Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
#T: N. of a barbarous tribe, a Chāņdāla. TET 1 P., 10 U. (qara, 20d-) 1 To take, seize. -2 To accept. -3 To side with.
TT: [ 427-349 ] 1 A wing, pinion; 319114 92199 la K. 317; 80 399a: fledged; 48 194 R. 4. 40; 3. 42. -2 The feather or feathers on each side of an arrow; 3dardutraat: ugrá 48: Jeyat zerat: (371:) Si. 20. 11. -3 The flank or side of a man or animal, the shoulder; स्तम्बरमा उभयपक्षविनीतनिद्राः R. 5. 72. -4 The side of anything, a flank; Coacu 92414H Ki. 14. 31. -5 The wing or flank of an army; yuqarog 1214 ( 1244-24) Ram. 7. 6. 69. -6 The half of anything. -7 The half of a lunar month, a fortnight comprising 15 days; there are two such paksas, 192: the bright or light half, and
-ara-927: the dark half ); aranes & Guilerargat farfa 4 R. 6.34; Ms. 1. 66; Y. 3.50;
AT HAN T 4 Tagtie Pt. 1. 92; Mb. 3. 260.5. -8 (a) A party in general, faction, side; y aan R. 6. 86; Si. 2. 117; ac
: Bg. 14. 25; R. 6. 53; 18. 17. () A family, race; Enraai 7819df HII HITA
: Mb. 13. 57. 40; fofo 94222241** Pt. 4. 2y. -9 One belonging to any party, a follower, partisan; विष्णुपक्षैः प्रतिच्छन्नैर्न भिद्येतास्य धीर्यथा Bhāg. 7.5.7; 792 Hart H. 1. -10 A class, multitude, host, any number of adherents; as 311°, 47o. -11 One side of an argument, an alternative, one of two cases; in the other case, on the other hand', qe aluat erarhagot: R. 4. 10; 14. 34 ; cf. qaz and 14.-12 A case or supposition in general; as in r . -13 A point under discussion, a thesis, an argument to be maintained. -14 The subject of a syllogism or conclusion (the minor term); de Tarraart 41: T. S., a: Jayar záratar: Si. 20.11 where it means a feather' also ). -15 A symbolical expression for the number two'. -16 A bird. -17 A state, condition. -18 The body. -19 A limb of the body. -20 A royal elephant. -21 An army; Mb. 2. 16.7.-22 A wall. -23 Opposition. -24 Rejoinder, reply. -26 A mass, quantity when in composition with words meaning 'hair'); 1989:; cf. a. -26 Place, position. -27 A view, notion, idea.--28 The side of an oquation in a primary division. -29 The ash-pit of a fire-place. -30 Proximity, neighbourhood. -31 A bracket. -32 Purity, perfection. -33 A house. -34 The sun according to Sāyaṇa ); 1991 1989414 -
U Rv. 3. 53. 16. -Comp. -3TET: logic, casuistry. -37-: 1 the 15th day of either half month, i.e. the day of new or full moon. - 2 the end of the wings of an army. -STATI 1 another side.-2 a different side or view of an argument. -3 another supposition.-3124T: = 4270 q.v. - ala: 1 palsy or paralysis of one side, hemiplegia.
-2 refutation of an argument. -3TTHIA: 1 a fallacious argument. -2 a false plaint. -316TT: eating food only once in a fortnight; 497CITI gia: TETTI aua Mb. 3. 26. 5. -Jariga a. showing partiality, adopting a side. - TA a. flying. -A&OTH choosing a party; taking the side of. -ata: = T&Tata: see above. - a. (a house wanting a side. -TC: 1 an elephant strayed from the herd. -2 the moon. -3 an attendant. -10 m. an epithet of Indra (clipper of the wings of mountains ); Frasa zaitei 1777 Ku. 1. 20. -37: the moon. T44 1 both sides of an argument. -2' a couple of fortnights', i.e. a month. IT a sidedoor, private entrance. E a. 1 winged. -2 adhering to the party of one, siding with any one. (- :) 1 a bird. -2 the moon. -3 a partisan. -4 an elephant strayed from the herd. -नाडी a quill. -निक्षेप: the placing on the side of, counting among. -91a: 1 siding with any one; यद् दुर्योधनपक्षपातसदृशं कर्म Ve. 3.5. -2 liking, desire, love, affection (for a thing); hafa Hog Rear: Ki. 3. 12; U. 5. 17; feguar a: 49a: Mu. 1. -3 attachment to a party, partisanship, partiality; 92191947 cat Hud M. l; a atha wana Bh. 1. 47. -4 falling of wings, the moulting of birds. -5 a partisan.-qaat, -a4 1 partisanship, adherence to a side or party. -2 friendship, fellowship. -3 movement of the wings; aq e 429aarsiasta fay higats a N. 2.52.-qat a. or subst. 1 siding with, adhering to, a party, attached or partial (to a particular cause); 491faat dar 3110 qrara Ve. 3. -2 sympathizing; Ve. 3. -3 & follower, partisan, friend; 7: 91929 v. 1. gif a private door. -ge: a wing. OTTO a. factious, promoting quarrels. -Targare: a case of the description of a thing which admits of two alternatives (cf. Daņdaviveka G. 0. S. 52, p. 21). -fars: a heron. -HT: 1 the side or flank. -2 especially, the flank of an elephant.
yleri f. the course traversed by the sun in a fortnight. - a. distinction between two sides of an argument. -रात्रिः a kind of play or sport. -वञ्चितकम् a particular position of hands in dancing. -a: paralysis of one side. -OH the root of a wing; 31wafaa4372407: ( za: By. 2. 99. -TEETT forming a party or faction. -a : 1 an exparte statement. -2 stating a case, expression of opinion. -ara: a bird. -Eurfa a. 1 embracing the whole of an argument. -2 pervading the minor term. -&a a. paralysed on one side; agar UIT TETETT Mb. 12. 180.39. -ET: 1 a bird. -2 a recreant, traitor. TTH: 1 a sacrificial rite lasting for a fortnight. -2 a rite to be performed every fortnight. TT*: 1 A side-door. -2 A side; "
T AHITIE: 945749a Si. 11. 7. -3 An associate, a partisan (at the end of comp.). -4 A fan.
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