Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
1 a
Bu. Ch. 5. 30.-ft a. practising virtue, observing the law, virtuous, righteous; ag dataR. 3. 45. (-m.) an ascetic. - wife. 2 a chaste or virtuous wife. cf. ; यावदायुस्तव सहधर्मचारिणी भवत्विति V. 5. 19/20. -चिन्तक studying or familiar with duty. -2 reflecting on the law. - चिन्तनम् चिन्ता study of virtues comsideration of moral duties, moral reflection. - fraudulent transgression of law or duty. : 1 duly or lawfully born', a legitimate son; cf. Ms. 9. 107.-2 N. of grafe; Mb. 15.10.44. -जन्मन् m. N. of युधिष्ठिर - जिज्ञासा inquiry into religion or the proper course of conduct; अथातो धर्मजिज्ञासा Jaimini's Sutra. जीवन . one who acts according to the rules of his caste or fulfils prescribed duties. (-) a Brahmana who maintains himself by assisting other men in the performance of their religious rites; यचापि धर्मसमारच्युतो धर्मजीवनः Mo. 9. 273.
a. 1 knowing what is right, conversant with civil or religious law; Ms. 7. 141; 8. 179; 10. 127. -2 just, righteous, pious abandoning one's religion, apostacy. I a fee for instruction in the law. - a charitable gift (made without any self-interest.) पात्रेभ्यो दीयते नित्यमपेक्ष्य प्रयोजनम्। केवलं धर्मयुदधा यद् धर्मदानं प्रचक्षते || Ms. 3. 262. - दुघा a cow milked for religious purposes only. - N. of the Gangos. m. (pl.) a lawful wife; fat Mal. 6. 18. - दुह a. voilating the law or right; निसर्गेण स धर्मस्य गोप्ता धर्मो वयम् Mv. 2. 7. -द्रोहिन् a demon -धातुः an epithet of Buddha -ध्वजः, -ध्वजिन् m. a religious hypocrite, an impostor; Bhag. 3. 32. 39. - नन्दनः an epithet of युधिष्ठिर - नाथः a legal protector, rightful master. नामः an epithet of Visou. निबन्धिन a. pious, holy. -fair religious devotion. -f a. devoted to religion or virtue; श्रीमन्तः पान्तु पृथ्वीं प्रशमितरिपयो धर्मनिष्ठा भूषाः Mk. 10.61. निष्पत्तिः - 1 discharge or fulfilment of duty. -2 moral or religious observance. -qraft a lawful wife; R. 2. 2, 20, 72; 8. 7; Y. 2. 128. -: the way of virtue, a virtuous course of conduct. - a. religious-minded, pious, righteous. -qft: rise of righteous conduct in the heart (Jainism); cf. also एतेन भूतोन्द्रयेषु धर्मलक्षणावस्थापरिणामा व्याख्याताः Yogadarsana. - a teacher of civil or religious law; Ms. 12. 111.-:' protector of the law', said metaphorically of () punishment or chastisement', or 'sword'. -1 transgressing the law, an offence against law. : 1 a lawful son, a son begotten from a sense of duty and not from mere lust or sensual pleasure. -2 an epithet of gr. -8 any one regarded as a son for religious purposes, a spiritual son. -T: (fig.) sword. - a counterfeit of virtue; Ms. 11. 9. -प्रधान a. eminent in piety; धर्मप्रधानं पुरुषं तपसा हतकल्बिषम् Ms. 4. 243 - प्रवक्तृ m. 1 an expounder of the law, a legal adviser. -2 a religious teacher, preacher. - 1 the science of duty; U. 5. 23. -2
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
expounding the law. (-:) an epithet of Buddha. - a religious or virtuous (f); Ram. 2. 85. 16. - वाणिजिकः, वाणिजिक: 1 one who tries to make profit out of his virtue like a merchant. -2 one who performs religious rites with a view to reward, like a merchant dealing in transactions for profit. : a. contrary to religion or what is right. ft 1 a lawful sister. -2 a daughter of the spiritual preceptor. -3 a spiritual sister, any one regarded as a sister or discharging the mms religious dution एतस्मिम्हारे मम धर्मभगिनी तिष्ठति Mk 8.46/47. -भागिनी a virtuous wife. -भाणकः a lecturer or public reader who reads and explains to audiences sacred books like the Bharata, Bhagavata, &c. -f a mendicant from virtuous motives; Ms. 11. 2. m. 1 'a preserver or defender of justice,' a king. 2 a virtuous person. - m. 1 a fellow religious student, a spiritual brother. -2 any one regarded as a brother from discharging the same religious duties. वानप्रस्थयतिब्रह्मचारिणां रिक्थभागिनः । क्रमेणाचार्य सच्छिष्यधर्मा कतीर्थिनः ॥ Y. 2. 187. - महामात्रः a minister of religion, a minister in charge of religious affairs. -CH the foundation of civil or religious law, the Vedas. - मेघः a particular Samadhi. -युगम् the Krita age; अथ धर्मयुगे तस्मिन्योगधर्ममनुष्ठिता । महीमनुचचारैका सुलभा नाम भिक्षुकी Mb. 12.3207. यूपः, योनिः an epithet of Visnu. a. 'delighting in virtue or justice', righteous pious, just तस्य धर्मरतेरासीद्या जरसा विना. R. 1. 23. -रत्नम् N. of a Jaina स्मृतिग्रन्थ prepared by Jimutavahana.m. an epithet of Yama. -राज a. धर्मशील q. v. ; धर्मराजेन जनकेन महात्मना (विदेहान् ) Mb. 12. 325 19. - an epithet of 1 Yama. - 2 Jina. -8 युधिष्ठिर. - a king राजन् m.. N. of युधिष्टिर. - a monument, a stupa (Sarnath Inscrip. of Mahipala; Ind. Ant. Vol. 14, p. 140.)- a. i opposed to law, illegal, unlawful. -2 immoral. 1 the essential mark of law. -2 the Vedas. (-II) the Mimams philosophy. : 1 irreligion, immorality. –2 violation of duty; धर्मलोपभयाद्राज्ञीमृतुस्नातामिमां स्मरन् R. 1.76.a. loving piety or duty. -afa. just, virtuous. - an epithet of Siva. -: discussion about law or duty, religiou; controversy; धर्मो धर्मवादेस्तु केवलम् Mb. 12. 165. 15. -वासरः 1 the day of full moon. -2 yesterday. : 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 a buffalo (being the vehicle of Yama). -fa a. familiar with the law (civil or religous). 3: N. of Visgu. विद्या knowledge of the law or right. -विधिः s legal procept or injunction एष धर्मविधिः स्य
f: Ms. 10. 131. fag: violation of duty, immorality. विवेचनम् 1 judicial investigation; यस्य वस्तु कुरुते राज्ञो धर्मविवेचनम् । तस्य सीदति तद्राष्ट्रं पङ्के गौरिव पश्यतः ॥ Ms. 8. 21.-2 dissertation on duty. -: (in Rhet.) the sentiment of heroism arising out of virtue or piety, the sentiment of chivalrous piety; the following instance is given in R. G.:- सपदि बिलयमेतु राज्यलक्ष्मी रुपरि तन्त्वथना
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