Sutra 9 Sutra 10
Sutra 11
Sutra 12
Sutra 13
Sutra 14
Sutra 16-31
Sutra 32-33
Sutra 44
Prohibition of climbing up the tree.-Ach. Shrut 2, chap-3, udde-3. Prohibition of taking food in householdings utensils.
-Das-shrut 1, chap-2, utt-2 verse-20.
Prohibition of accepting the householders cloth.
बारहवाँ उद्देश
-Shrut one, chap-9, verse-20. Prohibition of sitting on the cot and bed of householder. -Das-chap-3 and 6. Shrut-1, chap-9, verse 21.
Prohibition of taking treatment of a householder.
-Dasvai chap-3, 8, verse 50, Uttra-chap-15 and verse 8. Prohibition of accepting food afflicted by Poorva Kurma faults. -Acha-shrut-2, chap-1 udde-6. Prohibition of getting attracted towards landscapes and charming figures. -Ach.-Shrut-2, chap-12. Prohibition of consuming food in fourth prahar that has been accepted at the time of first prahar of the day or prohibition of carrying food beyond the distance of two "kosh". -Udd-4 of Brihatkalpa.
Prohibition of crossing the five great rivers.
The description of the subject matter of these fifteen sutras of the chapter is not found in other Agamas, as:
Sutra 1-2
To tie and untie the cattle with the rope.
Sutra 6
to sit on the seat covered with the householders cloth.
Sutra 7
The shawl of a nun should not to be got stitched by the householder. Prohibition of accepting food from the water pot.
Sutra 15
Sutra 34-41
Prohibition of accepting the cow dung or smearing material at night is not mentioned in Agamas but there is prohibitions regarding hoarding the medicines.
Prosham-shrut-2, chap-5, sutra-7.
Sutra 42-43
-Dash-D-2, Udd-4 of Brihatkalpa.
Prohibition of giving food to the householders, and to make them carry his weight during travelling is there..
॥ बारहवाँ उद्देशक समाप्त ॥ The End of twelveth Chapter.
Twelfth Lesson