90. The ascetic who gives clothes, utensils, blankets and foot pad to an Avasanna or
supports the ones who gives so. बार 91. The ascetic who takes the clothes, utensils, blankets and foot pad from an Avasannat
or supports the ones who takes so. 2. The ascetic who gives the clothes, utensils, blankets and foot pad to the “Kushil”
or supports the ones who gives so. 93. The ascetic who takes the clothes, utensils, blankets and foot pad from the “Kushil”
or supports the ones who takes so. 24. The ascetic who gives the clothes, utensils, blankets and foot pad to a samskat or
supports the ones who gives so. 95. The ascetic who takes the clothes, utensils, blankets and foot pad, to a 'Samskat' or
supports the ones who takes so. 96. The ascetic who gives the clothes, utensils, blankets, and foot pad to a Nityak or
supports the ones who gives so. 97. The ascetic who takes the clothes utensil, blankets and foot pad from a Nityak or
supports the ones who takes so, a laghu-chaumasi expiation comes to him. गवेषणा किए बिना वस्त्र ग्रहण करने का प्रायश्चित्त THE ATONEMENT OF ACCEPTING THE CLOTHES WITHOUT ENQUIRING ABOUT IT 98. जे भिक्खू जायणा-वत्थं वा, णिमंतणा-वत्थं वा अजाणिय, अपुच्छिय, अगवेसिय पडिग्गाहेइ, 4
पडिग्गाहेंतं वा साइज्जइ। से य वत्थे चउण्हं, अण्णयरे सिया, तंजहा
1. णिच्च-णियंसणिए, 2. मज्जणिए, 3. छण्णूसविए, 4. रायदुवारिए। 8 98. जो भिक्षु याचित वस्त्र तथा निमंत्रित वस्त्र को जाने बिना, पूछे बिना, गवेषणा किए बिना लेता है
अथवा लेने वाले का समर्थन करता है। वह वस्त्र चार प्रकार के वस्त्रों में से किसी भी प्रकार का हो सकता है, यथा1. नित्य काम में आने वाला वस्त्र, 2. स्नान के समय पहना जाने वाला वस्त्र, . 3. उत्सव में जाने के समय पहनने योग्य वस्त्र, 4. राजसभा में जाते समय पहनने योग्य वस्त्र,
(उसे लघुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।) 98. The ascetic who accepts, the clothes asked for as alms and without knowing asking
or enquiring about them or supports the ones who takes so. Such clothes may be of any sort of these four types mentioned as below
निशीथ सूत्र
Nishith Sutra