Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
tel: Mb.7. 144. 22. - another's property (as q uafa farre SH Si. 16. 30. -atfor: 1 a judge. wife &c.); p afsi aggod gar Ms. 9.42-3. -2 a year. -3 N. of the peacock of Kārtikeya. at: oftra: humiliation or injury suffered from others. 1 rumour, report. -2 objection, controversy.-
e m . - fara a. One who does not depend on others for a disputant, controversialist. x. the abode of his sustenance and performs the 449s faultlessly the Supreme Being. a: an epithet of Dhritarăstra. and takes food in his own house. - ca a. one who - a word expressive of something else; TTT depends upon others for his sustenance but performs 977 at ac at SB. on MS. 7. 2 1. 9 the usual ceremonies before cooking; पञ्चयज्ञान् स्वय कृत्वा ind. the day after tomorrow. - a. 1 1880परानमुपजीवति । सततं प्रातरुत्थाय परपाकरतस्तु सः॥-पाकरुचिः ciated with another. -2 fighting with another. an: having a liking for others' food; 9791981 Furcia- the soul. aut a. homogeneous with a following Hurga Y. 1. 112. qu: another's food, food given letter (in gram.). - ind. into the hands of anby another. 377 a., a. one who eats another's other. Sat a woman given in marriage. Har service food or one who feeds at the cost of another; alçaise of another. i another's wife. a4 another's pro47905972 : Mk. 8. 25/26; (-m.) a servant. Et perty; 1991 41 raiz: at car feat R. 1. 27; a. feeding upon another's food; 9 1908 : Bh. Ms. 7. 123. 'TOH seizing another's property. - Ta. -Tery: a conqueror, hero. -950: 1 another man, a killing enemies. -iga a. 1 benevolent. -2 profitable stranger. -2 the Supreme Spirit, Visņu. -3 the hus- to another. -तम् the welfare of another; सन्तः स्वयं band of another woman. -99 a. 1 fed or nourished by nieaf ETHITT: Bh. another. -2 Stranger. (-:) the (Indian ) cuckoo.
Tot a. 1 Belonging to another; 3791 PICHA: the mango tree. -get 1 the Indian ) cuckoo.
977 Ta . 4. 22; Ms. 4. 201. -2 Stranger, hostile. -2 a parasitical plant. -3 a harlot, prostitute.-qat a woman who has or had a former husband ; Ms. 3. 166;
- Another's wife, a woman not one's own, one पति हित्वाऽपकृष्टं स्वमुत्कृष्टं या निषेवते । निन्द्यैव सा भवेल्लोके परपूर्वेति
of the three main kinds of heroines; see pealt and S. ya Ms. 5. 163.- T m. son of the great grand
D. 108 et seq.; cf. also 879929795410TIT 97814 son. -Tos (see fata).-16: a servant, menial, slave.
द्विधा । परोढा कन्यका च । कन्यकायाः पित्राद्यधीनतया परकीयता । & n. the Supreme Spirit; cf.
for Bh.
Rasamañjari. qaat Sa A: Sankara ( 42431217). -TTT: TEFTATE, VET: An epithet of Varuņa. 1 another's share. -2 superior merit. -3 good fortune,
qraq ind. 1 From another ; 47: Fa: a yor prosperity. -4 (a) excellence, superority, supremacy; atram: HTT TT T T 9151
aqat 2014 Bv. 1. 120.-2 From an enemy; TO 51 Pt. 1.330; 5. 34.
Teia astea: R. 3. 48. -3 Further, more than ), (6) excess, abundance, beight; F45STET HEE4STT lazar
: HIT Git. 10; 3 hfa
beyond, after, over (often with a bl.); 21 :
4973TTO19 R. 5. 70; Ku.7. 17; Ki. 5. 30; 8. 42; Si. 7. 33;
Bg. 3. 42. -4 Otherwise. -5 Differently. -6 Further, 8. 51; 10. 86; 12. 15. -5 the last part, remainder. -
afterwards. a. loving another. -Ya: the being second member in Trreth 1 The following of another letter, posterioa compound. - HITT a foreign tongue.- a. enjoyed rity. -2 Distinction, difference. -3 Remoteness. -4 or used by another;
T r ata
: Consequence, result. - Enmity, hostility. -8 Priority स पच्यते कालसूत्रे यावच्चन्द्रदिवाकरौ॥ Brav.P.-भूतa.following, of place or time, proximity, one of the 24 gunas of subsequent (as words ).- m. a crow said to nourish the Vaiseşikas. the cuckoo ). a a. nourished by another. Wai,-a
TEET ind. 1 In another world, in a future birth; the Indian ) cuckoo; (so called because she is nouri
TE 2 THOR. 1. 69; Ku. 4. 37; Ms. 3. 275; 5. 166; shed by another i. e. by a crow); nafarla
8. 127.-2 In the sequel, further or later on. -3 HereFarah
: a3 992 $. 5. 22; Ku. 6. 2; R. 9.43; S. 4. 10. -ACH 1 another's opinion. -2 dif
after, in future. -74 Future world. -Comp. 716:
one who stands in awe of the future world, a pious or ferent opinion or doctrine; heterodoxy. -H T a. knowing the secrets of another. ry: a crow. -THU:
religious man. a married woman's gallant or paramour; tarafta 97THÌ Ter ind. (like 37-472) Otherwise; Cholachampū
TEAT60445119: Pt. 1. 180. On the next or fur- kāvya 5.5; P. 4; P. 13. ture) world; परलोकनवप्रवासिनः प्रतिपत्स्ये पदवीमहं तव Ku. 4. 10. गमः, °यानम् death. °विधि funeral rites 3; परलोक
Tiag a. (cf. P. III. 2. 39 ] Annoying or vexing fait 7 Fangre (faraa: 17:) Ku.4. 38.
others, subduing one's enemy; Bg. 4. 2; 4: 49 Tau
#: 4174: R. 15. 7. -T: A hero, conqueror. -art, at a. subject to another, dependent, dependent on others; qasig chair gah. -1934 TTH a. ( 93 area hifaa Tv. ) 1 Most distant, last. a fault or a defect of another; gerufe Aqui ACT 1-2 Highest, best, most excellent, greatest; sala qui
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