The meaning of different types of clothes is the clothes made of different types of stuff as wool, cotton, silk etc.
There are many types of woolen and cotton clothes. The types of woolen clothessheep, goat, camel's wool blankets. Cotton clothes are malmal, lattha, reja etc.
On the basis of colour the clothes and thread are also of different types. So, the ascetic must be careful in using this clothes that they should not be of different colour and pieces. There should not be more joints of the cloth.
In sutra serial no. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 the relation of subject matter of the term "Gaheye" (Ganthore) has been added with the term Ayerega gaheyam and it has been said that the ascetic who uses the clothes of more joints and stitches 'for the period of more than one and a half months then they become liable for atonement. It must be ☆ understood same as the atonement for utensils kept more than one and a half month duration
If the limit of three joints in the clothes is crossed by an extra joint then after observing the "Sutra Porushi" and "Arith Porushi" the ascetic must search the new cloth. The meaning of sutra Arith porushi is the quarter of SELF study and meditation. If the cloth used is of two or three joints then "Sutra Pourishi” should be observed and the cloth. With the joint, if more than three joints then the new cloth should be searched instead of observing sutra or Arith Porushi. The gist of the above mentioned six sutra related to the utensils and ten sutra related to clothes is that patching the clothes, tying them joining the pieces of clothes and to patch the utensils and tying activities should not be adopted by an ascetic as per possibility. If there activities are essential to be performed then it should not be done more then thrice. If the situation forces the ascetic to do so then, instead trying to do it more than thrice or to observe the sutra of 'Arith Porushi' the ascetic must ask for a new cloth in time and the limit of one and a half months duration should not be crossed. गृहधूम-परिसाटन प्रायश्चित्त ATONEMENTS OF (GRAH DHOOM PARSHATAŅA) REMOVING THE SMOKE PATICLES FROM THE CEILING AND WALLS OF THE KITCHEN
५७. जे भिक्खू गिहधूम अण्णउत्थिएण वा गारथिएण वा परिसाडावेइ, परिसाडावेंतं वा साइज्जइ। और घर ५७. जो भिक्षु गृहधूम अन्यमती अथवा गृहस्थ से उतराता है या उतराने वाले का समर्थन करता है (उसे 4
गुरु मासिक प्रायश्चित्त करने में आता है।) The ascetic who gets the smoke removed from the householder and a non-believer or supports the ones who does so is liable for gurumasik atonement.
विवेचन-इस सूत्र में गृहधूम उतरवाने के प्रायश्चित्त का विधान है। रसोईघर की दीवार अथवा छत के नीचे चूल्हे का जमा धुआँ 'गृहधम' कहलाता है।
निशीथ सूत्र
Nishith Sutra