Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
TITE 4 P. 1 To leave, give up, quit, abandon ; 41- except, outside, with the exception of; as in off
gur gufaa Ki. 5. 27. -2 To expel- To reject, gê fea: P. II. 1. 12; VI. 2. 33. According to P. II. repudiate; इति यदुक्तं तदपि परास्तम् S. D. 1.
1. 10 ft may be used at the end of adverbial comp. afarag a. Wishing to drive away; faqat: -
after 372, TT, and a numeral to denote loss or fagyta: Ki. 12. 34.
defeat in a game by an unlucky or adverse cast of
dice' (wayat T ari 413) e. y. 3724ft, 11परासः The range of anything thrown. -सम् Tin. uft, auft; cf. 3714ft; (b) round about, all round, TIETH Killing, slaughter.
surrounded by; as in a 'in the midst of flames'.
-5 At the end of an adjectival comp. f has the Torta p. p. 1 Thrown or cast away. -2 Expelled, sense of 'exhausted by' or 'feeling repugnance for'; turned out. -3 Repudiated. -4 Refuted, rejected. -8 as in zya: = 971 asezata. Defeated, overcome.
TFT 1 A religious tale or narrative; Buddh. Tot a. 1 Thrown away.-2 Set aside, rendered | Divyāvadāna.-2 A work giving the history and advenuseless.
tures of a fabulous person, a work of fiction. -8 A TTE a. 1 Lifeless, dead; 1 Tigre TICHT: R.15.56;
fairy tale. 9. 78. - One whose vital spirit is departed. - T eat, qft a. Full of, teeming with ( in comp.). - gray 1 Exhaustion, death; fa gai & Tigai
Titott: 1 A great terror. -2 Violent tremour or Fagu Ki. 10. 50.-2 A dependent life (rara);
trembling; विरमतु परिकम्पः कातरे क्षत्रियासि Mv.2.27. THEY HAUT a TFFH: 419ar Mb. 12. 158. 4.
tet: 1 Retinue, train, attendants, followers. TIT: Arrest, imprisonment.
-2 A multitude, collection, crowd; herrietaTTT m. A thief.
9f #TFLEETYE: Ratn. 3. 5. - A beginning, com
mencement; TAFITF#: asfabaf: Bb. 1. 6. TIET 2 P. 1 To strike or beat back, strike down,
-4 A girth, waist-band, cloth worn round the loins; repulse, repel, overthrow, drive back; 01699TIETH
#THI: Si. 4. 65; 91 ** True or 'to gird up one's Rām.-2 To attack, assail; 721219TEN 2499 H Mal.7.
loins, to make oneself ready, prepare oneself for any - To dash against, strike.
action'; axta qari qah K. 170; auf : fra: q6a p. p. 1 Struck down or back. -2 Driven
Sivamahimna 20; $9fa7f4 Palette P H a back, repelled, repulsed. -3 Assailed, attacked. -
4 treffufagh Ve. 3; G. L. 47; ha u f : A stroke. -fa: f. Contradiction.
Hata a Amaru. 97; U. 5. 12. -5 A sofa.
-6 (in Rhet.) N. of a figure of speech which consists परि ind. (Sometimes changed to परी, as परिवाह or in the use of significant epithets; feru iedot: attare, fare or are 1 As a prefix to verbs and
td # K. P. 10; e. y. gaia antigrat a a: nouns derived from them, it means (a) round, round fra: Chandr. 5. 59. -7 (In dramaturgy ) Covet or about, a bout; (b) in addition to, further; (c) opposite indirect intimation of coming events in the plot or a to, against; (a) much, excessively. -2 As a separable drama, the germ or the s q . v; see S. D. 340. preposition it means (a) towards, in the direction -8 Judgment. -9 A helper, colleague, co-worker. of, to, opposite to with an acc.); iuft fanida
qa rte 1 Cutting, cutting off. -2 A circular fagt; () successively, severally with an acc.); i a f faald 'he waters tree after tree'; (c) to
incision. -3 Cutting out. -4 A shooting pain. the share or lot of showing Hr or participation ) ofta r A. sharp shooting pain, especially in the (with acc.); 477 a t Fit 'what may fall to my rectum. lot'; or galef oft Sk.; (a) from, out of; (e) except,
oftrid m. A priest who performs the marriage outside of, with the exception of with a bl.); of a a: orara 4014: Vop.; (f) after the
ceremony of a younger brother whose elder brother is lapse of; ft TT; (y) in consequence of; (1) be
not yet married ; परिकर्ता याजकः Harita f. परिवेत्तृ. yond, more than; 4: 9f 7T&T Mb. 3. 1. 11 (com.
H m . A servant. -. 1 Painting or perfum317 &T: qzcz :;() according to, in accordance ing the body, personal decoration, dressing, toilet; with; () above, over. 3 As an adverbial prefix to
Karto r S. 2. -2 Painting or dyeing the foot ; nouns not directly connected with verbs, it means na offor Fa: Ku. 4. 19. -3 Preparation. -4 'very', 'very much, 'excessively'; as in 4 'bursting Worship, adoration; fata ftato fia: Bhag. into tears'; so tugati, tedy. -4 At the begin- ! 2. 9. 29. -5 (In Yoga phil.) Purifying, a means of ning of adverbial compounds of means (a) without, purifying the mind; sulfatefact faute T2617
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