Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
fra a. 1 Flying, escaping. -2 A fugitive. yaror 1 Filling, filling up, completing. - Insert991 1 A place where water is distributed to
ing, injecting. -3 Satisfying; satiating. -4 Attaching travellers%3; भूतानामिह संवासः प्रपायामिव सुव्रते Bhag.7.2.21;
to, affixing. -8 Bending of a bow); # fanitaria egy94afsi 74 29: 972 Vikr. 18. 78. -2
YEAISET Rām. 1. 67. 10. A well, cistern; ya vi a 3: 3914 Tefta p. p. Filled up. Ms. 8. 319. -3 A place for watering cattle. -4 A
tatoetta: A kind of shrub (49oed); vedi Ayhsupply of water. - A draught. -Comp. -fair a
formaterega:...... Chakra pāņidatta. woman who distributes water to travellers; 09 91699 å bar 991911 a 42 Vikr. 1. 89; 13. 10. -
T : A great-grandson ; 17ecci fea: nifa: 97417a cool grove.
79194: Y. 1. 78. - A great-grand-daughter. 99: 1 Ripening (of a boil &c.). -2 Inflammation.
प्रप्यायनम् Swelling. sofor: 1 The forepart of the hand. -2 The palm
at Ved. A woman having excellent hips or of the extended hand.
going in a graceful way; a lewd girl (?). que a. Very white.
Treat p. p. Blooming, blossomed, full-blown ;
ugh aigua: CH R. 2. 29 (v. l. for ). cf. P. TO : A road, way.
VII. 4. 89 com. प्रपादिकः A peacock.
lea: f. Blooming, expansion, blossoming. H 1 Drinking. -2 The under part of a horse's
8 p. p. 1 Full-blown, blossoming, blooming; upper lip.
af 96 Fat Ferala 24 R. 6. 69; 2. 99194 A kind of drink; 79174441972HTT !
29; Ku. 3. 45; 7. 11. - 2 Expanded or dilated like a
full-blown flower as eyes). -8 Smiling. - Shining. HELS. D.
- Gay, cheerful, pleased. -Comp.- 777, ,U T ata Protecting, guarding.
4. with eyes expanded with joy. - a. having a Term. An epithet of Balarama.
beaming or cheerful countenance, looking cheerful. aftar: 1 A paternal great-grandfather. -2 An
are 9 P. 1 To bind on, tie, fasten. - To stop, epithet of Krisna; fatra aiheu Bg. 11.39. -3 Of
suppress, check. - To compose, put together, arrange. Brahman. -4 of the Supreme Spirit. A paternal
946 p. p. 1 Bound, tied, fastened. -2 Stopped, great-urrandmother; पितामही च स्वेनैव स्वेनैव प्रपितामही obstructed, checked. Dayabhāga.
Tarm. An author. fast: A paternal grand-uncle.
are: 1 A bond, tie. -2 Uninterruptedness, conz 10 U. 1 To press, squeeze. -2 To torture,
tinuance, continuity, uninterrupted series or succession; torment, harass, afflict. -3 To check, suppress, restrain.
विच्छेदमाप भुवि यस्तु कथाप्रबन्धः K.239; क्रियाप्रबन्धादयमध्वराणाम्
R. 6. 23; 3.58; Mal. 6.3. -3 A continued or connected at 1 Pressing, squeeziny. -2 An astringent.
narrative or discourse; va r : art goigt: ta (--) a. Swollen up, distended.
Si. 2. 73. - 4 Any literary work or composition ; -
यशसा भासकविसौमिल्लकविमिश्रादीनां प्रबन्धानतिक्रम्य M.13; प्रत्यक्षरaya: A grandson, descendant.
944 &c. Vas. - Arrangement, plan, scheme; agar (ar) :, -3: N. of a tree (77€).
as in 9977 -8 A commentary. Comp. 37: the
subject matter of a composition or treatise. -ETAT got a. Very old, kept for a long time.
a feigned story, a work of imagination founded on a Tat: 1 The Supreme Being. -2 N. of the two substratum of fact; eat Fateh : 441 fas: Asvins.
ad continuous or incessant rain. nyfourt a. Flowering, blooming
TaPTT 1 Bond, tie. -2 Binding, fettering. sre a. Having a prominent back; P. VI. 2. 177 T : An epithet of Indra. oom.
(a) a. Most excellent, best; yeys: 14419 999 P. To fill up, complete. -Pass. To be filled! 496: Mb. 1. 193. 1. or completed; be fulfilled.
To a. 1 Very stony or powerful, mighty, valorous Torna. Fulfilling, satisfying.
( 88 8 m8t ); TVI 774 9 4 Giá : R. 3. 60; 08. 3. 3.
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