Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
hostile. - U: N. of Vişnu. - fca a. provocated, | Bhīma fought a duel with Duryodhana and smashed encouraged; एवं दुर्मर्षितो राजा स मात्रा बभ्रुवाहनः Mb. 14. his thigh with his club.] मोघं तवेदं भुवि नामधेयं दुर्योधनेतीह 79. 13, -HOE a.immodest, wicked.- fyrr, he कृतं पुरस्तात् न हीह दुर्योधनता तबास्ति पलायमानस्य रणं a minor drama, comedy, farve; S. D. 553. -f : 1 a FETY Mb. 4. 65. 17. That a. of a low birth, a bad friend. -2 an enemy. Je a. 1 having a bad ! a gara: ofat at fargefa Ms. 10. 59. T a. Pace, hideous, ugly; Bh. 1.90.-2 foul-mouthed, a busive, difficult to be seen or perceived, hardly visible. scurrilous; Bh. 2. 69. ( :) 1 a horse. -2 N. of bad aim%3; मनः प्रकृत्यैव चलं दुर्लक्ष्यं च तथापि मे Ratn. 3.2. Siva. -3 N. of a serpent king (Nm.) -4 N. of a 7 a. 1 difficult to be attained, or accomplished; monkey (Nm.) -5 N. of a year (29th year out of R. 1.67; 17. 70; Ku. 4. 40; 5. 46, 61; * a * 60 years cycle). - a. highly priced, dear. -
High ag 4 Subhās. -2 difficult to be found or a. silly, foolish, dull-headed, dull; Pt. 1. (-m.) a met with, scarce, rare; Jarage. S. 1. 17. -8 best, dunce, dull-headed man, blockhead; rate 20- excellent, eminent. -1: a village situated olose to a fafa giveSH Śi. 2. 28. a. unfriendly, large village and inhabited by the free-holders (819hostile; Bhag. 7. 5. 27. -UTEL n. ill-repute, dishonour. EITT fast:); Māna. 10. 79-80. -4 dear, beloved. 8 - 1 bad or clumsy contrivance. -2 a bad combi- costly. we a. 1 spoilt by fondling, fondled nation. -TT, T T a. invincible, unconquerable. too much, hard to please ; & Haugafect Ve. 4; (-a: the eldest of the 101 sons of Dhritarăstra and V. 2.8; Mal. 9. -2 (hence) wayward, naughty, Gandhari. (From his early years he conceived a illbred, unruly; FIESTA E geen $. 7. (-27) deep hatred for his cousins the Pandavas, but waywardness, rudeness. Der a forged document. particularly Bhima, and made every effort he could Y. 2. 91. - a. 1 difficult to be described, to compass their destruction. When his father pro- indescriba ble. 3114 an924 geë a a facuta father posed to make Yudhisthira heir-apparent, Duryodhana Ki. 2. 2. -2 not to be talked about. -3 speaking did not like the idea, as his father was the improperly, abusing. (TH) abuse, censure, foul reigning sovereign, and prevailed upon his blind father language. -वचस्. abusea censure%3 असहा दुर्वचो ज्ञातर्मेघाto send the Pandavas away into exile. Varaṇāvata carattaat Udb. -atot a. bad-coloured. -of: 1 bad was fixed upon as their abode, and under protext colour. -2 impurity; 791 eft fedt afgav aa - of constructing a palatial building for their residence, 14 Bhāg. 12. 3. 47. (-o ) 1 silver. gaviffe Duryodhana caused a palace to be built mostly H auigaul Si. 4. 28.-2 a kind of leprosy. -247 a. of lao, resin and other combustible materials, thereby difficult to be resided in. - fa: f. painful residence; hoping to see them all destroyed when they should R. 8. 94. -a. heavy, difficult to be borne; enter it. But the Pandavas were forewarned and they
andar U. 2. 10; Ku. 1. 11. -21 a. speaksafely escaped. They then lived at Indraprastha, and ing ill. (-f.) 1 evil words, abuse. -2 inelegant Yudhisthira performed the Rajasuya sacrifice with language or speech. 215 a. 1 difficult to be spoken great pomp and splendour. This event further or uttered. -2 a busive, scurrilous. -3 harsh, cruel excited the anger and jealousy of Duryodhana, (as words ).(- 4) 1 censure, abuse. -2 scandal, who was already vexed to find that his plot for burn- ill-repute. -ara: a fart. Carca Den. P. to break wind ing them up had signally failed, and he induced his or fart; इत्येके विहसन्त्येनमेके दुतियन्ति च Bhag. 11. 28. 40. father to invite the Pandavas to Hastinapura to play -alą: slander, defamation, calumny. -er, -artur a. with dice (of which Yudhisthira was particularly irresistible, unbearable; R. 14. 87; R a uftgart: fond). In that gambling-match, Duryodhana, who 9701 977: : Ku. 2. 21. - 1 evil propensity, was ably assisted by his maternal uncle Sakuni, won ! wicked desire; कः शत्रुर्वद खेददानकुशलो दुर्वासनासंचयः Bv. from Yudhisthira everything that he staked, till the 1.86.-2 a chimera. -1 a. 1 ill-dressed. -2 naked. infatuated gambler staked himself, his brothers, and (- ) N. of a very irascible saint or Rişi, son of Draupadi herself, all of whom shared the same fate. Atri and Anasuya. (He was very hard to please, Yudhisthira, as a condition of the wager, was forced and he cursed many a male and female to suffer to go to the forest with his wife and brothers, and to misery and degradation. His anger, like that of Jamaremain there for twelve years and to pass one addi- i dagni, has become almost proverbial.) arga tional year incognito. But even this period, long as it a. heavy burden; उरोजपूर्णकुम्भारका सदुर्वाहितविभ्रमा Raj. was, expired, and after their return from exile both T. 4. 18. -ferrie, -fara a. difficult to be penethe Pandavas and Kauravas made great preparations trated or fathumed, unfathomable. - Tru inconceifor the inevitable struggle and the great Bharati va ble, inscrutable-face a. difficult to be known or war commenced. It lasted for eighteen days during discovered; infa: matrace a faggrei Mb. 7. 78. which all the Kauravas, with most of their allies, 20.-face 1 unskilled, raw, foolish, stupid, silly. were slain. It was on the last day of the war that -2 wholly ignorant. -8 foolishly puffed up, slated,
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