Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
gatam. [of. Un. 4. 231 ] The son of Budha 1 gefa Den. P. To have the hairs of the body and Ila and founder of the lunar race of kings. He erect, thrill (with joy &c.). saw the nymph Urvasi, while descending upon earth owing to the curse of Mitra and Varuna, and fell in
gefa a. Having the hairs of the body erect, love with her. Urvasi, too, was enamoured of the king
thrilled with joy; hence, rejoiced, enraptured ; gola who was as renowned for personal beauty as for truth-|
d-at aquag: K. P. fulness, devotion, and generosity, and became his gafeita. (- f.) Having the hairs of the body wife. They lived happily together for many days, and erect &c. -m. A species of Kadam ba tree. after she had borne him a son, she returned to the heaven. The king heavily mourned her loss, and she
gesa a. Thrilled with joy, rejoiced. was pleased to repeat her visits five successive times
gartai, Fy: N. of a sage, one of the mind-born and bore him five sons. But the king, who wanted her life-long company, was not evidently satisfied with
sons of Brahmā; Ms. 1. 35. this; and he obtained his desired object after he had
E: N. of a sage, one of the mind-born sons of offered oblations as directed by the Gandharvas. The Brahmā; Ms. 1. 35. story told in Vikramorvasiya differs in many respects ; 80 does the account given in the Sata patha Brahmana,
T The soft palate, uvula. based on a passage in the Rigveda, where it is said g :, - 1 Empty, bad or shrivelled grain ; that Urvasi agreed to live with Pururavas on two area 42 (arcy Ms. 10. 125 (v. 1.); conditions : namely that her two rams which she 919 39 9Tuy Pt. 3. 98. - 2 A lump of boiled rice. loved as children must be kept near her bed-side and -3 Abridgment, compendium, -4 Brevity, conciseness. never suffered to be carried away, and that he must -8 Rice-water. -6 Despatch, celerity. -7 Smallness. take care never to be seen by her undressed. The Gandharvas, however, carried away the rams, and so
gonfi m. A tree. Urvasi disappeared.]
g aH A horse's gallop. grift: 1 The current of a river. -2 The rustling gea, - ( 98-927 fea; Uạ. 2. 53 ] 1 A sandnoise of leaves (97-T ).
bank, sandy beach; रमते यमुनापुलिनवने विजयी मुरारिरधुना
Git. 7; R. 14.52; sometimes used in pl.; et gran Tisti, gaisa &c. See under gra.
megfuarycusa TH Ve. 1.2.-2 A small island left qe 1 P. (gáfa) 1 To fill. -2 To dwell, inhabit. in the bank of a river by the passing off of the water, -3 To invite said to be 10 P. in the last two senses ). an islet -3 The bank of a river.
g 1, 6 P., 10 U. (afa, qafa, acufaa) 1 To g estaat A river. draw or pull out. -2 To be great. -8 To be lofty. gforzi, gfri 1 N. of a barbarous tribe (usual-4 To be collected together, be gathered.
ly in pl.). -2 A man of this tribe, a savage, bar. g a . Great, large, wide, extensive. -: Horripi
barian, mountaineer; q: granata artear: 2:45a
39178 Hely: R. 16. 19, 32.-3 A hunter ; q ator lation. 7 Size, extent. A bunch.
i argfrazgesta70321 Tag: Kau. A. 2. 1. 19. ge : 1 Erection or bristling of the hairs of the body, a thrill of joy or fear ), horripilation; 715
gforth: A snake. चुचुम्ब नितम्बवती दयितं पुलकैरनुकूले Git. 13; मृगमदतिलकं लिखति gfest: N. of a sage, the founder of one of the aget har 7; Amaru. 59, 82. -2 A kind of siddhāntas in Astronomy. stone or gem; Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. -3 A flaw or defect in a gem. -4 A kind of mineral. - A ball of food
etam. N. of a demon, the father-in-law of with which elephants are fed ( argos). -8 Yellow
Indra; पुलोमानं जघानाजी जामाता सन् शतक्रतुः Hariv. -Comp. or piment, a dot of the same; airwa area -37ft:, - , - , -eq m. epithets of Indra. -Fi, F aca taa: got 99 Abhiseka. 4. 23. -7 A
- Sachi, daughter of Puloman and wife of Indra. Wine-glass. -8 A species of mustard. -9 See on:
GZAT N. of the wife of Bhrigu and mother of (1); Igua safat sar: 97474 Mb. 13. 91. 38
Chyavana. (com. at: siquiauga pala ). -10 A bunch. -Comp. -35 the nooke of Varuna.T T: an epithet ! ge : N. of a despised mixed tribe the progeny of Kubera. -364erection of the hairs of the body, born of a Nisāda male and Sūdra female, sa facialhorripilation
at at wala 92 :'); Ms. 4. 79; Bhāg. 9. 21. 10.
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