Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
farcta p. p. 1 Cast off or away, thrown out or featu a. 1 Repudiating, turning out, expelling; away, repudiated, driven, expelled, banished; h =11740tadini facra ateasa R. 14. 57; fati
a ratta R. 14. 84. -2 Dispelled, destroyed. करिष्ण वर्तिष्णू वर्धिष्णू परतो रणम् Bk. 5.1. -2 Hindering -3 Abandoned, deserted. -4 Removed, deprived or from, obstructive. -3 Spurning, disdaining. -4 Seeking void of3 निरस्तपादपे देश एरण्डोपि दुमायते H. 1.67. -8 to deprive one of a thing. -5 Forgetful. Discharged as an arrow). -6 Refuted. -7 Vomited,
farlaitt: Reproach, censure ; see under fat also. spit out. -8 Uttered rapidly; a HITS ar apparerar fazat aici: Ch. Up. 2. 22. 5. -9 Torn out or des- ferta p. p. 1 Expelled, banished. -2 Refuted. troyed. -10 Suppressed, checked. -11 Broken as an -3 Overtaken, held; azafatra ATT at fra: agreement &c.). -12 Thrown off (as from a horse). Bhag. 11.7. 4. - 4 Despised, &c.; see is above. -13 Offered, given; i gostinye arya fara -Comp. 39 a. irrefutable, unanswerable. faarao facteun Mal. 9. 40. -14 Rejected,
fatrafa: f., f 1 Repudiation, expulsion, disallowed. -15 Sent forth or away. : An arrow
rejection. -2 Refusal. -3 Obstruction, obstacle, impedidischarged. Fa 1 Rejecting, refusal &c. -2 Dropping
ment, interruption. -4 Opposition, also see under fag. or leaving out, rapid pronunciation. -3 Spitting out. -4 Preventing, warding of. -5 Throwing or casting.
facit a. Passionless, dispassionate. --Comp. a. having all differences removed, same,
निरादिष्ट a. Paid off as a debt; निरादिष्टधनश्चेत्तु प्रतिभूः identical. -TTT a. one who has renounced all worldly
Firea: 1 Faya agafacies fa fafa: Il Ms. 8. 162. attachments. Try a innumerable.
FATTET: Complete payment of a debt. fare a. Expelling, removing, driving away; ATATeatte19ar Si. 6. 47. -2 Vomiting. H Expelling,
fatte: See under faza. ejecting, expulsion, removal. -2 Denial, contradiction, FACIAIS: The wood-apple (face). rejection, refusal. -3 Refutation. -4 Vomiting forth,
farsforuft, oft A voil. spitting out. -5 Checking, suppressing. - Destruction, killing, extirpation.
fafter 1 A. 1 To gaze at steadfastly, mark or view FACIA: 1 Ejection, expulsion, throwing out, removal.
completely; (991) ... facial: gati qui: R. 2.52; -2 Vomiting. -8 Refutation, contradiction. -4 Oppo
496ara fatase taartar Bg. 1. 22; Ms. 4. 38.
-2 To look for, search after; factura afect 2 sition. -- Dropping ( a sound or letter &c.)
*#6: 7020 a Vikr. 1. 29. - To observe, perceive, farat a. mani T PAIT ST. a.] Tasteless, insipid, contemplate, view. dry. - 1 Want of flavour, insipidity, tastelessness.
farci a. Looking at, observing &c. -2 Want of juice, dryness. -8 Want of passion or
facteuth, -fatter, farcirerah 1 A look. - feeling.
Looking at, regarding, seeing, beholding; HYTTET ferci: 1 Cooking.-2 Sweat. -8 The recompense of har fasta TH partieta: Ki. 2. 55.-Looking out a bad action (v. l. for faqa).
for, searching. -4 Consideration, regard; faciat as
to, in respect of. -8 Hope, expectation. -8 Aspect of fatas: a. 1 Full of, filled or covered with; 3
planets. Ini h ayefariafasto Gīt. 1. -2 Distressed; see under las also
faith (-99) A plough-share. for 8 U. 1 To expel, drive away, repudiate ;
fara a. 1 Expressed, pronounced, explained, defin389949 yaaaa sa faca: Bk. 6. 100; R. 14. 57. -2
ed -2 Loud, distinct. -3 Enjoined, decided ; 91292
fastid a : a: Bhāg. 7. 14. 34. -4 InterpreTo refute (as an opinion). -3 To give up, abandon.
ted, aocomplished as a word); proved from TENANT -4 To destroy completely, annihilate. -5 To revile,
(as शब्दैकगम्य); वेदांश्च वेद्य तु विधिं च कृत्स्नमथो निरुक्तं परमार्थतां contemn, slight. - To oppose, obstruct, contradict. -7
- Mb. 12. 245. 30. - 1 Explanation, derivation, To refuse, decline, reject. -8 To omit. -9 To disappoint,
etymological interpretation. स वा एष आत्मा हृदि तस्यैतदेव frustrate.
farger g rafa Ch. Up. 8. 3. 3; HET911799T HETUfarctau 1 Repudiating, expelling, turning away; gega i f
8914: gaya 11 Mb. 1. 1. 274. Farrufaa $. 6. -2 Banishing. -3 Obstruction, -2 N. of one of the six Vedāngas, that which contains contradiction, opposition, rejection. -4 Refutation, glossarial explanation of obscure words, especially reply. -5 Contempt. -8 Neglecting the chief sacrificial i those occurring in the Vedas; 914 CFHIPaath Nir. duties. -7 Forgetting.
-8 N. of a celebrated commentary on the Nighantus
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