Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
] Local, pertaining to a particular place native, अदेशिका महारये श्री शत्रु गताः Mb. 4. 47. 23. 1 A spiritual teacher (:) :afa a Mb. -2 A traveller. -3 A guide One familiar with places.
a. 1 Told, directed, ordered. -2 Advised, instructed. -8 Pointed out, shown, indicated.
देशिनी 1 The forefingers वत्स मा रोदीरितीन्द्रो देशिनीमदात् Bhag. 9. 6. 31.-2 an index, contents.
f 1 The dialect of a country, one of the varieties of the Prakrita dialect; see Kav. 1. 33. -2 N. of a Ragipi. -Comp. -कट्टरिः a kind of dance. -नाममाला N. of a dictionary of provincialism by Hemachandra.
after a. [-] 1 Belonging to a province, provincial. -2 Native, local. -8 Inhabiting any country (at the end of comp.) ; as in मगधदेशीय, तद्देशीय, af &c. -4 Not far or distant from, almost, bordering on (used as affix at the end of words); gitaf K. 131; 'a girl about 18 years old (whose age bordered on 18); ad प्रेक्षन्त पौराः पितृगौरवेण R. 18. 39; 80 पटुदेशीय &c.
देश्य a. [ दिश-कर्मणि ण्यत् देश यत् वा ] 1 To be pointed out or proved. -2 Local, provincial. -8 Born in a country, native. - Genuine, of genuine descent. -5 Being on the spot or place (where anything is due). -8 Not far from, almost; see above. - 1 An eyewitness of anything अभियोक्ता दिशेद्देश्यम् Ms. 8.52-53. -2 The inhabitant of a country. - The statement of a question or argument, the thing to be proved or substantiated (er).
देष्टव्य a. To be pointed, shown or declared.
देश A pointer an indientor तेषां कृपचादेष्णां पततां af : Bhag. 6. 7. 14.
Ved. A gift.
देष्णु a. 1 Very liberal. -2 Intractable, unruly.. A washerman.
देहः, -हम् [ दि-पम्] 1 The body देहं दहन्ति दहना इव Bv. 1. 104. -2 A form, shape, bulk, mass,
-3 A person, an individual. - An appearance, a manifestation. Anointing, smearing. A rampart, wall, mound. Comp. -3 another body; किं नु तद् दुष्कृतं कर्म पुरा देहान्तरे कृतम् Rām. 7.24.15. प्राप्तिः f. transmigration- materialism, the doctrines of Charvaka.-fem. a materialist, a Chārvāka. - आवरणम् armour, dress. -आसवः urine. ईश्वरः the soul.a. born in the body, inborn, innate. a father. m. 1 the sun. -2 the Supreme Soul. -3 father. 1 the five elements. -2 the God; देह देहभृत् देही Mb. -3 fathers प्रसदस्युः पौरुकुत्सो योऽनरम्यस्य
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhag. 9. 7.4. -
1 the covering of the body. -2 a feather, wing &c. -3 skin. - 1 decay of the body. -2 sickness, disease. a. incarnate, embodied. 1 son. -2 a. Belonging to the body; मनोवाग्देहजैर्नित्यं कर्मदोषैर्न लिप्यते Ms. 1. 104. - जा a daughter. -तन्त्र a. whose chief kind of existence is corporeal; त्वं देतन्त्रः प्रशमाय पाप्मना निदेशभाजां च विभो विभूत Bhag. 3. 38. 5.- 1 death (in general). -2 voluntary death; resigning the body सीधे तो वक्यतिकरभवे जनुकन्यासरयोद
R. 8. 95; Ms. 10. 62. quick-silver. -19: the eye. -धर्मः the function of the body (आहारनिद्रामैथुनादि ); Rām. 4.35. 9. -धारकम् a bone. -धारणम् living, life. -f a wing. - m. air, wind. -: death. - बद्ध a. embodied, incarnate; देहबद्धमिव धर्ममभ्यगात् R.. 11. 35 ; Ku. 2. 47. -बन्धः bodily frame; ध्वंसते देहबन्धः U. 3. 38; Mal. 9. 20. a. embodied, corporeal. (-) any being possessed of a body or life, especially a man ; नायं देवो देहभाजां नृलोके Bhāg. 5.51. भुज् m. 1 the soul. 2 the sun. - m. 1 living being, especially a man; धिगिमां देहभृतामसारताम् R. 8.51; देहभृतां वर Bg. 8.4; 14. 14. - an epithet of Siva. -3 life, vitality. death. waist. - 1 dying, death. -2 nourishment, food. -यापनम् fostering the body (शरीरपोषण देवतातिथिशेषेण कुरुते देहयापनम् Mb. 3. 260. 6. -लक्षणम् & mole, a black or dark spot upon the skin. - n. the skin. one of the five vital airs or lifewinds; see प्राण. विसर्जनम् donth. -वृन्तम् the navel. संचारिणी & daughter. -सारः marrow. -स्वभावः bodily temperament.
देहं भर a. Gluttonous; जनेषु देहं भरवार्तिकेषु ( न प्रीतियुक्ताः ) Bhag. 5. 5. 3.
देहवत् a. Embodied अन्यका हि गतिः देहवद्भिरवाप्यते Bg. 12. 5. -m 1 A man. -2 the soul. देहिका A sort of insect.
देहिन् a. ( -नी / ) [ देह-इनि ] Incarnate, embodied. -m. 1 A living being, especially a man;
fai ya Ku. 4. 10; Si. 2. 46; Bg. 2. 13; 17. 2; Ms. 1.30; 5.49.-2 The soul, spirit (enshrined in the body); तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णान्यन्यानि संयाति नवानि देही Bg. 2. 22 5. 13; 14. 5. The earth,
देहला Spirituous liquor.
,f. The threshold of a door, the sill or lower part of the wooden frame of a door; fat edge: Me. 89; Mk. 1. 9. -Comp. - दीपः a lamp suspended over the threshold; न्याय see _under न्याय.
1 P. (, ) 1 To purify, cleanse. -2 To be purified.-3 To protect.-With 1 to whiten, brighten. -2 to purify.
देश . Pertaining to the अमीषोम; देवस्य चेतरेषु M. 8. 1. 18. ( where शबर writer] देश इत्यमीषोमीय उच्यते.)
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