Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
eft m. (Used at the end of comp.) A leader, guide; ! after a. [faraht THT Patra, A-3 Ty. ] 1 Low, as in Tuft, dart, uit.
short, small, little, dwarfish. -2 Situated below, be
T afta p. p. [ #-
ing in a low position; argfegi afeita ef T4 OT 5 ] 1 Carried, conducted, led. -2 Gained, obtained. -3 Brought or reduced to -4
Bg. 6. 11; Ms. 2. 198; Y. 1. 131. -3 Lowered, deep
(as a voice ). -4 Low, mean, base, vile, worst; Spent, passed away; नीतं जन्म नवीननीरजवने पीतं मधु स्वेच्छया
: Bh. 2. 27; iary aud: Bhramarāstākam - Well-behaved, correct; see afl.
grantua: 59; Bv. 1.48. -8 Worthless, insignificant. -- 1 Wealth -2 Corn, grain.
: A kind of perfume ( *). - An excellent aftfa: f. 1 Guidance, direction, management. -2 cow. -24 The lowest point of a planet. -Comp. Conduct, manner of conducting oneself, behaviour,
- hi f. a low or vulgar expression. T h an course of action. -3 propriety, decorum. -4 Policy, epicycle. -3917 a. situated low in the sky. -T a. prudence, wisdom, right course ; facey ifa: 1 going downwards, descending (as a river ); nafa N. 5. 103 ; R. 13. 69; Ku. 1. 22. - A plan, contriv- विद्येव नीचगापि नरं सरित् । समुद्रमिव दुर्धर्ष नृपं भाग्यमतः परम् ॥ ance, scheme; 72: the area ca aiata # # H. -2 low, base, vile. ( - ) a river. (57) water. Mal. 6.3. - Politics, political scicence, statesmanship, - HT a. following low courses (said of women). political wisdom; aleg: Imma afarared Si. 2. 30; -TEH (in astr.) the part of the heavens in which a que harufu fatta farinat Bg. 10.38. -7 Righte- planet stands at its lower point ; ... तुला of रवि, वृषभ ousness, moral conduct, morality. -8 The science of of 4, of 47, 41 of 4, *7 of 95, of morality, morals, ethics, moral philosophy; farg afa- 7 , and 9 of fat; cf. y 19gafd fagurf at EDTI Bh. 2. 83. -9 Acquirement, acqui
Yavanesvara. onion. - a. of low origin, sition. -10 Giving, offering, presenting. -11 Relation, low-born; so f a . -6, - a kind of gem. support. -Comp. 21-9,-fagur, -FUT, -fara.
(ata). 1 one versed in policits, a statesman, politician. - 2 pru
1 a. 1 Low, short, dwarfish. -2 Low, soft (as dent, wise; fere af ritrat Tawa Udb. the voice). -3 Base, mean, vile. - T: N. of the car of Brihaspati. - error of con
(f) Fil An excellent cow; ( also ffatt). duct, mistake in policy. -14 a germ or source of intrigue; far a4 Pt. 1. feel 1 political science,
aft m. 1 The top of anything. -2 The head of political economy. -2 moral science, ethics. -faq: i an ox. -3 The owner of a good cow. the sphere of morality or prudent conduct.
: नीचकैस् ind. See नीचैस् below. 1 transgression of the rules of moral or political
often ind. Ved. Low, downward. science. -2 error of conduct, mistake in policy. -T H the 100 verses on morality by Bhartrihari. Ter the
ateite 8 U. 1 To lower ( as the voice). -2 To science of ethics or of politics ; morality. - pet: method
utter without an accent. of policy; ghi fauty fazifawiarz 1992. aft a. Ved. Being low or below, downwards ; fah Afacufar rosa: Il Pt. 2. 41.
(az:) ** * fart: ...... : Bhag. 5. 16. 54. aftfahrt a. 1 Skilled in politics. -2 Wise, prudent,
at ind. Often used with the force of an adjecsagacious. -3 Moral.
tive) 1 Low, beneath, below, underneath, down, downward; (opp. 54ft); alfayun 27
- efter: Ved. 1 Leading, guiding.-2 A guide, leader.
# Me.111.-2 Bowing down humbly, modestly; 22 - A way, trick, art. TT, TH A mode in music,
* 9749979 #2: R. 5. 62. -3 Gently, softly; 1991song.
a Me. 44. 4 In a low tone, with a low or depressed a a. Fit to be carried. -Comp. -37ef (*) . (a tone; a: TEC
T UPIT: leia Amaru. word or sentence) having a sense that can be only
70; TIT: P. I. 2. 30. -5 Short, small, dwarfish; guessed; ग्राम्योऽप्रतीतसन्दिग्धनेयार्थनिहतार्थता S. D.
afa fungua R. 3. 34. -M. N. of a mountain ;
offee faa tan lautet: Me. 25. -Comp. : Ef A channel for irrigation.
f. slow pace. He a. with downcast countenance. aftfart: See fa+T.
afts:, -54 [Pati facea a 39 P1-53- 74 2: नीकाश a. See निकाश; resembling; आकर्णमुल्लसितमम्बु
Ty.] 1 A bird's nest; sigurt Trafala S. 7. 11; feftirf TA19 at fadattu Si. 5. 35; Ki. 11. 5.
Traueafs h
: Me. -2 A bed, couch.
-3 A lair, den. - 4 The interior or a seat of a carriage Tre Ved. A stick for stirring up and testing
Futus fanath Bhāg. 4. 26. 2. -5 A place boiling rice (91797teet ); JS HiFarur: Jara: in general, a bode, resting place. -Comp. -35 , 37; Ry. 1. 162. 13,
a bird
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