Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
gou 1 Questioning, asking, inquiring. -2 An inquiry into the future.
2 A. (e) To come in contact with, touch. पृड्, पृणू 6 P. (पृढ-ण- ति ) To delight, please. पृणाका The female young of an animal.
f. An army. (This word has no forms for the first five inflections and is optionally substituted for gal after acc. dual).
gang a. Ved. Hostile, inimical.
qarafa Den. P. To attack, encounter.
ga Ved. 1 A hostile encounter. -2 An army.
1 An army (in general). -2 A division of an army consisting of 243 elephants, as many chariots, 729 horse, and 1215 foot; see erft. -3 Battle, fight, encounter. -4 A hostile army. -5 (pl.) Men, mankind (Ved.). Comp. - an epithet of Indra. पृतनाज्यम् A close combat or fight; पृतनानामजनाद् वा पृतनाज्यं जयनाद् वा Nirukta.
पृतन्या An army; तां देवधानीं स वरूथिनीपतिर्बहिः समन्ताद् रुरुधे पृतन्यया Bhāg. 8.15.23.
10 U. (fafa-a) 1 To extend. -2 To throw, cast. -3 To send, direct.
q: Ved. 1 The palm of the hand. -2 A kind of measure (of 13 Angulas). Comp. - an epithet of Siva.
qind. 1 Soverally, separately, singly
: Bg. 1. 18; Ms. 3. 26; 7. 57.-2 Different, separate, distinet; सांख्ययोगौ पृथग् बालाः प्रवदन्ति न पण्डिताः Bg. 5.41 18.45 अवतीर्णोऽसि भगवन स्वेच्छीपा पृथः Bhag 11. 11. 28; a ganar fi Ki. 2. 27. -3 Apart, aside, alone; इति च भवतो जायास्नेहात् पृथक स्थितिभीरुता V. 4. 39. 4 Apart from, except, with the exception of, without; (with acc., instr., or abl.);
wives, or by wives of different classes. alone or separately.
Sk.; Bk. 8. 109. (1 to separate, divide, sever, analyse. -2 to keep off, avert.) -Comp. - 1 severalty, separateness. -2 distinction, difference. -3 discrimination, judgment. - distinct, separate. m. the individual spirit or soul (arr); (opp. to universal spirit or soul); Mb. 13. 120.8; Bhag. 8. 24. 30. - individual existence, individuality. -, - 1 separating, distinguishing. -2 analysing. - a separate or private affair; तेषां ग्राम्याणि कार्याणि पृथक् कार्याणि चैव हि Ms. 7. 120. a. belonging to a different family. m. (pl.) children of one father by different
a. going 1 a low man, an unen
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
lightened, vulgar man, the mob, low people; जनवच्छुचो व वशिन गन्तुमईसि R. 8.903 Ki.1.4.24. -2 a fool, a block-head, an ignorant man; fafa gfagfée: each easti gagan: Si. 16. 39. -3 a wicked man, sinner. - a. one holding 'dual' (a) doctrine; Mb. 12. 232. 33. -Tuff N. of a plant, Hemionitis Cordifolia (Mar. पिठवण ) -पिण्डः a distant relation who offers the funeral rice-ball separately and not together with other relations; Ms. 5. 78. -: the marking-nut (Mar. faul). I: separateness, individuality (no पृथक्त्वम्). योगकरणम् the separation of a grammatical rule into two. -: a. of different shapes or kinds. -fa a. of different kinds, diverse, various. - शय्या sleeping apart. -स्थितिः / separate
1 Separateness, severalty.-2 Individuality. -Comp. - निवेश: Subsistence on separateness; पृथक्त्वनिवेशात् संख्यया कर्मभेदः स्यात् and also संख्यायाश्च पृथक्त्वनिवेशात् Ms. 10.5 17; यावति संभवति तावति पृथक्त्वनिवेश एव ga: SB. on MS. 5. 3. 2. Hence graaf. It is considered to be a characteristic feature of ; SB. on MS. 5. 3. 2. g (Intr. used as adv.) Individually, separately यथा लोके पृथकत्वमा कुन दृश्यते देव मया कृषि कुर्युः ŚB. on MS. 10.6.40. पृथवी Soo पृथिवी
qar N. of Kunti, one of the two wives of Pandu. -Comp. -जः, -तनयः, -सुतः, सूनुः an epithet of the first three Pandava princes, but generally applied only to Arjuna ; अश्वत्थामा हत इति पृथासूनुना स्पष्टमुक्त्वा Ve. 3. 9; अभितस्तं पृथासूनुः स्नेहेन परितस्तरे Ki. 11. 8. -पतिः an epithet of Pandu.
पृथिका A centipede.
graft cf. Un. 1. 184] 1 The earth; (sometimes written पृथिवि also ). पृथिव्यां त्रीणि रत्नानि जलमन्नं सुभाषितम्. -2 Ground, soil. -3 The earth considered as one of the nine substances or five primary elements. Comp. इन्द्रः, -ईशः, -क्षित् । m., -पाल:, -पालकः, -भुज् m. -भुजः, -शुक्रः a king. -कम्पः an earthquake. -तलम् the surface of the earth. -fa: 1 a king. -2 Yama, the god of death.m. a mountain. -, - the circuit of the earth. -रुहः a tree; पवमानः पृथिवी रुहानिव R. 8. 9. : terrestrial world, the earth.
For Private and Personal Use Only
पृथु . ( - or [थ्वी / compar. प्रथीयसू, superi प्रविष्ठ ) Up. 1. 28] 1 Broad, wide, spacious, expansive ; पृथुनितम्ब q. v. below; सिन्धोः पृथुमपि तनुम् Me. 48. 2 Copious, abundant, ample; gaggof a cray V. 4. 47. -3 Large, great; रशः पृथुतरीकृताः Ratn. 2. 15 अरोधि पन्थाः पृदन्तशालिना Si. 12. 48; R. 11. 25. -4 Detailed, prolix. -8 Numerous. -6 Smart, sharp, clever. -7 Important. -8 Various. - 1 N. of fire or Agni. -2 N. of Visnu. -3 of