Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
पोतिनासिक्यम् Fetor of the nostrils; Ms. 11.50. पौरकम् 1 A garden near a house. -2 A garden
near a town. पौत्तिकम् A kind of honey (pale-coloured).
पौरिक: 1 A citizen. -2 A governor of a city. पौत्र a. (-त्री f.) [ पुत्रस्यापत्यम् अण्] Relating to A grandson, son's son.
पौरेय or derived from a son. -त्र:
(-यी/.) Civic, town-bred. पौत्रदौहित्रयोलोंके न विशेषोऽस्ति धर्मतः Ms. 9. 133. -त्री 1A पौरंदर (-री) Derived from or sacred to Indra. grand-daughter. -2 An epithet of Durga. -त्रम् The -रम् The lunar mansion called ज्येष्टा. office of a Potri, q. v. -Comp. -जीविकम् an amulet
पौरन्ध्र a. Feminine. made of the seeds of पुत्रंजीव plant.
पौरव (-वी.) [पुरोर्गोत्रापत्यम् अण्] Descended from पौत्रिक a. (-की/.) Belonging to a son or grandson.
Puru; पौरवेणाथ वयसा राजा यौवनमास्थितः Mb. 1.75.46.-वः पौत्रिकेयः The son of a daughter appointed to raise
1 A descendant of Puru; S.5. -2 N. of a country or issue for her father.
people in the north of India. -2 An inhabitant or
ruler of that country. atera a. Having a grandson ; Ms. 9. 136.
पौरवीय (-यी/.) Devoted to Paurava. पौद्गलिक a. 1 Substantial, material. -2 Selfish.
पौरस्त्य . [पुरस्-भवार्थे त्यक् अण् च] 1 Eastern; पौरस्त्यो पौनापुनिक (-की.) Frequently repeated, recur- वा सुखयति मरुत् साधुसंवाहनाभिः Mal.9.25%3 पौरस्त्यझञ्झामरुत् ring again and again.
9. 17; R. 4. 34. -2 Foremost. -3 Prior, first, pre
ceding. पीनःपुन्यम् Frequent or constant repetition.
पौराण a.(-णी /.)[पुराण-अण्] 1 Belonging to the पौनरुक्तम्, पौनरुक्त्यम् 1 Repetition; अतिप्रियोऽसीति past, ancient, of the past, primeval. -2 Relating to पौनरुक्त्य म् K. 287; R. 12.40. -2 Superfluity, redun- the Puranas or derived from them. -3 Former, dancy, uselessness; अभिव्यक्तायां चन्द्रिकायां किं दीपिकापौन
previous. रुक्त्ये न V. 3.
पौराणिक a. (-की.) [पुराण-ठक्] 1 Belonging to पौनर्भव a. [पुनर्भू विदा० अपत्ये अम्] 1 Relating to a the past, ancient. -2 Belonging to the Puranas or widow who has married a second husband.-2 Repeated, derived from them.-3 Versed in the legends of the past. superfluous. -a: 1 The son of a widow remarried, one - Versed in the science of architecture (शिल्पशास्त्र); of the twelve sons recognised by the old Hindu law; Mb. 1. 51. 15 (com.). - 1 A Brahmana well-versed Y.2. 130%; या पत्या वा परित्यक्ता विधवा वा स्वयेच्छया। उत्पादयेत् | in the Puranas, a public reader of the Puranas. -2 A पुनर्भूत्वा स पौनर्भव उच्यते ॥ Ms. 9. 175. भस्मनीव हुतं हव्यं तथा mythologist. पौनर्भवे द्विजे Mb. 13. 90. 15; Ms. 3.1.55. -2 The second
पौरिक: A country in the South. husband of a woman; पौनर्भवेन भर्ना सा पुनः संस्कारमर्हति Ms.9.176.
पौरुष a. (-पी.)[पुरुष अण्] 1 Relating to a man
or man in general, human. -2 Manly, virile. -8 पौर a. (11.) [पुरे वसति शैषिको अण्] 1 Relating
Secred to Puruşa. - A weight which can be carried to a city or town, produced in a town, civic. -2 Ved.
by one man; Ms. 8.404. -बी A woman. -षम् 1 HuFilling one's own belly. -T: 1 A townsman, citizen,
man action, man's work, exertion, effort; T T 291 (opp. जानपद), Ku.6.41; R. 2. 10,74; 12.3; 16.9.
पौरुषम् Bh. 2.883 देवं निहत्य कुरु पौरुषमात्मशक्त्या Pt. 1. 3613 -2 A term applied to a prince engaged in war under 2.85. -2(a) Heroism, prowess, valour, manliness, particular circumstances. -3 A planet in a state of
courage; 976949: R. 15. 28; 8. 28. (6) Strength, opposition to other planets. - The language of the power, vigour. -3 Virility; पौरुषं नृषु Bg. 7.83; स्त्रीभूतच servants in a palace. -रम् A sort_of grass (रोहिष). परं मासं न स्मरिष्यसि पौरुषम् Ram. 7.87.29. - Semen -Comp. -अङ्ना , -योषित् /., -स्त्री a woman living virile. - Penis. - The full height of a man, the in a town ; विद्युद्दामस्फुरितचकितैर्यत्र पौरागनानां लोलापाङ्गैर्यदि न height to which he reaches with both arms elevated रमसे लोचनैर्वश्चितोऽसि Me. 27. -कार्यम् public business 3 | and the fingers extended ; जवेऽपि मानेऽपि च पौरुषाधिकम् अर्थजातस्य गणनाबहुलतयैकमेव पौरकार्यमवेक्षितम् 5. 6. -जनः, N. 1.57. -7 Sun-dial. -लोकः 1 a citizem. -2 citizens, burghers. -जानपद a.
पौरुषिक: A worshipper of Purusa. belonging to town and country. - : (pl.) citizens and rustios, townsmen and country people; 45 goat: पौरुषेय . (-यी/.) [ पुरुष-ठम् ] 1 Derived from or पौरजानपदाः U. 1. -वृद्धः an eminent citizen, an elder belonging to man, human, incidental to man; made, man. -सख्यम् fellow-citizenship; दशाब्दाख्यं पौरसख्यम् established or propounded by man; as in 3141523a Ms.2.134.
| वेदाः. -2 Manly, virile. -8 Spiritual. -य: 1 Man
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