Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
gat Bent grass, panic grans considered as a sacred - get a. having a strong quiver. 10 ,-feri, article of worship and offered to deities &c. ). -Comp. - : a bamboo. Fiftet a. resolute. & (in -376 : a soft blade of Darva grass; qfazteaiast- Math.) a multiplier admitting of no further simplificaलाञ्छितालका V. 3. 12. -अष्टमी eighth day of the bright tion or reduction. T il granulated sugar. - IT half of Bhadra pada. -74 a. particular observance. a. seizing firmly, pursuing an object with untiring
energy, resolute; ECAT ata f a 94: Mb. 12. gf , The Indigo plant.
197. 11. T: a shark. Ott a. having the gates दृश्यम् A tent.
well-secured. -7: an epithet of Buddha. - &?, 7, TTO, T54 &c. See under 59.
- fram. a good archer; Tá ar fachgeafe
Mb. fa a. resolute. - T: a spell for restrainदृ I.6 A. (द्रियते, दृत; desid. दिदरिषते) (rarely used ing Bas; Rām. 1. 29.5. - a. 1 of firm resolve, by itself, usually found in combination with 371) 1 To resolute, firm. -2 confirmed. fic, -n: the cocoarespect, honour, worship, reverence; faciunea el H. nut tree. - a. resolute. (-:) an epithet of Pr. 7; Mv. 7. 3; Bk. 6. 55. -2 To care for, mind; Brahms.-Tyeni a tortoise. - a. firm to a promise, usually with 7. -3 To apply or devote oneself closely true to one's word, faithful to an agreement. Tat: to, have regard for; ya Taifa Mal. 1. 5. -4 firm confidence, settled conviction; ATATE GTI a To desire. -II. 5 P. (gula) To hurt, kill. -III. 10 न च प्राप्तौ दृढप्रत्ययान् Bh. 3. -प्ररोहः the holy fig tree. P. (rufa, sala ) to fear; L. D.B.
a f a. 1 striking hard. -2 hitting firmly, shooting a a. Respected, honoured. -a Cumin.
surely. - a. faithful, devoted. - *: (In Math.)
the greatest common measure. - : a person with a दृत्यम् Respect.
firm concentration of his mind in yogic studies; I 256 P. (anta) to afflict; L. D. B.
radiacaferit coafa: Yogadarsana. A good archer; 4 taza fost
a r I. 1 P. (cla, fea) 1 To make firm, streng
# # geyà il Dhanur. 150. Ha a. then. - To make fast, fasten. -8 To fortify. -II. 1 resolute, strong-willed, firm. -Hry a. having intense A. (E) 1 To be firm. - To grow or increase. anger or grief; wray cua ga: twafaa zagut EU Ved. Fortifying, fastening, making firm &c.
R. 11. 46. gfe a. close-fisted, miserly, niggardly. at car fara at cura e Av. 6. 136. 1.
(-fe:) 1 a sword. -2 strong fist; Ks. 109. 148.- :,
-TT: the cocoa-nut tree. - Tft alum. UTHT m. a wild fea p. p. 1 Made firm, strengthened. -2 Grown,
hog. -art m. a relentless foe; an inveterate enemy. increased.
-20 a. 1 firm in religious austerity. Tá gaan faci 4 A hole, an opening.
att anta: Ms. 11. 81. -2 firm, faithful. -8 perse3*: A fire-place or hole made in the ground for
vering, persistent. fet a. 1 firmly united, closely cooking.
joined. -2 close, compact. -3 thick-set. - a. firm
in friendship. a. [ 9: ] 1 Fixed, firm, strong, un
o swerving, untiring; 3 Tearca feral Bg. 15.3; Tauf:
fa Den. P. To make firm, confirm, strengthen ; H. 3. 58 ; ECAH R. 13. 78. - Solid, massive. -8 Con
cf. ufa. firmed, esta blished. - Steady, persevering; Sa Hi
TE 8 U. 1 To fix, make strong. -2 To corroborate, ECAT: Bg. 7. 28. -8 Firmly fastened, shut fast. -6 confirm. Compact. -7 Tight, close, dense. -8 Strong, intense, दृढीकरणम्,-कारः Confirmation, corroboration जापgreat, excessive, mighty, severe, powerful; e: - 54 yafa: agrafa Mb. 12. 199. 6. Sonia cagare Ku. 3.8; R. 11. 46. -9 Tough. -10 Difficult to be drawn or bent (as a bow); TT 754
fa: m., f. [ latu fafar ge94) 1 A leathern 374474 Ch. Up. 1.3.5. -11 Durable. -12 Reliable.
bag for holding water &c.; s-au get you eat
FUH -13 Certain, sure. -14 Hard-hearted, cruel; U. 4.
TEU efa el ta: rifatch | Ms. 2. 99; - 18 Secure. -16 (In Math.) Reduced to the smallest
Y. 3. 268. -2 A fish. -8 A skin, hide. - A pair of number by a common divisor. 41 Iron. -2 A
bellows; 60 59 y a Bhag. 10. 87. 17. -8 Ved. A stronghold, fortress. -8 Excess, abundance, high degree.
cloud. - A dewlap (of cow or bull); mat qafi -4 Anything fixed or firm or solid. - ind. 1 Firmly,
Garga Tiga Mb. 13. 79. 18. -7 A syringe; a fast. -2 Very much, excessively, vehemently. -3
arga darageaffatrati faqat a yt: Bhag. Thoroughly. Comp. -37 a. strong-limbed, stout.
10.75.17. -Comp. eft: a dog. -Urt: a water carrier. (-गम् ) a diamond. -अनुताप: deep repentance; तस्याः TU Ved. An obstruction to the egress or door of #fana 194 Ku. 3. 8. - : an epithet of Siva. I a Bow-pen; out a quyu Rv. 4. 1. 16.
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