Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
ferupataisgar: $.1.14. -2 A discharge, flux, sap, juice; ! ET: 1 Denial, concealment of knowledge; T: Futsafarraparez : U. 2. 21; Mal. 9. 6. 3 A Fanfaraca: Mal. 1. 12; Chandr. 5. 27. -2 Secrecy, flow, stream, Auid that trickles down ; Pen y concealment in general; निहवे याचितो दद्याद्धनं राज्ञे च तत्समम् saradó: R. 14.3; 3. 41; 16.70; Harretat: 10.57; Y. 2. 11, 267. -3 A secret. -4 Mistrust; doubt, susMe. 44. -4 Necessary consequence or result. -8 Utter- picion. -8 Wickedness. -6 Atonement, expiation; 29 ing, declaring.
fara fra: #ayayd Ms. 9. 21. -7 Contradiction. free a. 1 Trickling or flowing down, oozing.
-8 Obscuring, surpassing. -9 Excuse, exculpation.
Comp. Han evasive reply. afm. a -Dropping or pouring down; 4 af4 HA1190 . 7.
defendant or witness who prevaricates or gives evasive
replies. fara, farala: 1 A stream, torrent. -2. The
f aT scum of boiled rice. -3 Flowing forth.
1 Denial or concealment of knowlege. -2 fare :, fareata, faralara
Excuse, exculpation. 1 Noise, voice; yarat fatas: R. 3. 19; Rs. 1. 8; Ki. 5. 6. -2 The fra p. p. 1 Denied, disowned. -2 Concealed, whistling sound of an arrow (only Atalar in this sense). ! dissembled. ET 2 P. 1 To kill, destroy; equat PEH: Bk.
Fafa f. 1 Denial, concealment of knowledge; yout 2. 34; 6. 10; R. 11. 71; Y. 3. 262. -2 To strike, hit; NEC a Pae: R. 7.44 ; Ms. 7. 27.-3 To conquer,
647 ga ragaz: 0917 94 Amaru. 9. -2 Dissiovercome; Party 5 184414:21 Pt. 1. 361. - To i mulation, reserve. -3 Secrecy, concealment in general. beat, strike (as a drum); af faa Bk. 14. 2.-5
faerg: A sound; cf. facta, 49 agra rao To counteract, oppose, render void, frustrate; 99089
Bu. Ch. 3. 60; Ara: agre: fara R. agaf eHà f at: R. 12. 92. - To cure (as a disease). - To disregard. -8 To remove, dispel; at agi aft 1 U. (79fa-, Parata-rata, s a-ag, Aufaa,
r agic ath afu mefa Ki. 5. 36.-9 To aan, t) One of the roots that govern two accusatives, strike in, infix. -10 (In gram.) To cut off, separate; see examples below ) 1 To carry, lead, bring, convey, aferata II y far farza Sk. on P. VII. 1. 28, take, conduct; अजां प्रामं नयति Sk; नय मां नवेन वसतिं 29, 30. -Caus. To kill, destroy.
T aT V. 4. 43.-2 To guide, direct, govern; 96:
99yauga: M. 1. 2. 3 To lead away to carry or faka p. p. 1 Struck down, smitten, killed, slain. -2
bring away; at a flar guru Bk. 6.49; R. 12. 103; Struck into, infixed. -3 Attached or devoted. Comp.
Ms. 6. 88. - 4 To carry off; Sänti. 3. 5. -5 To carry - ar a kind of fault in poetry; atsarrafera
off for oneself (Atm.). - To spend, or pass (as time); faparfar S.D.
4914 Teatae fear 1997 By. 1. 10; ficar a fakah Killing, slaughter.
Alat Me. 2; fag: 22a fari faard R. 1.95.-7 To fagra a. 1 A killer. -2 Destructive, murderous. bring or reduce any person to any state or condition ;
YER: K. 143; tra 9971 Ratn. 3. faka: Invocation, summoning, calling; Ch. Up.
3; R. 8. 19. (In this sense the root is used with Pag Killing, slaughter.
substantives much in the same way as 5 q. v.; e. g. faraht 1 The Gangetic alligator. -2 A storm.
e off to reduce to misery; asi off to reduce to subjecfaer See here.
tion, win over ; 3 to cause to set; farsi # to
destroy ; ftala ft to gratify, please ; Tai- &c. fafga p. p. 1 Placed, laid, lodged, situated, depo
# to reduce to the state of a Sudra, slave &c. ; # sited; 3 preala Ki. 7. 34. -2 Delivered,
to admit as a witness; og off to inflict punishment entrusted. -3 Bestowed upon; applied to. -4 Inserted
upon, to punish; 975 fiat # to render superfluous; infixed. - Treasured up. - Held. -7 Laid (as dust).
विक्रय नी to sell; भस्मता-भस्मसात् नी to reduce to ashes &e. -8 Uttered in a deep tone. -9 Encamped (as an army).
-8 To ascertain, investigate, inquire into, settle, de-Comp. - a. One showing clemency.
cide; is face a u : Y. 2. 19; a tag frata a. 1 Low, vile; fagtergrad Folgar 991
f agufua Mb. -9 To trace, track, find out; Mb. 3. 278. 29. -a: A low man, one of vile origin.
garsanaa HATA MS. 8. 252, 256;
qirg: 47 8.44; Y. 2. 151. -10 To marry. -11 To FATE 2 A. 1 To hide, conceal; 2 Paginea
exclude from. -12 (Atm.) To instruct, give instrucgreta Mu. 1.1; Bk. 10. 36. -2 To deny or dissimu- tion in; T aga Sk. -Caus. (
a f ) To cause to late before any one, to hide from with dat.); 3431 lead, carry &c. (with instr. of agent); HT 14face SÀ A FATafa: Bk. 8. 74.
4K. 38. -Desid. (aftafa-) To wish to carry &c.
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