31. The ascetic who sees his reflection into the pot or supports the ones who sees so. 32. The ascetic who sees his reflection in the mirror or supports the ones who sees so. 33. The ascetic who sees his reflection into the sword or supports the ones who sees so. 34. The ascetic who sees his reflection into the jewel or supports the ones who sees so 35. The ascetic who sees the reflection into the water of a tub or supports the ones who
sees so.
36. The ascetic who sees his reflection into the oil or supports the ones who sees so. 37. The ascetic who sees his reflection into the honey or supports the ones who sees
38. The ascetic who sees his reflection into the butter oil or supports the ones who sees
39. The ascetic who sees his reflection into the fresh jaggery or supports the ones who
40. The ascetic who sees his reflection into the wine or supports the ones who sees so. 41. The ascetic who sees his reflection into the flab or supports the ones who sees so. (He is liable for laghuchaumasik expiation)
विवेचन- यहाँ बारह सूत्रों से बारह पदार्थों में अपना प्रतिबिम्ब देखने का प्रायश्चित्त कहा है। 'पात्र' शब्द साधु के पात्रों का एवं गृहस्थ के बर्तनों का कथन है। सूत्र में कहे गए तेल, घी, गुड़ भिक्षा में ग्रहण किए हुए हो सकते हैं। मधु कभी औषध निमित्त से ग्रहण किया हुआ हो सकता है। अन्य तलवार, अरीसा, मद्य आदि साधु ग्रहण नहीं करता है किन्तु भिक्षा के लिए गृहस्थ के घर में प्रवेश करने पर वहाँ उनमें मुख देखना सम्भव हो सकता है। सारांश यह है कि भिक्षु किसी भी पदार्थ में अपने मुख का प्रतिबिम्ब देखने का प्रयत्न करे इससे दर्प, अहंकार, हीन भाव आदि उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं।
Comments-In the above mentioned twelve Sutra, the repentance of seeing reflection in twelve objects has been narrated. Here the meaning of the "Patra" is the pots. of a monk or the utensils of a householder. The oil, butter oil, jaggery narrated in above mentioned sutra might be accepted in alms. The honey and fats might be accepted for medicine purpose. But an ascetic never accepts sword, mirror and wine etc. On going to seek alms from the householder'shouse, seeing them there, is possible that he may out of curiosity see his reflection in them. The message is that, no matter in what thing an ascetic views reflection of his face, he can be plagued by conceit, ego, inferioritycomplex etc.
वमन आदि के लिए अनावश्यक औषध प्रयोग करने का प्रायश्चित्त
42. जे भिक्खू वमणं करेइ, करेंतं वा साइज्जइ ।
43. जे भिक्खू विरेयणं करेड़, करेंतं वा साइज्जइ ।
44. जे भिक्खू वमण विरेयणं करेड़, करेंतं वा साइज्जइ ।
तेरहवाँ उद्देशक
Thirteenth Lesson