Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
highway. H 1 a dust-heap. -2 a legal document (fig. also); iftung: gt: 9741fAffaflh Ku. 6.90; not made out in any particular person's name 914gata aru U. 7. 4; My. 4. 14. -8 Development (1697 ). Ha a. covered with dust. -TIL, of the consequences of acts done. -9 Grain, corn,
TET, -fencore 1 Playing in the sand. -2 Wrest- warf R.5.9. (neza sa 99: 47-27).-10 Ripeness; ing; Mb. 5. 169. 12. (Com. Ciglan4u rigy a HAT suppuration (as of a boil). -11 Greyness of hair grega grze.)TITH, ST a kind of salt. - ufuga a. caused by old age. -12 A domestic fire. -13 An owl. covered with dust.-चत्वरम् hail. -चन्दन: an epithet of -14 A child, young one. -16 N. of a demon killed by Siva. -THT: 1 a heap of dust. -2 a tent. -3 a bank Indra. -16 An abscess, ulcer. -17 A vessel, cookingcovered with Durvă grass. -4 praise. -8 bushes (?) utensil. -18 General fear and panic such as causes a carried by the current of the river; L. D. B. I ni revolution or some national calamity. -19 The subveran epithet of Vişnu. -faqta: a shower of dust; also sion of a country. -20 Inflammation, suppuration. ad: Ms. 4. 115. -TECH a mass or coating of dust. -Comp. -3T TIT:, -4,-
3 1T, TH- 21, -FOTO -पिशाच: a class of demons. -मर्दन: an excavation for a kitchen. -ratart: chronic dysentery. 38: water round the root of a tree, a trench or basin. obscuration of the cornea after inflammation. The -लवणम् a. kind of salt.
a. 1 ready for ripeness or development; n ga gie
at fast : R. 17.40.-2 inclined to favour; et a. Vitiating, contemptible.
a potter's kiln, pottery. -kor the act of cooking. CIE(37) a. (-71, --ft f.) (Usually at the end -T a. produced by heat. (- ) 1 black salt. -2 flatuof comp.) 1 Disgracing, dishonouring, defiling; IT- lence. - foga: a master in the art of cooking. -1974, af2 976: Frontan: Bhāg. 10. 74. 34; stieratea
y a cooking-utensil. -get a potter's kiln. Mv. 5. -2 Vitiating, spoiling. -3 Wicked, contempti- - hi a particular class of criminals. - a simple ble. -4 Infamous. - Contempt.
or domestic sacrifice (for some varieties of it , GIE (7) a a. Consisting of dust.
25a, 404-ee Kull. on Ms. 2. 143 ); ada 97641
99 a Pei Mb. 3. 30. 15 (com. 977491: JealEZT gigi A menstruous woman.
594: ); Bhāg. 6. 19. 24. ei, -a, - m. TIE (): 1 A gad-fly. -2 A cripple moved
epithets of Indra3 तत्र निश्चित्य कन्दर्पमगमत् पाकशासनः Ku.2. about in a wheel-chair.
63; Ki. 11. 1. - eta: 1 an epithet of Jayanta, sou
of Indra. -2 of Vali. -3 of Arjuna. Uret the pie ( a[ cigariet FH ] 1 Dusty,
science of cooking. - 8 chalk; 4 feug: fra covered with dust ; परिपाण्डु पांसुलकपोलमाननम् Mal. 2.4. ael et Sabdachandrika. FTTH 1 a kitchen. -2 Polluted, defiled, sullied, stained; raft warm -2 a potter's kiln. Tantusia: S. 5. 29. -8 Defiling, disgracing, dishonouring; as in iyo. 3 1 A profligate or licentious
T o: 1 Fire. -2 Wind. -8 A fever to which person, libertine, gallant. -2 One of the weapons of
elephants are subject; cf. 291405; 14x5byrai H uitSiva. -3 An epithet of Siva. , 34 A dusty
ta : Hantaan aa a a ach Il Matanga place. - 1 A monstruous woman. -2 An unchaste
L. 11. 50.-a. 1 Bringing to ripeness. -2 Quite black. or licentious woman; 31° a chaste woman, 8197garat great A pause of of an instance between two uit de R. 2. 2. -8 The earth.
short syllables; Maņdūki Śikṣł. qiga: A cripple.
I a. ( At the end of comp.) 1 Becoming ripe, 97a. 1 Small. -2 Praiseworthy. -3 Of perfected ripening.-2 Being digested. or matured intellect. -4 Ved. Very young. -8 Simple, genuine. - Honest, sincere. -7 Ignorant. - 97-41]
H a. 1 Cooked, dressed. -2 Ripened (naturally 1 Cooking, dressing, baking, boiling. -2 Burning, or artificially ). -8 Got by boiling (as salt). (as bricks ), baking; ga: 9177 4444 (para) Ms.
6, : A cook. 5. 122; Y. 1. 187; # gary : 7 fat qe भवति । अन्यथालक्षण ओदनस्य पाकः अन्यथालक्षणो गुडस्य । SB.
TIFU a. To be cooked, dressed, matured &c. - on MS. 7. 2. 20. -3 Digestion (as of food ); E
Salt-petre. Het geau de 394 Mb. 12. 194. 10. -4 Ripe- TTT a. (eft f.) #a: Sto) 1 Belonging to a ness; siqa: 47917781: Ms. 1. 46; ara 79
lunar fortnight, fortnightly. -2 Relating to a party, FEHET V. 4. 27; Mal. 9.31. -8 Maturity, full or perfect development; o, afa. -6 Completion, accom
Terra a. (- f.) Partial, factious plishment, fulfilment; युयोज पाकाभिमुखै त्यान् विज्ञापना फलैः ।। of a. ( f.) 1 Belonging to a fortnight, R. 17. 40. -7 Result, consequence, fruit, fruition fortnightly. - Belonging to a bird. -8 Favouring
8. s. $t....92€
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