12. The ascetic who repents sincerely doing the Pratisevana many a times of any one of the one month upto five months "Parihaarsthan" according to the "Asevit Parihaarsthan" an expiation of five months comes but if he repents deceitfully according to the Asevit Parihaarsthana" an expiation of two months upto six months
13. The ascetic who repents honestly doing Pratisevana once in any one of the four months or a little more than four months; five months or little more than five months then five months Parihaarsthana", according to the "Asevit Parihaarsthana an expiation of four months or little more than four months, five months or a little more than five months comes, but if he does deceitfully then the expiation comes of according to the "Asevit Parihaar Sthana" of five months or a little more than five months or six months.
14. The ascetic who repents sincerely doing Praisevana repeatedly of any one of the four months or repeatedly a little more than four months or five months or repeatedly a little moiré than five months "Parihaarsthana" according to the "asevit Parihaarstahana" an expiation of four months or a little more than four months, five months or a little more than five months comes but if he does deceitfully then an expiation of five months or a little more than five months or six months comes. इसके उपरांत मायासहित या मायारहित आलोचना करने पर वही छमासिक प्रायश्चित्त आता है। Repenting honestly or deceitfully beyond this limit an atonement of six months
प्रस्थापना में प्रतिसेवना करने पर आरोपण
15. जे भिक्खू चाउम्मासियं वा, साइरेग- चाउम्मासियं वा, पंचमासियं वा, साइरेग- पंचमास्सियं वा, एएसिं परिहारट्ठाणाणं अण्णयरं परिहारट्ठाणं पडिसेवित्ता आलोएज्जा
अपलिउंचिय आलोएमाणे ठवणिज्जं ठवइत्ता करणिज्जं वेयावडियं ।
ठविए वि पडिसेवित्ता, से वि कसिणे तत्थेव आरूहेयव्वे सिया ।
1. पुव्वि पडिसेवियं पुव्वि आलोइयं,
2. पुव्वि पडिसेवियं पच्छा आलोइयं,
3. पच्छा पडिसेवियं पुव्वि आलोइयं, 4. पच्छा पडिसेवियं पच्छा आलोइयं,
1. अपलिउंचिए अपलिउंचियं,
2. अपलिउंचिए पलिउंचियं,
निशीथ सूत्र
Nishith Sutra