Sutra 12 To teach art and skill to the householders. Sutra 13-16 To insult the householder in some way or speaks hard and rude
language. Sutra 17-18 To perform the 'kotuk Karma and Bhutikarama' of householders. Sutra 19-20 To answer the question put by the hoseholder in a curious manner. Sutra 21 To tell the “Nimit" of past.. Sutra 22-24 To tell the result of a dream, symptom or spot of body. Sutra 25-27 To use spell, Mantra and Yoga for the sake of householder. Sutra 28 To tell the path to the householder. Sutra 29-30 To disclose the hidden treasure or valuable metal to the householder. Sutra 31-41 To see the reflection into the utensil, mirror or sword etc. Sutra 42-45 To use the drugs of vomit and purgation while one is healthy. Sutra 46-63 To salute and praise these nine namely, "Parshavastha, Kushil,
Avasanna, Samsakt, Nityaka, Kathik, Pashyanika (Prekshanik)
Mamak, Samprasarika. Sutra 64-78 Taking food applying the “Utpadana Dosha" Through these activities
an expiation of laghu-chaumasi comes. इस उद्देशक के 41 सूत्रों के विषय का कथन निम्नलिखित आगमों में है, यथासूत्र 1-11 जीव विराधना वाले स्थानों में तथा बिना दिवाल वाले ऊँचे स्थानों पर ठहरने का निषेध।
-आचा. श्रु. 2, अ. 7, उ. 1 तथा आचा. श्रु. 2, अ. 2, उ. 1 सूत्र 12 गृहस्थ को अष्टापद, जुआ आदि सिखाने का निषेध। -सूय. श्रु. 1, अ. 9, गा. 17 सूत्र 13-16 गृहस्थ की आशातना करने का निषेध ।
-दश. अ.9, उ. 3, गा. 12 सूत्र 17-27 निमित्त कथन का निषेध।
-उत्तरा. अ. 8, अ. 15, अ. 17, अ. 20
-दश. अ. 8, गा. 50 सूत्र 31-41 अपना प्रतिबिम्ब देखना अनाचार कहा गया है।
-दश. अ. 3, गा.3 सूत्र 42-44 स्वस्थ होते हुए भी वमन-विरेचन करना अनाचार कहा है।
-दश. अ. 3,गा.१ तथा सूय. श्रु. 1, अ.9,गा. 12 The statement regarding the subject matter of there forth one sutras of this chapter is found in following Agamas, as : Sugra 1-11. Prohibition of staying in organism occupied place and high places of
without walls.
-Acch. Shrut-2, chapter-7, Udd-1 and Acha-sutra-2, chap-2, udd-1. Sutra 12 Prohibition of teaching gambling and playing chess to a householder.
–Suy, shtur-1, chap-9, verse-17. Sutra 13-16 Prohibition of doing Asatana of a householder.
-Das-chap-9, udd-3, verse-12.
तेरहवाँ उद्देशक
Thirteenth Lesson