Sutra 3
Sutra 4
Sutra 5
Sutra 6
Sutra 7
Sutra 8-9
Sutra 10-11
Sutra 12-19
Sutra 20-30
Sutra 31-36
Sutra 37 Sutra 38-39
Sutra 40-41
सूत्र 8-30
Sutra 8-30
To exchange the Patra or to accept the one that has been brought through exchanging.
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To accept the snatched "Patra" or, brought without the permission either of owner or brought in the presence of the ascetic.
To donate the extra "Patra" without the permission of preceptor.
To donate the extra "Patra" to the fit or a strong person.
Not to donate the extra "Patra" to the disable or incapable. To retain the unusable utensil and discard the worthy of use.
To make beautiful augly and ugly a beautiful utensil.
To repair and retain an old utensil or to wash a bad smelled utensil repeatedly or to smear paste or to keep filling with water at night for many days.
To dry the "Patra" on living site, the place occupied by living beings and the places situated at height with out any supports of walls.
To accept the Patra taking out moveable beings, grains, seeds, roots and earth, water, fire bodies beings from the utensil.
To cleanse with ash.
इस उद्देशक के 27 सूत्रों के विषयों का कथन आचारांग सूत्र में है
सूत्र 1-4
भिक्षु को क्रीत, प्रामृत्य, आच्छेद्य, अनिसृष्ट तथा अभिहृत पात्र नहीं लेना एवं पात्र का परिवर्तन नहीं करना चाहिए। - आचा. श्रु. 2, अ. 6, उ. 1-2 उपयोग में आने योग्य पात्र ही लेना, अनुपयोगी नहीं लेना। वर्ण- परिवर्तन नहीं करना, पात्र - परिकर्म नहीं करना, सचित्त जीव युक्त तथा आकाशीय स्थान पर पात्र नहीं सुखाना । - आचा. श्रु. 2, अ. 6, उ. 1-2 The description of the subject matter of these twenty seven sutras of this chapter is found in Acharanga Sutra.
Sutra 1-4
The ascetic should not accept the bought, pramatya, acchadya, parishist an Abbhihrita Patra (Pots) and the pot should not be exchange. Achashrut-2, chap-6, udd-1-2.
To beg utensil from a householder who is staying somewhere else, or from a householder who is making conversession with some one.
To reside for a duration of one month or for four months to accept utensets. Through practising these activities an atonement of laghuchaumasi comes.
Accepting only this usable pt not any unusable one. Not to change the colour of the pt, not to amend the pot, not to dry the pot at living being occupied place and in the space. Acha-shrut-2, Chap-6, Udd-1-2.
Nishith Sutra