Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
g ind. 1 In former times, formerly, of yore, in the olden time; पुरा शक्रमुपस्थाय R. 1. 75; पुरा सरसि मानसे ...: Bv. 1. 3; Ms. 1. 119; 5. 22. -2 Before, hitherto, upto the present time -3 At first, in the first place; रामं दर्शय मे शीघ्रं पुरा मेऽर्थोऽतिवर्तते Ram 7. 105. 2. - In a short time, soon, ere-long, shortly (in this sense usually with a present tense to which it gives a future sense); पुरा सप्तद्वीपां जयति वसुधामप्रतिरथः S. 7. 38; पुरा दूषयति स्थलांम् R. 12. 30; आलोके ते निपतति पुरा Me. 87; N. 1. 18, Si. 10. 56; Ki. 10. 50; 11. 36.-8 Ved. For the defence of. -6 Securely from. -7 Except, besides. Comp. 3fter a. formerly Possessed. -कथा an old legend ; को नाम लोके पुरुषार्थसारवित् पुराकथानां भगवत्कथासुधाम् Bhāg. 3. 13.50. -कल्पः 1 a former creation; सिद्धसंघपरिज्ञातं पुराकल्पं सनातनम् Mb. 14. 35. 23. -2 a story of the past. -3 a former age;
Ms. 9. 227; Mb. 3. 41. 35. - A passage descriptive of past events; MS. 6. 7. 26. a. done formerly. (-) actions done in a former life; S. 7. -योनि of ancient origin. (-f:) an epithet of Siva. -वसुः -विद् - an epithet of Bhisms. -f a. acquainted with the past, knowing the events of former times, conversant with former times or events; वदन्त्यपर्णेति च तां पुराविदः Ku. 5. 28; 6. 9; R. 11. 10. a. 1 occurring in, or relating to, ancient times. -2 old, ancient. (-) 1 history. an old or legendary events gustat च कथिता कार्यपदवी Mal. 2. 13. कथा an old legend.
पुरातन . ( नी ) 1 Old snient] बहिर्विकारं प्रकृतेः परं विदुः पुरातनं पुरुषं पुरा Si. 12. 60 स एवायं मया तेऽथ योगः प्रोक्तः पुरातनः Bg. 43. -2 Aged, primeval ; त्वां न a gai guang R. 11. 85; Ku. 6. 9. -8 Worn out, decayed. An epithot of Vispu. -2 (pl.) The ancients. (H) 1 An ancient story. -2 A Purāņa.
g 1 An epithet of the Ganges. -2 A kind of perfume. -3 The east. 4 A castle. See
पुराण (ना, णी ) [ पुरा नवम् Nir. ] 1 Old. ancient belonging to oldes timor, पुराणमित्येव न साधु सर्व न चापि काव्यं नवमित्यवद्यम् M. 1. 2; पुराणपत्रापगमादनन्तरम् R. 3. 7. –2 Aged, primeval; गृधराजः पुराणोऽसौ श्वशुरस्य सखा मम Rām. 3. 53. ; अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं पुराण: Bg. 2. 20. -3 Decayed, worn out. - 1 A past event or occurrence. -2 tale of the past, legend, ancient or legendary history. -3 N. of certain well-known sacred works; these are 18; these are supposed to have been composed by Vyasa, and contain the whole body of Hindu mythology. A Purana treats of five topics (or लक्षणानि ), and is hence often called पञ्चलक्षण; सर्गश्च प्रतिसर्गश्च वंशो मन्वन्तराणि च। धानुचरितं चैव पुरार्ग पचनक्षणम् ॥ For the names of the 18 Puranas see under .-: A coin equal to 80 cowries; ते षोडश स्याद् धरणं पुराणश्चैव Ms. 8. 136. Comp. -: an epithet of Yama. -a. enjoined by or laid down in the Puranas.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
-कल्पः = पुराकल्पq. v. गः 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2 a reciter or reader of the Purapas. -g: 1 an epithet of Visnu. -2 an old man; gefa agar a दूषणमहो चपलायाः । दोष एष जलधेः पितुरस्या यत् पुराणपुरुषा ताम् Subhāg. ; ( where both senses are intended). -प्रोक्त a. proclaimed by ancient sages; P. IV. 3. 105. -far, knowledge of the past events.
पुराषाट् (Ved.) Vanquisher of many; यद्वावान पुरुतमं पुराषाळा वृत्रहेन्द्रो नामान्यप्राः Rv. 10. 74. 6.
git: f. 1 A town, city. 2 A river. -3 A king. पुरिशय Reporing in the body: स वा अर्थ पुरुषः सर्वा qa: Bri. Up. 2. 5. 18; Praśna. Up. 5. 5.
पुरी 1 A city town शशासैकपुरीमिव R. 1.001 पुरीमचgif Si. 1. 51. -2 A stronghold. -8 The body. Comp. - the Dhattura plant. :
town's folk, citizens.
पुरीतत् [पुरी देहं तनोति तम् प्]ि 1 A particular intestine near the heart; यदा मनः पुरीतति प्रविशति T. S; यदा सुप्तो न कंचन वेद हिता नाम नाड्यो द्वासप्ततिः सहस्राणि हृदयात् पुरीततमभिप्रतिष्ठन्ते ताभिः प्रत्यवसृप्य पुरीतति शेते ŚB. Bri. Up. 2.1. 19. 2 The entrails in general: (also gf, but it appears to be a wrong form).
पुरीषम् [ पु-ईषन् कि Up. 4. 27] 1 Feces, excrement, ordure; तस्याः पुरीषे तन्मांसं पितरस्तस्य शेरते Ms. 3. 250; 4. 56; 5. 123; 6, 76. -2 Rubbish, dirt. - excremental dirt ; द्रवत्पुरीष्याः पुलिनैः समन्ततः Bhāg.10.18.6. –8 Ved. Water. -Comp. -आधानम् the rectum. -उत्सर्गः voiding_excrement. -निग्रहणम् obstruction of th
bowels. diarrhoea.
g: Focos, ordure. -TH, 1 Evacuation by stool, voiding of excrement. -2 The rectum or anus.
gif Den. P. To void excrement.
पुरीषित Voided, evacuated (as the bowels). पुरीषमः The black kidney bean (Mar. उडीद ). पुरु . (रु.) [पु-पालनपोषणयोः Up. 1.24] Much, abundant, excessive, many; (in classical literature occurs usually at the beginning of proper names ) ; इन्द्रो मायाभिः पुरुरूप ईयते Bri. Up. 2. 5. 19; स्त्रीणां प्रियतमो नित्यं मत्तस्तु पुरुलम्पट : Bhag. 7. 15. 70. -रु: 1 The pollen of flowers. -2 Heaven, the world of the immortals. 3 N. of a demon killed by Indra. -4 N. of a prince, the sixth monarch of the lunar race. [He was the youngest son of Yayati and Sarmiṣṭha. When Yayati asked his five sons if any one of them would exchange his youth and beauty for his own decrepitude and infirmities, it was Puru alone who consented to make the exchange. After a thousand years Yayati restored to Puru his youth and beauty
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