Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
। प्रकृतिमत्
te | Bg. 7. 4. -19 The way of life ( an); Hat the formation of words. -10 Good conduct, action;
Isi ha ganagar Mb. 12. 18. 27. (pl.) 1 A 1 art#1 Mb. 12. 111. 59 (com. # 96 king's ministers, the body of ministers or counsellors, -11 (In medicine) a prescription. ministry; 374191991: at Alqayfalafeah R. 12. 12;
1959 1 P. 1 To draw away, pull, attract. -2 To Pt. 1. 48; 3116401 Tit Harargrua 301. -2 The
lead ( as an army). -8 To bend (as a bow). -4 To subjects of a king ); wadai waleary 979: S. 7. 35; ufa: atraleigh R. 8. 18, 10. -3 The constituent ele
increase. - To draw or stretch out, prolong. - To
place before or in front. -7 To harass, disturb, afflict, ments of the state (la), i.e. 1 the king; -2 the
trouble. -8 To drag along cruelly ; 1991 ET PH - minister ; -3 the allies; -4 treasure; -5 army; -6 ter
HR a retar: Rām. 5. 63. 11. -Pass. To be enhanced ritory; -7 fortresses &c.; and the corporations of citi
or increased; 31197 FERITT faza la U. 7. 8. zons (which is sometimes added to the 7); fatigareagataherregtas 2 Ak. -4 The various sovereigns
9 : 1 Fxcellence, eminence, superiority; 99:to be considered in case of war; (for full explana- larut 95 T9: R. 3. 34; 99 fa Ku. 3. 28.-2 tion see Kull. on Ms. 7. 155 and 157). -5 The eight Intensity, high degree, excess; dar kalo U. 3. primary elements out of which everything else is -3 Strength, power. -4 Absoluteness. - Length, evolved according to the Sankhyas; see Sān. K. 3. -6 protraction. -6 Speciality.--7 Universality. (1999 and The five primary elements of creations ( Hema) ft are used adverbially in the sense of 'exceedingly', i. e. quat, 31, ai, ary and 31#T; fad free 'preeminently', 'in a high degree'.) 799 A Mb. 5. 73. 17. -Comp. : an
***: An epithet of the god of love. ordinary foe; Huf 1024cy Dk. 2. 4. T: a king or magistrate. C T a. beautiful by nature.
Terut a. Paining, harassing, troubling. -UTH 1 OUT a. naturally slow or una ble to discern; Me. 5. The act of drawing away; attracting. -2 Ploughing. Tu: one of the three constituent qualities of nature; - Duration, length, extension. -4 Excellence, supesee yw. -T a. innate, inborn, natural. - a. riority. -8 Distraction. -8 Realizing by the use of a fickle by nature, naturally inconsistent; walaatst pledge more than the interest of the money lent upon it. a: dat va affa; Amaru. 30.-15: a list of verbal
Tarca a. 1 Drawn out or forth. -2 Stretched out. roots (1998). -957: a minister, a functionary of
-3 Exceeded in profit (as the interest of a loan).-ah the state ); FT cat slagen Hea: Me. 6. -2
Profit on a pledge exceeding the interest of the money a standard or model of a man. - nature and spirit.
lent upon it. -12 a. natural, usual. (-a:) natural or original state. -HITTH usual food. - 5 # the whole ter
T T a. Excellent, pre-eminent. ritory or kingdom; reta farr
The p. p. 1 Drawn forth or out. -2 Protracted, CHR. 9. 2. : absorption into the Prakriti,
long, lengthy. -8 Superior, distinguished, excellent, dissolution of the universe. -forsla: mutation of the
eminent, exalted. -4 Chief, principal. - Distracted, original form. TH superiority of origin; Ms.
disquieted. -6 Violent, strong, excessive. 10. 3. -18 a. inborn, innate, natural; YaYasarwar wefaragha, R GTAH Bh. 2. 52. ETT a.
5 6 P. 1 To scatter, throw, pour out; 14: geqrori naturally lovely or agreeable. FT a. 1 being in the
ftatutarih Ve. 1. 2. -2 To sow (as seed). -3 natural state or condition, natural, genuine; gar To issue forth, spring up; HEIC ana u Rām. afaceri ara Rām. 7. 58. 17. -2 inherent, innate,
15. 7. 6 (com. ht qfaran). -pass. To disappear, incidental to nature; TEC Tuz sai te- vanish.
T : R. 8. 21. -8 healthy, in good health. -4 afTUTH Scattering about, strewing. recovered. - come to oneself. -6 stripped of everything, bare.
tot pp. 1 Scattered a bout, scattered forth,
thrown about, dispersed; प्रकीर्णमूर्धजा राजन् यक्षाधिपतिमब्रुवन् sfahrt a. 1 Natural, usual, common. -2 Having
Mb. 3. 161. 17. -2 Spread, published, promulgated. a reach frame of mind; 7: sfahrt aa: ruota gaia:
:- Waved, waving; art for: guten: Si. 12. 17. Rām. 2. 77. 21 (com. oldalt Fifa: ).
- Disordered, loose, dishevelled. -8 Confused, incoheFUT 1 Way, manner, conduct; 44 ad geh rent; बह्वपि स्वेच्छया कामं प्रकीर्णमभिधीयते Si.2.63. -8 Mb. 14. 79.3. -2 A rite, ceremony. -3 The bearing Agitated, excited. -7 Miscellaneous, mixed; as the of royal insignia. -4 High position, elevation. - A stafitofaros of Bhattikāvya. -8 Expanded, opened. -9 chapter or section of a book); as in
21. -
6 1 Standing alone. -10 Destroyed, killed ; 9 H (In gram. ) Etymological formation. - A privilege. waria cyf: Mb. 12. 215. 14. -11 Thickly covered; -8 An introductory chapter of a work. -9 Rules for
4 : Dk. 2. 2. -UTH 1 A miscellany, any
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