Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
num. a. [Un. 5. 66] (declined in pl. only, nom.
EH N. of Amarsimha's dictionary. PT: N. of 74: m., fa: f., for n.) Three; da med ga Buddha. - 1 the three times; the past, the pre74 3 : &c. Ms. 2. 229; frana faza sent, and the future; or morning, noon and evening: R. 9. 18; sifat anfoyataa tieghat Ms. 9. 90 - the three tenses (the past, present, and future ) [cf. L. tres; Gr. treis; A. S., Zend thri; Eng. three l. of a verb. ( H ind. three times, thrice; "T, -Comp. -it: 1 a three-fold share; dei dati: affr a. omniscient. (m.) 1 a divine sage, seer. -2 Ms. 9. 151. -2 a third part. -3 three-fourths. -37%T a. a deity. -3 N. of Buddha. 17 m. 1 a Buddha. -2 triocular. -3797:, -37875: an epithet of Siva; farg. an Arhat (with the Jainas). : N. of a mountain Fiera 1917 19: Pt. 5. 57.-372TT: 1 the in Ceylon on the top of which was situated Lanka, mystic syllable 3114 consisting of three letters; see the capital of Ravaņa; Si. 2. 5. e4 sea-salt. under 37, 4747 Ms. 11. 265. -2 a match- e a knife with three edges. For a. triangular, maker or 92% (that word consisting of three syllables). forming a triangle. (-U) 1 a triangle. -2 the vulva. -3 a genealogist. (- ) knowledge, learning; see lau. E 1 tin.-2 a cucumber.C TL, at three bed-T53H, -35H 1 three strings suspended to either steads taken collectively. TICTIOT n. (pl.) salt-petre, ond of a pole for carrying burdens. -2 a sort of colly- natron and borax. - TUT: an aggregate of the three rium. (2:) N. of Siva. -3 4 (pl.) a tripartite objects of worldly existence; i.e. , 37 and 1 ; army (chariots, cavalry and infantry ). TCH a atrasta raut: 955954 Ki. 1. 11; see a below. three fingers' breadth. - the three kinds of - Ta a. 1 tripled. -2 done in three days. -Tat: (pl.) collyrium ; i. e. # TA, T41317 and 96997. -373 , 1 N. of a country, also called FETT, in the north- : three handfuls taken collectively. -3terra: (the west of India. -2 the people or rulers of that lord of the 3 guņas or worlds), an epithet of Visņu; country. -3 a particular mode of calculation. at Bhag. 3. 16. 24. -37 : the soul. (77) spirit, life 1 a lascivious woman, wanton. -2 a woman in (# a). -a. having three stations; Ms. 12. 4. -3TETT, general. -3 a pearl. 4 a kind of cricket. Tu -Arior, act epithets of the river Ganges (flow- a. 1 consisting of three threads; ay hift for a ing through the three worlds ). -TET a. having the Ku. 5. 10.-2 three-times repeated, thrice, treble, three properties of heat, rain and cold; 54 : C threefold, triple ; सप्त व्यतीयुख्रिगुणानि तस्य (दिनानि) R. 2. ATEG1917 Rv. 3. 56. 3. (- ) an army consisting of 25.-3 containing the three Gunas सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्. horses, elephants and chariots. -37% a. three years (OTH) the Pradhana (in San. phil.); (-ind.) three old. -24 three years taken collectively. -37725: times; in three ways. -ut: m. (pl.) the three quali(also 94444 in the same sense though rarely used ties or constituents of nature; त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मने नमः in classical literature) 'having three eyes', N. of Siva; K. 1. (-U) 1 Mayā or illusion (in Vedanta phil. ).
Fanafta of Ku. 3. 44; T1574535a salata R. 2. -2 an epithet of Durgā. Tusah ploughed thrice. 42; 3.49. He: an epithet of Kubera; 5477345742: -1 m. an epithet of Siva. - a. (pl.) three or Ak.-3777T an epithet of Parvati. -3 fra a. eighty- tour; ar a qatla aia B. R. 6. 31. -tarthird. -Braila: f. eighty-three. -347 a. twenty- fat a. forty-third. - Ta f , forty-three. TT four. -3TPT, -37 a. triangular. (-E ) a triangle. . -strat the three worlds, (1) the heaven, the atmos-37€: 1 a period of three days. -2 a festival lasting phere and the earth; or (2) the heaven, the earth, three days. 31 : deaf, dumb and blind persons. and the lower world; cartilat:......farfa fagdagaft - a. 1 performed or produced in three days. yár Sukti. 5. 59. -re: an epithet of Siva. -ITET N. of -2 recurring after the third day, tertian (as fever ). a female demon, one of the Raksasa attendants kept by -3 having provision for three days for a Rāvana to watch over Sītā, when she was retained as STIEFS AFGarso at Y. 1.128.- (TTH also three a captive in the Asoka-vanikā. She acted very kindly Riks taken collectively; Ms. 8. 106. - Ore a. having towards Sīta and induced her companions to do the provision for three days. m. 1 N. of the moun- same; Hat hafa starfar 945247 R. 12.74.-Alah, tain Trikūta. -2 N. of Vişnu or Křişņa. -3 the FIT The three spices (mace, cardamoms, cinnamon). highest, chief. -4 a sacrifice lasting for ten nights. --frar, -FOT the sine of three signs or 90°, a radius.
4 m. Ved. 1 Indra, -2 Indra's thunderbolt. -urar a bow; hafa lifavar: 69197 Si. 19. 61. - dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper taken -u , -UTCT a. (pl.) three times nine; i. e. 27. -UTI: together as a drug, शिरामोक्षं विधायास्य दद्यात् त्रिकटुक गुडम् the heaven; ara tot 784: TT18 Bhag. 6. 13. 16. Salihotra 62. - :, - : a kind of fish. Toft -otha: 1 a part of the Adhvaryu-sacrifice or Yajurthe side of a square 3 times as great as another. F T veda, or one who performs a vow connected therewith n. the chief three duties of a Brāhmaṇa i. e. sacrifice, (according to Kull. on Ms. 3. 185 ); Mb. 13. 90. 26. study of the Vedas, and making gifts or charity. (-m.) -2 one who has thrice kindled the Nachiketa fire or one who engages in these three duties as a Brahmana). I studied the Nachiketa section of Kathaka ; font
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