Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Trata. See 918872. - See 74; sed ankara. Tietoa. ( f.) Coming from a pool. प्रजापाल्यमनन्तरम् .
tra: A particular wind-instrument: (Mar. qrar). पालयित m. A protector, guardian; शचीसखो मरुता Taga mea (FET) R. 8. 32.
17 a. [7-097] Purifying; ruta 4ra fecar
Hora: Mb. 12. 18. 4. - 1 Fire; 919 HIEHT o r. p. 1 Protected, guarded, preserved. -2
za 599rawiams 4: R. 11.75; 3.9; 16. 87. Observed, fulfilled.
-2 Agni or the god of fire. -3 The fire of lightning. पिपालयिषुः (Desiderative from पाल्) Desirous to -4 The Chitraka tree. -5 The number three'. -8 A protect; 2143 Hadid 99 cha: Siva B. 31. 32. person purified by religious abstraction, saint, sage.
-7 Good conduct or behaviour. -8 N. of Varuua. TIT : N. of a sage, son of Karenu ( who first
- 1 The wife of Agui. -2 Ved. N. of Sarasvati. taught the science of elephants). -24 The science of
Comp. -3T TOT: an epithet of a plant called B y elephants.
(Mar. 217 ). - f.a flash of fire. - a TO: 1 The olibanum tree. -2 A hawk - fiery weapon ; 93-99 91971H U. 6. 5/6. TECHN: 1 Incense.
an epithet of Kartikeya. -2 N. of a sage called get 91797, - Incense.
who married the daughter of Duryodhana of the
Ikşvaku family. --for: m. The Süryakanta Maņi. a. ( f.) Made of the powdered sesamum- -fre: (= fafara: ) Saffron ; Siva B. 30. 19. seed.
grafe: 1 An epithet of Kārtikeya. -2 Of the पालवी A kind of vessel.
sage gesia. TOT a. (aftf.) [42727-8707] 1 Belonging to or
पावकीय a. Fiery (as a weapon); सर्वत्रावर्तमुद्रां विदधति coming from the Palasa tree. -2 Made of the wood
Set 4: 91914: B. R. 7. 33. of the Palasa tree; Ms. 2. 15. -3 Green; 41-ataifa ASTITIH Bri. S. -T: The green colour. Comp. 3, T T a. (-aft f.) [ 9-form] 1 Purifying, freeing
que: an epithet of the Magadha country. -tatet: from sin, purificatory, sanctifying; giganfaat farqoutBurning a human corpse with Pālāsa wood in case for T utt: 919-11: S. 6. 17; R. 15. 101; 19. 53; a ri it is not burnt in the normal course. Śabda Chi. agata a Qui Bg. 18. 5; Ms. 2. 26; Y. 3. 307. Tips:, f. 1 The tip of the ear; 1999: Git. 3.
-2 Sacred, boly, pure, purified; 79198 47 942 1944 -2 The edge, skirt, margin; faydi yng Mb. 7. 191.
Ku.5. 17. -3 One living on wind (a Sadhu); 4: 30; hela faayat 591014 Bh. 3. 55. -3 The sharp
क्षीरं वनस्थानां मुनीनां गिरिवासिनाम्। पावनानां बनाशानां बनाश्रमside, edge or point of anything (12); 019s na affa
farfall Mb. 13. 14. 124. - 1 Fire. -2 Incense. 2190247 faste TICH Bv. 2. 9. -4 Boundary,
-3 A kind of demi-god or Siddha. -4 N. of the poet limit. -8 A line, row; fazy 91 Gīt. 6; Si. 3. 51;
Vyasa. -5 N. of Visnu. - 1 Purifying, purificaTayf i esta fallunt FATTI Rām. Ch.
tion; विष्णोर्भूतानि लोकानां पावनाय चरन्ति हि Bhāg.11.2.283;
491f aa919 Git. 1; My. 1. 26; Ms. 11. 85. 2. 52.-6 A spot, mark. -7 A causeway, bridge. -8 The lap or bosom. -9 An oblong pond. -10 Mainte
-2 Penance. -8 Water. -4 Cow-dung. - A sectarial nance of a pupil by his teacher during the period of
mark. -8 Any means of purification; Beatif yarar:
fahar: qarat: U. 1. 13.-7 Atonement, expiation. -8 his studies. -11 A louse. -12 Praise, eulogium. -13 A woman with a beard. -14 The hip. 18 A measure of
Incense (F ). -Comp. -ala: a conch-shell. capacity (979). -16 A circumference. A pot,
a ft 1 The holy basil. -2 A cow. -3 The river boiler. Comp. -371HT: a disease of the outer ear.
Ganges. ver: a kind of fever. H*: the bursting of a dike.
Taart An epithet of particular Vedic hymns T 1 The tip of the ear. -2 The sharp edge
especially those of Rv. 9. and Av. 19. 71 &c.). of a sword or of any cutting instrument. -3 A butterknife; Rām. 1. 73. 21.-4 A pot or boiler.
fara a. cleansed, purified, sanctified, made holy;
pozitsi meistarada as ca21 | Sankara. arreta Greyness of hair caused by old age, hoariness.
पावित्र्यम् Purity. पालिन्द: Incense.
giferat a. Purificatory; 2: Foarfait THTपाल्लवा A game with twigs.
Ha Ha HT 2: Ki. 18. 36. gran a. Diffusive, digressive.
07 a. To be cleansed or purified; Bk.
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