Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
man, an ascetio; R. 1. 56. -fay a. performing penance; Me. 3. 134 ; Y. 1. 221. -ufa: N. of Visņu ; Bhāg. 4. 24. 14. -TIT:, - the power acquired by religious austerities; efficacy or potency of devotion.
a. ascetic, pious. Fra: 1 an ascetic. -2 the Supreme spirit. - a. founded on religious austerity; atuh a r i ya Ms. 11. 231. -*: sacrificing by austerites; Bg. 4. 28. - 7FT: the moon. - Tft: 1 an ascetic. -2 N. of Vişnu (9&ITA). --: the region above the world called जनस; Bhāg. 2.5.40.-वनम् penance-grove, a sacred grove in which ascetics practise penance; कृतं त्वयोपवनं तपोवनमिति प्रेक्षे 5.1; R. 1. 90; 2. 18. -at a place of penance or religious austerities. fatt: excellence of devotion, pre-eminent religious austerities. - a. very ascetio or devout. -शील a. inclined to practise penance. -समाधि: the practice of penance or religious austerities; 79:49: Sisadf Ku. 3. 21; 5.6, 18. EC: N. of Yudhi. sthira; Mb. 3. 313. 19. - 1 a seat of religious austerity. -2 N. of Benares. Ah: 1 The sun. -2 The moon. -8 A bird.
TRT a. Produced by heat. T: 1 The month of Phalguna; Bhag. 12. 11. 40.-2 An epithet of Arjuna.
PIT Religious austerity, penance; (also m. and n.); 379144 af THT HA Mb. 13. 10. 13.
तपस्यति Den. P. To practise penance; सुरासुरगुरुः 1ST 9 799 fa s. 7. 9, 12; R. 13. 41; 15. 49; Bk. 18. 21; Ferro a964-TA1 2 14 Ku. 3. 17.
a9eat a. Ved. 1 Burning, hot; a 98 99 998917 Rv. 6. 5. 4. -2 Ascetic, devout, pious.
aftaar 1 Religious penance. -2 Piety, devotion.
agra a. 1 Practising penance, devout. -2 Poor, miserable, helpless, pitia ble; anfaat fat a S. 4; MĀl 3; N. 1. 135.-M. 1 An ascetic; after offer R. 14. 67. -2 A mendicant, pauper. -8 An epithet of Narada.-4 A sparrow. -5 A mango-fish; (see 79**). -aft 1 female ascetio. -2 A poor or wretched woman. -Comp. -997: the sun-flower.
afya a. Heated, burnt &c. afqsus a. Warming, heating, burning.
ag a. Ved. Burning hot; 560778af 79 roarenlanan Rv. 2. 4.6.
ageft The heat of anger.
agę a. (aq-ala; cf. Un. 2. 116 ] Burning hot ; are ft A7 Rv. 6. 52. 2. -m. 1 Fire. -2 The sun. -8 An enemy; --. Heat; eta aga : Av. 1. 13. 3.
8. .....SG
ad a. 1 Consisting in religious penance; 3
agta: grom: Fara astfe 912 My. 1. 42. - 2 Practising penace, devout. -7: The Supreme Being.
A p.p. [ a9- ] 1 Heated, burnt. -2 Red-hot. -3 Melted, tused. - Distressed, pained, afflicted, -8 Practised (as penance). -6 (in Astr.) Opposed by. - Hot water. -Comp. 1 74 gold purified with fire. -*:, : N. of a hell. Eh a kind of penance consisting in drinking hot water, milk and ghee for three days each, and inhaling hot air for three days; Ms. 11. 214; Y. 3. 318. - made hot repeatedly. -as red hot or melted copper; Bhag. 6. 9. 14. -919 9 N. of a hell ; L. D. B. HET Mark of divine weapons stamped on the budy by devotees with heated metals. 94, 9 4 purified silver. UTHT: green vitriol. 16 , -alghi,
H, erg4, : N. of different hells. a ft: hot gravel; year ea artar 19 : Ks. 72. 105.
ang: [ aq-89] 1 Heat, glow; 34 yan19: S. 4.11; M. 2. 13; Ms. 12.76; Ku. 7. 84. -2 Torment, pain, affliction, misery, agony; atawarfar as far arfa
agai Udb.; 440919: FH Hafa z a: S. 3. 8; Bh. 1. 16. -8 Sorrow, distress. -4 A circle or heap of rays; alaearg 9:
Mb. 12. 253. 3. - The Tapti river (also Yamuna ); Bhäg. 5. 19. 18; 10.79. 20. -Comp. - the three kinds of miseries which human beings have to suffer in this world i. e.
af, uffa and aan. -T a. 1 removing heat, cooling -2 consoling. - A sort of soup of pulse and grain.
ATT a. [19.09) Heating, burning, inflaining. - 1 Fever, mor bid heat. -2 A cooking stove or frying pan. 3 A boiler.
aga a. [ aq-fore ways ] 1 Heating, inflaming. -2 Distressing. -3 Illuminating; acea Fat
19 Bhag. 2. 9. 8. -T: 1 The sun. -2 The hot season, -3 The sun-stone. -4 N. of one of the arrows of Cupid. - 1 Burning. -2 Distressing. -3 Chastising. -4 A division of hell. - Gold. -8 (in drama ) [elplessness, perplexity. -al Austerity. -aft N. of soveral Upanişads.
तापनीय a. Golden. -यम् Gold of the weight of a A .
argeta a. Warming, burning.
aftra p. p. 1 Warmed Heated; Bri. S. 54.115. -2 Distressed, pained; Erfaquala a forriglari artarea Bhāg. 8. 5. 13.
atfe a. 1 Suffering from a disease moral or physical.). -2 Heating. -8 Hot. -4 Causing pain, exciting; Ki. 2. 42.
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