on the next first day some programmes of these festivals remain to be performed. B Therefore, the next day namely the Pratipada is also termed the day of festival.
The main reason of prohibiting "Swadhayaya" is that the celestial beings, of high and low status, who roam in these days are of many types. They are of different temperament and also very curious. So, the celestial beings may create disturbances over erring in doing “Swadhayaya.” The gods endowed with great affluence may create disturbances, even if there is no stumbling in “Swadhayaya” Delivering discourses on the day of festivals is not practical in this world. Even the people wandering in intoxicating condition may create disturbances curiously or out of jealousy. Hence, in these eight days the “Swadhayaya" of Agamas is not allowed. स्वाध्यायकाल में स्वाध्याय नहीं करने का प्रायश्चित्त THE REPENTANCE OF NOT DOING "SWADHAYAYA" STUDIES DURING THE PRESCRIBED
TIME OF SWADHAYAYA 2013. जे भिक्खू चाउकालं उवाइणावेइ, उवाइणावेंतं वा साइज्जइ। र 13. जो भिक्षु चारों स्वाध्यायकाल को स्वाध्याय किए बिना व्यतीत करता है अथवा करने वाले का पार समर्थन करता है। (उसे लघुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।)
The ascetic who kills the time without doing "Swadhayaya in all the four scheduled time of “Swadhayaya" or supports the ones who spends so a laghu-chaumasi expiation comes to him.
विवेचन-दिन की प्रथम व अन्तिम पौरूषी और रात्रि की प्रथम और अन्तिम पौरूषी, ये चार पौरूषियाँ घाटे कालिकश्रुत की अपेक्षा से स्वाध्यायकाल हैं। इन चारों काल में स्वाध्याय नहीं करना और अन्य विकथा प्रमाद
आदि में समय व्यतीत कर देना यह ज्ञान का अतिचार है, यथा-"काले न कओ सज्झाओ, सज्झाए न सज्झाइयं।" (-आव. अ. 4)
___Comments-The first and last “quarter" ( Indian Time) of the day and the first and last quarter of the night, with regards to Kaalikshrut these four Paurushi are “Swadhayayakaal”. Not to do “Swadhayaya” in these four duration of time and to spend
time in idle talks or in laxity is the partial transgression of knowledge as-"Kaale na र kaoa Sajjhaoa, Sajjhaye na Sajjhaiyam". -Avashagaka-Ch.4.
अस्वाध्याय के समय स्वाध्याय करने का प्रायश्चित्त THE ATONEMENT OF DO
DING "SWADHAYAYA" AT THE PROHIBITED TIME 0 14. जे भिक्खू असज्झाइए सज्झायं करेइ, करेंतं वा साइज्जइ। र 14. जो भिक्षु अस्वाध्याय के समय स्वाध्याय करता है अथवा स्वाध्याय करने वाले का समर्थन करता ___है। (उसे लघुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।)
The ascetic who performs "Swadhayaya" at the time of "Aswadhayaya period or supports the ones who studies so, laghu-Chaumasi expiation comes to him.
चितारतासालाना वितरितातील ताईतालाचताना
उन्नीसवाँ उद्देशक
Nineteenth Lesson