निमित्तकथन से ही अनेक अनर्थ होने की संभावना रहती है।
सूत्रकृतांगसूत्र अ. 12, गा. 10 में बताया है कि "कई निमित्त कई बार सत्य होते हैं तो कई बार असत्य भी र हो जाते हैं।" जिससे साधु का यश और द्वितीय महाव्रत कलंकित होता है।
Comments-Gain and loss, joy-sorrow, and birth and death, these six are the division of forecast causes. The present, past and future-the three-three division of six causes have been stated.
The different reasons of telling the causes as
1. Palmlines, legslines, forehead'slines, 2. the other spot of the body, 3. date, days and zodiac sign, 4. Date of birth and horoscope, 5. Putting questions etc. The example of present causes of forecasting
1. I have sent a certain person to other one, whether he got money or not there? 2. The person who has gone on foreign trip is alive or dead ?
If some one asks questions with regard to test, whether I am happy right now or sorrowful.
Replying thus is called present forecast causes.
In the same way the answers of the questions related to causes of loss, gain, joys, sorrows, birth and death pertaining to the future should be discerned. The Guruchaumasi expiation has been said of narrating the causes of present and future: the laghu-masik expiation of stating the causes of the past is narrated in thirteenth chapter.
The prohibition of stating the causes in Agamas can be seen in the following contexts. 1. Je Lakkhanam cha Suvinam Cha, Angavijjam ch Je Paunjanti. Na hu Te Samana Vuchchanti, Avam Ariahim Akkhayam..
-Uttra. Chap. 8, verse- 3. 1. It is the preaching of the Trithankars that they are not called shraman, the ascetic who applies the body marks science, dreamology and numerology. . 2. Je Lakkhanam Suvinam Punjamane, Nimitam Kouhala Sampagadhe. Kuhed Vijjasavadarjivi, Na gachchhai Saranam Tammi Kale..
-Uttra. Chap. 20, verse- 45. 2. The ascetic who applies lakkhanshastra and Swapana Shastrs, who is busy in forecasting and vile activities, who survives through the false wonder producing spells combined with Karam bondages, such like ascetics, at the time of death, can'nt obtain any ones protection. 3. Sayam Gaham parichchajja, Pargahamsi Vavare. Nimitenam ya Vavaharia, Pavasamane ti Vuchihai..
-Uttra. Chap. 18, verse- 18. 3. The ascetic who leaving his Upashreya goes to other home and works for them. And earns his livehood telling them the fortune and evils through "Nimitshastra" (Astrology), is called a 'Papashraman' (sinful ascetic).
निशीथ सूत्र
Nishith Sutra