Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Torre: 1 A leader or commander of an army). -2 A guide, head, chief.
quft a. maker, fashioner; ara fafe goa: Bk. 5.65. (तिथिप्रणी the moon.)
stofta p. p. 1 Put forward, advanced, presented. -2 Delivered, given, offered, presented. -8 Brought into, reduced to. -4 Executed, effected, performed. - Taught, prescribed. -8 Cast, sent, discharged. -7 Brought to, set. -8 Written, composed. -9 Set aside, removed. -10 Agreeable or pleasing. -11 Inflicted as punishment); see poft above. -: Fire consecrated by prayers. -ar A sacrificed vessel. -94 Anything cooked or dressed, such as a condiment. -Comp. 371 fire consecrated by prayers. -37199 (pl.) holy water.
poftfa: f. Ved. 1 Conduct, guidance. -2 Favour.
TUTET m. 1 A leader. -2 A maker, creator. -3 The promulgator of a doctrine, expounder, teacher ;
arquart affaldaraq: Bhāg. 11. 2. 19. -4 An author. -8 A performer or player of a musical instrument.
que a. 1 To be guided or led, tractable, yielding, submissive, obedient; 34FC9071 of iela arra Mb. 12. 56. 60.-2 To be executed or accomplished. - To be settled or fixed.
TV 2, 6 P. 1 To praise. -2 To mutter the sacred syllable om. -8 To roar, bellow. -4 To resound.
ya p. p. Praised, lauded. TO 6 P. 1 To dispel, drive off, remove; rataaf 14 gara arft 664 Si. 9. 71. -2 To push or thrust forward, push on. -3 To drive, stir, set in motion. -4 To scare away, frighten away. -Caus. 1 To prompt, incite, urge forward. -2 To push away. - To request or ask any one.
Ta p. p. 1 Driven away, repelled. -2 Scared away.
qua p. p. 1 Driven or sent away. -2 Set in motion ; 359 afa: qual 91814H: Mb. 5. 136. 16. -3 Scared away. -4 Shaking, trembling. - Sent, despatched.
guita: 1 Driving.-2 Directing.
guilera a. 1 Set in motion. -2 Directed, ordered. -8 Driven
TUISC# 1 Washing or wiping away. -2 Bathing. -3 Water for washing.
TOT 8 U. 1 To spread abroad, diffuse; rata anastir at leg waar a: Bh. 3. 24.-2 To spread, extund, stretch out. - To spread over, fill. - To
cause, produce, create. -5 To show, display, exhibit ; a u shafqaqrci sarà Si. 2. 30. -6 To perform, do (as a sacrifice ). -7 To execute, complete, accomplish.
a p. p. 1 Spread over, covered. -2 Stretched out, diffused. - ind. Continuously.
TACHE: A great-grandfather.
wala: f. 1 Extension, expansion, diffusion. -2 A creeper.
Tara: 1 A Shoot, tendril; ancafea: # 1: R. 2. 8; $. 7. 11; a t
a good gaat Ms. 1. 48.-2 A creeper, low spreading plant. -3 Branching out, ramification. -4 Tetanus or epilepsy. --Extension. -8 Diffuseness, prolixity.
tafar a. 1 Spreading. -2 Having shoots or tendrils. ait A spreading creeper.
Tact a. (aft f. Old, ancient; Yanga 1419fif Siva B. 8. 8; ...... # wa 99847 Siva
B. 32. 1. -Comp. -gla Old ghee to be used as an oblation.
Tag a. (-5 or -- 1 Very thin or minute, delicate; aftugaga Me. 29.-2 Very small, limited, narrow; ar K. 43; U. 1. 20; Me. 41. -8 Slender, emaciated ; : sai 9972 Ki. 14.35. -4 Insignificant, trifling.
1 P. 1 To be hot, burn, glow. -2 To heat. -3 To kindle, illumine. -4 To bake, roast. -5 To feel pain, suffer. - To mortify the body, undergo penance. -7 To pain, distress, torment. -Caus. 1 To warm, heat. -2 To set on fire, irradiate. -3 To torment, pain, distress.
Tag: The heat of the sun.
TO Umbrella (77); 51431 facut 499774 Bhāg. 10.35. 13. waq Warming, making warm.
a p. p. 1 Heated. -2 Hot, ardent. -3 Tormented, tortured, pained. -4 One who has tortured one's body by penance; 3919: want you Mb. 12. 181. 17.
Targ: 1 Heat, warmth ; 3744AHETU Tora egfa ( here 19 means 'prowess also); Pt. 1. 107. - 2 Radiance, glowing heat; 374127 541CCAT: atquafa: Ku. 2.24. -3 Splendour, brilliancy. - Dignity, majesty, glory; : Hafa fagfa Huraia Mv. 2.4. -8 Courage, valour, heroism; waren
799 173 ESTR. 4. 15. (where are means 'heat' also ); 4.30; data la cargueta: Udb.;
i d a dalg a H H. - Spirit, vigour, energy. -7 Ardour, zeal. -8 Issue of ultimatum ; 940
oni sarat 46: Kau. A. 1 16.
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