Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
sicut a. Speedy, quick, fleet.
ale i f. A kind of bed. ITE To thrust, pierce, destroy. waaa. Piercing, destroying (an epithet of Visņu).
1 P. 1 To cross over. - To further, promote, advance. -8 To raise, elevate, enhance. -4 To lengthen, prolong (life). -5 To lead, conduct. --Caus. 1 To cheat, deceive, take in; # 4 OÜ S. 5; heela
fara afanalstrå fastaafa Bh. 1.78.-2 To mislead, lead astray. -3 To spread, extend.
Tat: 1 Crossing, crossing or going over. -2 N. of 1 the joints on the neck and the spinal vertebrae; Susr. 4 TH Crossing, going over.
TATT: 1 Carrying or bearing over, crossing. -2 Deceit, fraud.
Tani, hata A cheat, an impostor.
Taruh 1 Carrying over. -2 Deceiving, cheating, deception. -UT Fraud, deceit, knavery, trickery, roguery, deception, hypocrisy; eft aftan A TUTTI उपास्यतां कलौ कल्पलतादेवी प्रतारणा ॥; प्रतारणासमर्थस्य विद्यया किं THE Udb.
Tafta a. Deceived, defrauded.
Tart 1 A street, main road, principal street through a town; 419 A 919: Si. 3. 64; agitai 99
A au AIT Kau. A. 2. 3. 21. 4997497 fargat: 974: Bu. Ch. 5. 82.; N. 6. 58. -2A kind of bandage; Susr.
Telp. p. 1 Given, given away, presented, offered ; अप्रत्त नस्त्वया किं नु भगवन् भुवनेश्वर Bhāg.9.11.6.-2Given in marriage, married. See "T.
a. 1 Old, ancient; cattu tag: Ch. Up. 3. 17.7. - Former. - Traditional, customary. -74 A kind of metre.
92 ind. 1 In an opposite direction, backwards. -2 Against. -3 Westward, to the west of (with abl.). - In the interior, inwardly. - Formerly, in former times.
TRICT a. [2 :2 ] 1 Perceptible to the eye), visible; ETA: 9977gran acarf efter: S. 1.1. -2 Present, in sight, before the eye. -8 Cognizable by any organ of sense. -4 Distinct, evident, clear. -8 Direct, immediate. -8 Explicit, express. -7 Corporeal. -TH 1 Perception, ocular evidence, apprehension by the senses, considered as a H10 or mode of proof;
faar afarni r 2494 T. S.-2 Explicitness, distinctness. -3 Superintendence, care for ; TUE
OT: ati allaqah Ms. 9. 27. -4 (In Rhet.)
A kind of style descriptive of impressions derived from the senses. The forms 1997, at, a:, 1911 are used adverbially in the sense of 1 Before, in the presence of, in the sight of. -2 Openly, publicly. -3 Directly, immediately. Hence; 224IÇehre is a variety of 1941 where the connection between the लिr and the लिङ्गिन् or साध्य is directly perceived ; प्रत्यक्षतो geurarvi 29 desiateursfaf119 SB. on MS. 1. 1.5. -4 Personally. -8 At sight. -8 Explicitly. -7 Distinctly, clearly. -8 Literally. So wa in the sight of, before the eyes of.) -Comp. -TUTY one's own perception. Har (1. e. ) a hymn in which a deity is directly addressed. 141 ocular evidence, knowledge obtained by direct perception. At ocular evidence, direct proof. TT, TT m. an eyewitness. -TV a. personally seen. - a. setting the highest value on the visible. - TUTH personal examination, real observation. - HT correct or certain knowledge, such as is obtained by direct perception through the senses. -THUTH 1 ocular proof, evidence of the senses. -2 an organ of perception. - a. having evident or visible consequences. aa. manifested, appeared personally. "IT: enjoyment of anything with the knowledge of the owner. cariem. a Buddhist who admits no other evidence than ocular proof or perception. -f an express injunction. -fairy to move only within the range of sight. -farea a. directly or explicitly enjoined. : composed clearly or intelligibly as a word). -HE a. determined by ocular proof.
T eat, -ra 1 Perceptibility, ocular proof. -2 Standing face to face. -3 Explicitness. -4 (In phil. ) ...... तत्तदिन्द्रिययोग्यवर्तमानविषयावच्छिन्नचैतन्याभिन्नत्वं तत्तदाकारवृत्त्यवच्छिन्नज्ञानस्य तत्तदंशे प्रत्यक्षत्वम् Vedanta P.
Turf Den. P. To make visible, show, manifest, display.
Tarra a. Witnessing in person. -*. An eyewitness.
Truefs 8 U. To witness or see in person, ascertain or see with one's own eyes;
e rawa S. 6; 79: 1 F AIT ibid.
TUH a. 1 Fresh, young, new, recent; 129 Ha Ve. 3; F24143 97 4444 V.3. 10; Me. 4; R. 10. 54; Ratn. 1. 21. -2 Repeated. -8 Pure. -Comp. aye a. young in age, in the prime of life, youthful.
Arya, y a. (wat f. or according to Vopadeva hat also ) 1 Turned or directed towards ; turned inward; मनः प्रत्यक् चित्ते सविधमवधायात्तमरुतः Sivamahimna 25.-2 Being behind. -8 Following, subsequent; acatar #41614 Pa Ife Bhag. 10. 15. 30. -4 Averted, turned away, turning back;
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