Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
an epithet of Siva. T: A variety of gems; Kau. l upon as one's source of existence with loc.); att: A. 2. 11. -TEA: 1 N. of Indra. -2 N. of a king of
प्रमत्ते जीवन्ति व्याधितेषु चिकित्सकाः। प्रमदाः कामयानेषु यजमानेषु the Vidyadbaras, hero of the play called Nāgānanda;
1991: 11 TT fachlag faci qay ufosai: Mb. -Caus. (mentioned also in tanta ). [He was the son of 1 To restore to life. -2 To nourish, nurture, bring up. Jimataketu and renowned for his benevolent and cha
fret a. [ q- ft + ] Living, existing; 1993 faccia ritable disposition. When his father's kingdom was in
Rām. 4. 19. 11; 37727 953194194-47 Bhāg. 5. 10. 12. vaded by his kinsmen, he scorned the idea of fighting
-a: 1 The principle of life, the vital breath, life, soul; with them and induced his father to leave it to those
Tafta, fram, farei &c. -2 The individual or who fought for it and to repair with him to the
personal soul enshrined in the human body and imMalaya mountain to lead a holy life. It is related
parting to it life, motion and sensation called starch that there he one day took the place of a young
as opposed to YAICH7 the Supreme Soul); Y. 3. 131 ; Berpent who was, by virtue of an agreement to be
Ms. 12. 22-23; Aqed ju at få fagie
F iat offered to Garuda as his daily meal, and induced, by
Falah yolunda: 11 Bhag. 11. 25. 36. (here his generous and touching behaviour, the enemy of
fa = T ). -8 Life, existence. - A creature, Berpents to give up his practice of devouring them.
living being. 5 Livelihood, profession. - N. of The story is very pathetically told in the play ).
Karna. -7 N. of one of the Maruts. The constella-वाहिन् Smoke.
tion 964.-9 N. of Brihaspati. -10 The third lustrum fic a. [ 521 ao 18:] Ved. Swift, quick; in the cycle of Jupiter. -11 Association of cause and fact teratat cu * Ry. 5. 83. 1. effect. -12 N. of Vişnu. -Comp. -3 : 1 a bird-T: 1 A sword. -2 Cumin-seed. -3 An atom.
catcher, fowler. -2 a murderer, slayer. -istrare : ftri, stur: Cumin-seed; 345THI aigt
the world of organic and inorganic creation. -3
m. the individual soul enshrined in the human body 291 Siva. B. 30. 18
(as opposed to परमात्मन् 'the Supreme soul').-आदानम् th: [stafa -40 ) Ved. A man. -f. Quick or abstracting healthy blood, bleeding (in medic. ). flowing water ; : fed aes98 997 Rv. 2.17.3. -आधानम् preservation of life. -आधार: the heart. for p. p. [7 ] 1 Old, ancient. -2 Worn out,
-F3197 glowing fire-wood, burning wood. -3 : ruined, wasted, deca yed, tattered (as clothes); arata
'casting off life,' voluntary death, suicide. -371 : off a fagz Bg. 2. 22; U. 6. 38; Mal. 5. 30.-3
the three states, i. e. waking, dreaming and sleeping, Digested; Estufas gie : ga: H. 1. 22. -Uf: 1 An
-ऊणो the wool of a living animal. -कोश: The subtle old man.-2 A tree. -3 Cumin-Beed.-OT Large cumin
body (foarte );
apa frana4174 Bhag. seed. -UTH 1 Benzoin. -2 Old age, decrepitude. -Comp.
10. 82. 48. -TEH, -ARTH 'the abode of the soul', -Jart: renewing the old ', repairs, especially of a
the body. - 6: a prisoner taken alive; - ind. temple or any charitable or religious institution.
in an alive condition; antė PATATA T T: -उद्यानम् ruined or neglected garden. -ज्वर: lingering
Mb. 6. 77. 10.-17: Brahma. -1 a. born alive. fr, fever. - : the Kadam ba tree. -
-जीवकः (also जीवंजीवः) the Chakora bird; रक्तानि हुत्वा
a particular gem (afia ). - a. wearing old clothes. -ate it a
arata za fata: Ms. 12. 66. According to Artharuined house.
sastra, however, it means a pheasant; fq2T 2012
asia: 1 7 lat fard Kau. A. 1. 20. 17. sfrutar a. Almost dried up or withered.
ats a woman whose children are living. - 1 a troi: 1 Old age, decrepitude, decay, infirmity. physician. -2 an enemy. - mortal existence. - 4 -2 Digestion.
living wealth', property in the shape of living crea
tures, live-stock. Of the earth. -fatt: a being stifa: [ - ] 1 An axe. -2 The body. -3 A cart.
endowed with life. -ofa: f., -qat a woman whose -4 An animal.
husband is alive. -774 a fresh leaf. -f97, -fuch a. fra 1 P. ( aft, aa) 1 To live, be alive; ft (a son or daughter) whose father is still alive. rafa stafa aca: Sa siara Pt. 1. 23; T flag: -Fr, are a woman whose son is living; stage 95:autfu frati Si. 2. 45; Ms. 2. 235. -2 To Practa 9 T4a 77H Rām 4. 19. 11. - PETH revive, come to life. -3 To live by, subsist on, make a The body; L. D. B.-ATUH Death in life; 319-HTOTlivelihood by (with instr, ); marga i arford a ac sa peau: Kau. A. 1. 17. -
A h the seven wait foyd Ms. 4. 6; faqua a far: 3. 152, 162; i mothers or female divinities; ( FAIT CT a fan 11. 26; sometimes used with a cognate accusative मङ्गला बला। पद्मा चेति च विख्याताः सप्तैता जीवमातृकाः ।।). in this sense ; 3 91H
ac aerian | a: a sentient being. Ti menstrual blood. Ms. 4. 11. -4 (Fig.) To live or prey apon, depend i 1 the world of living beings, the world of
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