Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
farfara 1 Covered, overcast, overspread;
P. P.
fat fafa garai : Si. 17. 14. -2 Full of, filled. -3 Raised up. - Piled or heaped up. -5 Constipated (as the bowels).
निचिकी, नैचिकी An excellent cow.
fg: Ved. 1 The sea, a gush, flood; fig: Rv. 8. 93. 22. -2 An epithet of Soma. -3 N. of an avabhritha q. v.
1 A kind of reed. -2 N. of a poet and friend of Kālidāsa ; स्थानादस्मात् सरसनिचुलादुत्पतोदङ्मुखः खम् Me. 14 (where Malli. observes:-fag a graf: कालिदासस्य सहाध्यायः ; but this explanation is very doubtful). -3 An upper garment, cover; cf. f. - The tree called fg, (Barringtonis Acutangula). 8 A lotus. -8 A cocoa-nut tree; flags पिच Nm.
1 A breast-plate, cuirass. - An categ garment. -3 A case box; a figo quiz B. R. 6. 42.
निचुलित . Being in a case; eased; निर्मोकेन च वासुकेनिचुलितम् (धनुः) B. R. 4.63.
fa: 1 A cover, veil, wrapper; ध्वान्तं नीलनिचोलचारु
Git. 11; शीलय नीलनिचोलम् 5; तमोमयं नीलनिचोलचेलम् Rām. Ch. 6. 28. 2 A bed-cover. -3 The cover of a litter ( दोलिकावरणम् ).
fate: 1 A jacket, bodice. -2 A soldier's jacket serving as a broast-plate.
sta: N. of a district, the modern Tirhut. fara: N. of one of the degraded castes (sprung from outcast Ksatriyas); see Ms. 10. 22.
1 Cutting off. -2 (In arith.) Leaving no common measure, reducing by the common divisor, to the least term, so as to be capable of no further reduction.
निज् 3 . ( नेनेति, नि, प्रोनेकि निक) 1 To wash cleanse, parity; y: 44: agrafageracifer Si. 5. 28. -2 To wash or clean oneself, to be purified (A.). -3 To nourish. With to wash, clean, purify; araffin
: R. 17. 22; Y. 1. 191; Ms. 5. 127. fp. p. Washed, cleansed &c.
निज . [नितरां जायते निज] 1 Innate, indigenous, native, inborn, congenial. -2 Own, one's own, relating to one-self, of one's own party or country; fag: gaanfaat af Si. 17. 4; R. 3. 15; 18. 27; Ms. 2. 50. -8 Peculiar. -4 Continual, perpetual. -m: (pl.) One's own people. Comp.: Self-knowledge, spiritual knowledge; भिक्षुर्न चाहं निजबोधरूपः Hastāmalaka Stotra.
fas 2 A. (f) To wash. With to wash ( प्रणिते ).
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
निटलम् ( Sometimes written निटिल) The forehead; fafft Dk. 4. 16. Comp. -rer, teror: N. of Siva.
Mb. 8. 4. 26; see 7.
The downward flight or swoop of birds;
fa. Ved. 1 Hidden, concealed. -2 Secret, mysterious. A secret or mystery.
fag 1 P. To emit heat downwards, to sweat; तदाहुर्निशोचति नतपति वर्षिष्यति या Ch. Up. 7.11.1.
नितम्बः [ निभृतं तम्यते कामुकैः, तमु काक्षायाम् ] 1 The buttocks, posteriors (of a woman), (the circumference of the hip and loins ) ; यातं यच्च नितम्बयोर्गुरुतया मन्दं विलासाfa S. 2. 2; R. 4. 52; 6. 17; Me. 43; Bh. 1. 5; M. 2. 7. -2 The slope, ridge, side, flank of a mountain; - यनितं नितम्बचिरम् ( गिरिम् ) Ki. 6. 27 सेल्या नितम्बाः किमु भूधराणामुत स्मरस्मेरविलासिनीनाम् Bh. 1. 19; V. 4. 26; Bk. 2.8; 7. 58. -3 A precipice. -4 The sloping bank of a river; Mb. 1. 120. 12.-5 The shoulder. -6 The sounding-board of the Viņā. -Comp. -fa round or circular hips ; Rs. 1.4. -स्थलम्, -स्थली The region of the hips.
नितम्बवत् a. Having beautiful hips. -ती A woman ; चारु चुचुम्ब नितम्बवती दयितम् Git 1; V. 4.26.
नितम्बिन. [नितम्ब अस्त्यर्थे इनि] 1 Having beautiful hips, having well-sloped buttocks (often applied to
); cf. M. 2. 3; Ki. 8. 16; R. 19. 26. -2 Having beautiful sides (as a mountain). - 1 A woman with large and handsome hipe; नितम्बिनीनां भृशमादधे धृतिम् Ki. 8. 3; Si. 7. 68; Ku. 3. 7. -2 A woman in general; नामृतं न विषं किंचिदेकां मुक्त्वा नितम्बिनीम् । यस्याः सङ्गेन जीव्यत म्रियेत च वियोगतः ॥ Pt. 4. 32, 86.
find. 1 Wholly, entirely, completely; -
fu fazi agafe: Ch. P. 41; Bh. 1. 96. -2 Exceedingly, excessively, very much; gefa aa faari Rs. 2. 4; Amaru. 10; Bh. 2. 18; afa निदाघे नितरामेवोद्धतः सिन्धुः Pt. 1. 101; नितरां नीचोऽस्मीति Bv. 1. 8.3 Continually, always, eternally. - At all events. 5 Certainly. 6 Ved. In a low tone. -7 Downward.
नितलम् One of the seven divisions of the lower regions; see S.
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fara a. Extraordinary, excessive, very much, intense ; नितान्त कठिनां रुजं मम न वेद यो मानसीम् V. 2. 11; R. 3. 8, - ind. Excessively, very much, exceedingly, in a high degree; मित्रं कोऽपि न कस्याऽपि नितान्तं न च वैरकृत् Pt. 2. 116. Comp. - severe ; नितान्त कठिनां रुजं मम न वेद यो मानसीम् V. 2. 11.
() a. Very hard,