Thus the clothes asked for, sought for, and the clothes which are presented by donor are 'Invited clothes'.
In four different ways, it has been narrated in the sutras, as to what kind of use of the clothes for a householder may be. All types of clothes of the householder are included in these four kinds of clothes
1. The clothes of daily use-Bedsheet, wearing clothes, covering cloaks etc. are included in daily use clothes whichever is usable and convenient to an ascetic, out of these clothes, he may accept.
2. At the time of bathing-Inclusion of these clothes are said in first type, because these clothes are taken for the use only for a short period, not used for the whole day. Hence, these are told separately. The commentator has included the clothes put on while going to temple in this category, because these clothes are to be put on only for a short while, too. Therefore the clothes to be used for a short while must be discerned in this category.
3. Ceremonial clothes—The clothes, to be used during festivals, celebration, fairs, marriages, functions etc., are mentioned in third category.
4. The king's assembly-The clothes, which are put on at time of going to the kings court or in the kings assembly, they are narrated in the fourth category.
If any of these clothes is to be accepted the ascetic should first inquire if that cloth is free of faults, including that of origin? He should accept it only when he is satisfied with the information. विभूषार्थ शरीर के परिकर्म करने का प्रायश्चित्त THE ATONEMENT OF WASHING THE BODY FOR DECORATION 99-152. जे भिक्खू विभूसावडियाए अप्पणोपाए आमज्जेज्ज वा, पमज्जेज्ज वा, आमज्जंतं वा
पमज्जतंवा साइज्जइएवं तइय उद्देसग गमेण णेयव्वंजावजेभिक्खूविभूसावडियाए गामाणुगाम १
दूइज्जमाणे अप्पणो सीसवारियं करेइ करेंतं वा साइज्जइ। 99-152. जो भिक्षु विभूषा के लिए अपने पाँवों का एक बार या बार-बार 'आमर्जन' करता है अथवा है
करने वाले का समर्थन करता है, इस प्रकार तीसरे उद्देशक के (सूत्र 16 से 69 तक के) समान पूरा आलापक जानना यावत् जो भिक्षु विभूषा के लिए ग्रामानुग्राम विहार करते समय अपने मस्तक को
ढंकता है अथवा ढंकने वाले का समर्थन करता है। (उसे लघुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।) 99-152. The ascetic who washes his legs once or repeatedly to decorate his body or
supports the ones who decorates so. Thus the entire statement should be known as the Sutra no. 16 to 69 of third chapter i.e. The ascetic who covers his head while going from one village to another for the decoration of the body or supports the ones who covers so, a laghu-Chaumasi expiation comes to him.
विवेचन-उपरोक्त 54 सूत्रों का विवेचन उद्देशक तीन के समान समझ लेना चाहिए। परन्तु यहाँ विभूषा के विचारों से ये कार्य करने पर लघुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त कहा गया है, इतना ही अंतर है।
| निशीथ सत्र
Nishith Sutra