Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
f 1 Expense, expending, expenditure. -2 The water of boiled rice.
a. Near, close, hard by, proximate. -, -टम् Proximity. (निकटे is used adverbially in the sense of 'near', 'at hand', 'hard' or 'close by', afa fan कालस्रोतः समस्तभयावहम् śānti 3. 2). -Comp. -ग, वर्तिन्, - a. near, at hand.
10 A. To desire excessively, long vehemently.
dant; fat
] 1 Plentiful, copious, abun S. 6. 16. -2 Desirous of. -;, मम् Wish, desire; हातुं प्रचक्रमे राजा तां पुरीमनिकामतः Bhag. 4. 28. 10. ind. 1 According to one's wish or desire, agreeably to desire. -2 To one's satisfaction, to the heart's content ; रात्रौ निकामं शयितव्यमपि नास्ति 5. 2 'I cannot even sleep at ease or comfortably at night'. -3 Very much, exceedingly; 4 Mal. 2. 3; often used as the first member of comp. when it loses its final;fra: Git. 7; Ku. 5. 23; Si. 4. 54. Desire, longing after.
निक [निक भाषादी अप्] 1 A honp, pile 2 A flock, multitude, collection: पपात स्वेदाम्युप्रसर इव हर्षानिकर: GIL. 11; Si. 4. 58; Rs. 6. 18. -8 A bundle. -4 Sap, pith, essence. A suitable gift, honorarium. -6 A treasure. निकर्तनम् See under निकृत्.
निकर्षण See under निकष,
F: () 1 A touch-stone, whet-stone; f R. 17. 46; Mv. 1. 4. -2 (Fig.) Anything serving as a touch-stone, a test; ए. 5. 10; आदर्श शिक्षितानां सुचरितनिकष: Mk. 1. 48; Dk. 1; K. 44. 3 A streak or line of gold made on a touchstone; कनकनिकष रुचिशुचिवसनेन श्वसिति न सा परिजनहसनेन Git. 7. 6; कनकनिकषस्निग्धा विद्युत् प्रिया न ममोर्वशी V. 4. 1; 5.19. -Comp. उपलः, -प्रावन् m., -पाषाणः a touch-stone, whetstone ; तत्प्रेमहेमनिकषोपलतां तनोति Git 11; तत्त्वनिकषग्रावा तु तेषां विपद् H. 1. 183.2.79.
निकषण: ( - णम्) 1 the touch-stone ; य एकः शूराणां गुरु: Ve. 3. 16. -2 Rubbing off.
N. of the mother of Ravana or of imps in general. ind. Near, hard, close by, at hand (with 300); निकषा सोधमिति Dle. निकषा हनिष्यति
Si. 1. 68. Comp. -
a demon.
निकायः [निम्] 1 A heap, an assembl age, a class, multitude, flock, group in general; Mv. 1. निकाय इति सच्घात् औत्तराधर्येणावस्थित उच्यते । ŚB. on Ms. 8. 1. 19 तामनिका या शितिका त्रिलोचनम् (य) Bhāg. 4. 24. 25. 2 A congregation, school, an association of persons who perform like duties. -8 A house, habitation dwelling-place; Ms. 1. 36; : &c. -4 The body.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
- Aim, butt, mark. -6 The Supreme Being. -7 Ved. Air, wind; Vaj. 15. 5.
निकायिन् m. (pl.) Serial sacrifices ; निकायः एषां ते निकायिनः । ŚB. on Ms. 8.1.19; निकायिनां च पूर्वस्योत्तरेषु प्रवृत्तिः स्यात् MS. 8.1.19.
fa: [ef. P. III. 1. 129] A dwelling, habitation, house; न प्रणाभ्यो जनः कश्चिन्निकाभ्यं तेऽधितिष्ठति Bk. 6.66; of पाम्यसानाम्यनिकायधायाः मानहविर्निया सामिधेनीषु P. III. 1. 29 quoted in SB. on MS. 5. 3. 5.
निकार &c. See under निकृ.
fran, [fa] 1 Appearance, sight. -2 Horizon. -3 Proximity, vicinity; f
g: Bhag. 3. 16. 31. 4 Likeness, resemblance (at the end of comp.); क्वचिन्मणिनिकाशोदाम् (नदीम् ) Ram. 2. 95. 10; Mal. 5. 13. - light. -6 secret; निकाशस्तु प्रकाशे स्यात् सदृशे रहसि स्मृतः Nm.
Soratching, rubbing; sufraft: Ki.7.6. fa: A measure of capacity equal to of a Kadara (also far).
fag, 1 A bower, an arbour, a place overgrown with shrubs and creepers; यमुनातीरवानी र निकुञ्जे Git. 4. 2, 11; Rs. 1. 23. -2 A vault; logy Agag Mal. 2. 12. -3 A cavern; पर्वतभूधरनिशचिम्भमाणः Mal. . 3.
f: 1 N. of an attendant of Siva; R. 2.35.-2 N. of the father of Sunda and Upasunda.
निकुम्भिला 1 A cave or grove at the western gate of Lanka. -2 An image of Bhadrakali on the west side of Lanka. -3 A place where oblations are offered; ध्रुवंस मोविस्मान् पार्थोऽगच्छन्नम् Bk. 17. 25.
fag() A flock, collection, mass, multitude; लतानिकुरुम्बम् Git. 11. किरण A. L. 20; चिकुर° 43.
fgdf A family art, one inherited by birth, any skill or art peculiar to a race. See far; Mb. 8. 41. 29.
fa 8 U. Ved. 1 To humiliate, subdue, overcome. -2 To maltreat, act or treat ill. -8 To injure, wrong, offend.
f 1 Winnowing corn. -2 Lifting up. -8 Killing, slaughter. - Humiliation, subjugation. -8 Insult, injury, wrong, offence; if : Ve. 6. 43; Mv. 3. 41; 5. 14; 7.8; Ki. 1.43; 3.44.-6 Abuse, reproach, disrespect. 7 Wickedness, malice; fas Mb. 5. 129. 47. -8 Opposition, contradiction.
faro Killing, slaughter.
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