Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Fanta n. [97-597 vie&F9 :.597-597 41 ] 1 Light, lustre, brightness, flash; sutra TH S. 5.30; R. 2. 75; Me. 5. -2 Light of Brahman, light regarded as the Supreme spirit ; Bg. 5.24; 13.17; 374 ya: 9 feat sulfaattaa Ch. Up. 3. 13.7; U. 4. 18. -3 Lightning. -4 A heavenly body. -8 A heavenly body, a luminary
planet, star &c.); atlan t a Fala Ku. 7. 21; Bg. 10. 21; H. 1. 21; Ku. 2. 19; $. 7.6. -8 Brightness of the sky, day-light (opp. 749). -7 The sun and moon (dual). -8 Light as the divine principle of life, intelligence. -9 The science of the course of heavenly bodies; astronomy. See sellae. -10 The faculty of seeing. -11 The celestial world. -12 A Cow; SB. on MS. 10. 3. 49. -m. 1 The sun. -2 Fire; Full
heart: (Hrafa:) Bk. 9. 60. -8 An epithet of Vişnu. -Comp. *, - : the fire-fly. - a spark of fire. --T07: the heavenly bodies collectively; -1 4 the zodiac. -* an astronomer or astrologer. HUSCH the stellar sphere. -faream. -at (ft) a fire-fly. -Ter: (adru:) the polar star. 4: the supreme spirit. fac m. an astronomer or astrologer. -fast, - a ( F a:
astronomy or astrology. -Fit: ( fath:) a Soma sacrifice considered as the type of a whole class of sacrificial ceremonies. wurfagth: A kind of soma sacrifice requiring sixteen priests for its performance. - EEI N. of Durga.
Fulfahrera. Consisting of stars, starry ; R. 15. 59; #sutradara a HIT FURTH: Ku. 6.3.
sulfat a. (eft f.) [ surfa: quiferiau sfaqueads FUU 2191 1 Astronomical or astrological. - An astronomer or astrologer. -TH1 Astronomy, astrology, the science of the course of the heavenly bodies and divisions of time resting thereon; 1717fasen ala art. Rām. 7. 94. 7. -2 One of the six Vedāngas ( being a short tract on astronomy). -Comp. -au astronomical or astrological science.
farra: One who studies or knows astronomy. ufact, anfas: A planet, star, luminary. -54 N. of the shining peak of Meru. - The चित्रक tree.
wanacht a. (afata 499] 1 Luminous, bright, shining, possessed of luminous bodies; 722atti96H19 valaha F az : R. 6.22. -2 Celestial. -m. 1 The sun. -2 N. of the third foot of Brahmā. -3 N. of one of the seven suns appearing at the destruction of the world. - 1 The night (as illuminated by the stars ). -2 (In phil.) A state of mind pervaded by Hagut is e. a tranquil state of mind.
ज्योत्स्ना [ज्योतिरस्त्यस्या ज्योतिष उपधालोपो नश्च प्रत्ययः P. V. 2. 114 Sk. ] 1 Moonlight; ***TURKIwafaad 919 gr Bh. 3. 42;
v a r Arafat 99917
R. 6. 34. - Light (in general). -8 An epithet of Durgā. -4 A moonlight-night. -Comp. -T: the moon.fr: the Chakora bird. - er: a lamp-stand, a candle-stick.
ज्योत्स्नी A moonlight-night.
ज्योत्स्न a. Bright or lit with moonlight. -स्नः The bright half of a month. - , - A full-moon night.
uit: The planet Jupiter (a word connected with Greek Zeus ). welfarqi an astronomer or astrologer.
I.1 P. ( fa) 1 To over power, conquer. -2 To go. -II. 9, 10 P. (fufa, fifa) To grow old.
Fak 1 P. (wafat, ) 1 To be hot with fever or passion, be feverish. - To be diseased.
Far a. [Far ] 1 Heated, feverish. -2 Excited, inflamed. -T: 1 Fever, feverish heat (in medicine); Fahai a: Star of foafat Si. 2. 54; also used fig.; at:, H ar:, at: &c. -2 Fever of the soul, mental pain, affliction, distress, griet, sorrow; Ha vat: Räm.; Haagufu wa R. 8. 84; Bg. 3. 30. -TT Fever. -Comp.-3119: the paroxysm of fever. -355T: a febrifuge. -37 af: Cathartocarpus fistula. -TF: ' febrifuge', cocculus cordifolius. : antifebrile. -गण्ड: N. of a disease; जलोदरे तृषारोगे ज्वरगण्डे faq Mb. 12.303. 6. - a rt: cure of fover, febrifuge. - febrifuge', Rubia Munjstil. -T a. febrifuge.
safra, afta, a. (oft s.) Attacked with fever.
Fax 1 P. (aela, area1 To burn brightly, blaze, glow, shine; vafa afastaisia: S. 6.30; Ku. 5. 30. -2 To be burnt up, be consumed or afflicted (as by fire) 2190794aada yara a a 2/779721 Git.7.-3 To be ardent; valame Ta Bk.1.4. - To burn (as a wound). -Caus. (sacafa-a, alfa-a, but 9594fa) 1 To set on fire, light, kindle. -2 To irradiate, illuminate, brighten.
Fasa. [597-37]1 Flaming, blazing. -2 Bright, brilliant. - Flame, blaze, light; ferafta garaiden: 419506177#: Bk. 6. 79. ज्वलका A large flame of fire.
Facta. [ - ] 1 Flaming, shining. -2 Com. bustible. -- Fire; aeg valami hafta caracteraeratura: Ku. 4. 36, 32; Bg. 11. 29. -2 Corrosive alkali. -3 The number 'three'. -4 Plumbago Zeylanicu or its root; Matanga L. 11. 26. - Burning, blazing, shining. -Comp. -73 m. the sun-stone.
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