Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Familiar, intimate or acquainted with; ff! कृपया Mu. 6. 12; शश्वत् परिचितविविक्तेन मनसा S. 5. 10. -3 Learnt, practised.
afferfa: Acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy.
10 U. 1 To think, consider, judge; तावत् परिचिन्तय स्वयं कदाचिदेते यदि योगमर्हतः Ku. 5. 67; कथं विद्यामहं योगिस्त्वां सदा परिचिन्तयन् Bg. 10. 17. -2 To think of, remember, call to mind. -2 To devise, find out.
परिचिन्तनम् Thinking of remembering.
aft 10 P. To urge, impal, exhort; gêne afetiveगुणैश्च Ms. 3. 233.
परिचुम् 1 P. To kiss pioustely परिचुतमजराम् S. 5. 1; Rs. 6. 17; विस्रब्धं परिचुम्ब्य जातपुलकामालोक्य गण्डस्थलीम् Amaru 82
परिचुम्बनम् Kiring persionately परिचितपरिचुम्बनाभियोगादपगतकुङ्कुमरेणुभिः कपोलैः Si. 7. 63.
10 U. 1 To cover, clothe; after Pt. 2; diftadata: (:) H. 3. 9. -2 To hide, conceal. -3 To surround with.
1 Retinue, train. -2 Paraphernalia.
a: 1 A covering, cover, canopy, awning; विद्यालयं सितगृहं सपरिच्छदं तत् Bil. Ch. 20; पयः फेननिभा शम्या दान्ता रुक्मपरिच्छदा Bhāg.] दर्शनीयास्तु काम्बोजा शुरुपत्रपरिच्छदाः Mb. 7.23.7 (com. शुकपत्रपरिच्छदाः शुकपत्रा भरोमाणः ) -2 A garment, clothes, dress; शाखावसक्तकमनीयपरिच्छदानाम् Ki. 7. 40. 8 Train, retinue, attendants, circle of dependants; नरपतिरतिवाहयांबभूव कचिदसमेत परिच्छदस्त्रियामाम् ; R. 9. 70. - Paraphernalia, external appendage, (as छत्र, चामर ); सेना परिच्छदस्तस्य R. 1. 19. -5 Goods and chattels, personal property, all one's possessions or belongings (utensils, implements &c.): fee
भवेद्राष्ट्रात सद्रव्यः सपरिच्छदः Ms. 9. 241; 7.40; 8. 405; 9. 78; 11. 76; अभिषेकाय रामस्य यत्कर्म सपरिच्छदम् Rām.; gumenoff edgrarà garum: | equitarse: afte: aftes far: -6 Necessaries for travelling.
qft: Train, retinue.
परिच्छन्न p. p. 1 Enveloped, covered, clothed, clad. -2 Overspread or overlaid. -3 Surrounded with (a retinue).
q 7 U. 1 To tear, cut off, tear to pieces. -2 To wound, mutilate. -3 To separate, divide, part; ara ч Sk. - To fix accurately, set limits to, define, decide, distinguish or discriminate; भगवती नौ गुणदोषतः परिच्छेत्तुमर्हति M. 1; (न) यशः परिच्छेत्तुf R. 6. 77; 17. 59; Ku. 2. 58. 5 To avert, obviate, remedy..
qft: f. 1 Accurate definition, limiting. -2 Partition, separation, division. -8 Limit, measure; P. III. 3. 20. com.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
परिच्छिन्न p. p. 1 Cut off, divided. -2 Accurately defined, determined, ascertained; q
Ku. 2. 58. -3 Limited, circumscribed, confined. 4 Remedied.
qft: 1 Cutting, separating, dividing, discrimi nating between right and wrong). -2 Accurate, definition or distinction, decision, accurate determination, ascertainment; परिच्छेदव्यक्तिर्भवति न पुरःस्थेऽपि विषये Mal. 1. 31; परिच्छेदातीतः सकलवचनानामविषयः 1.30 trans ending all definition or determination' इत्याहुतमaf : S. 5. 9.-3 Discrimination, judgment, discernment; परिच्छेदो हि पाण्डित्यं यदापन्ना विपत्तयः । अपरिच्छेदकर्तॄणां विपदः स्युः पदे पदे H. 1. 128; किं पाण्डित्यं परिच्छेदः 1. 127. 4 A limit, boundary, setting limits to, circumscribing; M. 2. -8 A section, chapter or division of a work (for the other names for section &c. see under ). -6 A segment. -7 Remedying. 8 A measure. परिच्छेदकम् Limitation.
1 Discriminating. -2 Dividing. -3 A division of a book.
परिच्छेद्य a. 1 To be accurately defined, definable; प्रत्यक्षोऽप्यपरिच्छेद्यो मह्यादिर्महिमा तव R. 10.28. -2 To be weighed or estimated.
aftey 1 A. 1 To go away or fly off from, escape. -2 To proceed from. -3 To swerve, fall off from, deviate, leave. To lose, be deprived of. -5 To drop or fall down. 6 To be displaced or ejected from. -7 To be freed from. -8 To come down, descend.
1 Descending from heaven. -2 Loss, deprivation of.
aftsgfa: . 1 Falling down -2 Swerving, de
qft: 1 Attendants, followers, servants taken collectively ; परिजनो राजानमभितः स्थितः M. 1. -2 Espe cially, the retinue, suite, or train of females, the maids of a lady; अन्यभूत् परिजनागनारतम् R. 19. 23. -3 A single
aft Service; the condition of a servant; परिजनताऽपि गुणाय सद्गुणानाम् Ki. 10.9.
परिजन्मन m. 1 The moon. -2 Fire.
aftaferay. A covert indication (as by a servant) of one's own skill, superiority &c. by pointing out the cruelty, deceitfulness and such other faults of his master; Ujjvalama ni thus defines it:-- सविता व्यक्तिर्मया स्यात् परिजल्पितम् ॥ (Wilson renders the word by 'the covert reproaches of a mistress neglected or ill-used by her lover'.)
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