunder. -2 Budding. - Conflict, war, battle. -4 Tat a. 1 Explanatory. -2 Eloquent.
Crowd, confusion, tumult. Tah 1 Proclamation, promulgation, declaration,
sera p. p. Cast away, thrown off. -2 A designation.
afaga p. p. Dispersed, put to flight, scattered. 19154 A literary production or composition.
afat 3 U. 1 To decide. -2 To do or make. -8 To Ta The trimming or edging of a piece of woven meditate, think upon. -4 To place in front or at cloth.
the head. Tarfoi, oft f. A weaver's shuttle.
sfrutar 1 Thinking upon. - 2 Doing. -8 A means tata p. p. Exposed to stormy wind. - 1 A
employed. current of air, fresh or free air; garage M. 4. afarata a. 1 Thrown away.-2 Agitated, disturbed,
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