Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
प्रजीवनम् Livelihood, subsistence; शेषाणामानृशंस्यार्थ । UT 1994 Ms. 9. 163.
ye a. Attached or devoted to, intent on; farg 999 M6. 2. 96.
TEI 1 U. 1 To push or drive onward, impel, urge on. -2 To hasten forward. -Caus. To shoot, dart.
4519: Ved. Haste.
Tran a. Swift, fleet; 2196711 999 TA U.5.1 (v.l.).
I a. Rapid, swift, speedy. -m. An express, a courier.
TRT 1 A. 1 To begin to yawn. -2 To open the mouth.
Tot A kind of Prakrita metre.
TET 9 U. 1 To know, know about, be acquainted with. -2 To be aware of, find out. -3 To discern, distinguish. -Caus. ( a) 1 To show, point out (as way ). -2 To discover. -3 To call, summon, invite.
T* a. 1 Wise, intelligent, learned. -2 (At the end of comp.) conversant with.- A wise or learned man.
p. p. 1 Known, understood. -% Distingnished, discerned. -3 Distinct, clear. -4 Famous, well-known, renowned.
991 a. Prudent. -- 1 Intelligence, knowledge, wisdom. -2 A mark, token, sign; 951 4 97197 Rám. 2. 67. 30. -3 Discernment, judgment.
TECH Statement, assertion. Tanga p. p. Betrayed, disclosed.
Fares, art (oft s.), arhs a. Wise, intelligent, prudent. STT a. Wise, intelligent.
a. Bow-legged, bandy-legged; (so y). Ta 1 P. 1 To burn brightly, blaze up, shine ; Tot 99999: Bk. 14. 98. -2 To catch fire, be in flames, blaze up. -8 To be kindled (as anger ), to be incensed or wrathful. -Caus. (79a-sat- fa) 1 To kindle, set on fire. -2 To brighten, illumine, irradiate.
Taah 1 Blazing up, flaming, burning. -2 Kindling.
Trafoa p. p. 1 Being in flames, burning, flaming, blazing. -2 Bright, shining. -3 Burnt. -94 Burning.
FETCH. Kindling, setting on fire.
प्रज्वार: Fever; heat of fever ; प्रज्वारोऽयं मम भ्राता त्वं च # fait 49 Bhāg. 4. 27. 30.
प्रडीनम् 1 Flying in every direction; प्रडीनं सर्वतोयानम् Mb. 8. 41. 26 (com.). -2 Flying forward; see under 9.-3 Taking flight. Tot a. Old, ancient. gure: The point of a nail; Ch. Up.
TUE 1 P. To sound, resound, echo; Pozici: TUL ETT: Mb.; ferat: sofa &c.
TUCHH Sounding, a sound.
golea a. 1 Sounding. -2 Humming, buzzing ( 28 a bee). Forte: 1 A loud noise, shout, cry; FTAET HET
19219 EETTT: Si. 3. 24. -2 Roaring, a roar. -8 Neighing, braying. -4 A murmur of rapture; a burst of applause; huzza. - A cry for help. -8 A particular disease of the ear (a buzzing sound in the ear).
* p. p. 1 Ordered, prescribed. -2 Arranged (as a seat); Buddh.
Tara: f. 1 Agreement, engagement. -2 Teaching, informing, communicating. -3 A doctrine. -4 Intellect.
N. of a goddess, Vidyādevi (Jainism ).
Tar 1 Intelligence, understanding, intellect, wisdom; 371TTHET93: 941 HETTA: R. 1. 15; afferala a are TEU 91 afargar Be. 2. 57: Te farfa 95984 TITA
porno afava f al Subhāş. - Discernment, discrimination, judgment; इयं निष्ठा बहुविधा प्रज्ञया त्वध्यवस्यति Mb. 14. 30. 24. -3 Device or design. -4 A wise or learned woman. -8 Longing for ate ); impression ( T); i furio aria gas a Bri. Up. 4.4.2. -B N. of the goddess Sarasvati. - A particular Sakti or energy. -8 A true or transcendental wisdom; Buddb. -Comp.- e a missile, weapon; 17: FERIETY TEST YETU Mb. 6. 77. 53. -FT: nothing but intelligence; Bhāg. Ha, a. blind; (lit. having understanding as the only eyes); ततो ज्ञास्यसि मां सौते प्रज्ञाचक्षुषfarya Mb. 1. 1. 149; Bhāg. 1. 13. 28; Manodüta 115; N. 12. 106. (-m.) an epithet of Dhritarăstra; Mb. 3. 7. 24; Kávyamala, Part. 13. (-.) the mind's eye, mental eye, the mind; M. 1. - T THAT one of the transcendent virtues; Buddh. -HIST an organ of sense.
ar: a wise saying ; 39142191 919114 919 Bg. 2. 11. a. old in wisdom. 1 a. intelligent, wise. Ta a. void of wisdom, silly, foolish.
TUTE 1 P. 1 To bow down, salute, make a low obeisance to be humble with acc. or dative); 7 of aarta: K. 108; ai qua Sae H K. 228; Ku. 7. 27; THIT 90731 01414 174 Bg. 11. 44;
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