घरे 41. जो भिक्षु रात्रि में विलेपन के पदार्थ ग्रहण कर रात्रि में शरीर के व्रण पर आलेपन या विलेपन रे
करता है अथवा करने वाले का समर्थन करता है। (उसे लघुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।) 34. The ascetic who taking cow-dung during day time smears it on the wounds of
body on the next day or supports the ones who does so. 35. The ascetic who takes the dung at the day time and smears on his body's wounds
at night or supports the ones who does so. 36. The ascetic who takes the dung at night and smears on his body's wounds at day or
supports the ones who does so. 37. The ascetic who takes the dung at night and smears on his body's wounds at night
or supports the ones who does so. 38. The ascetic who takes the smearing material in day time and smears the same over
body's wounds on the next day or supports the ones who does so. 39. The ascetic who takes the smearing material during day time and smears it on the
wounds of the body at night or supports the ones who does so. 10. The ascetic who takes the smearing material at night but smears it on the wounds
of his body during day time or supports the ones who does so. The ascetic who takes the smearing material at night and smears it on body's wound at night or supports the ones who does so, a Laghu-Chaumasi repentance comes to
सकारताना तानातान्तावा नास्तावना
विवेचन-विलेपन के दोष का चौभंगी के द्वारा लघु चौमासिक प्रायश्चित्त कहा गया है।
Comments-Explanation about the Laghuchaumaasik (brief four-monthly) atonement for the fault of smearing (vilepan) has been given in the form of foursomes (chaubhangi). गृहस्थ से उपधि वहन कराने का प्रायश्चित्त THE ATONEMENT OF GETTING THE IMPLEMENTS TRANSPORTED BY THE HOUSEHOLDER 42. जे भिक्खू अण्णउत्थिएण वा गारथिएण वा उवहिं वहावेइ, वहावेंतं वा साइज्जइ। 43. जे भिक्ख तन्नीसए असणंवा पाणं वा खाइमं वा साइमं वा देइ, देंतं वा साइज्जड़। 42. जो भिक्षु अन्यतीर्थिक या गृहस्थ से अपनी उपधि (सामान) वहन कराता है अथवा वहन कराने
वाले का समर्थन करता है। 43. जो भिक्षु भार वहन कराने के निमित्त से उसे अशन, पान, खाद्य या स्वाद्य देता है अथवा देने वाले
का समर्थन करता है। (उसे लघुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।) 42. The ascetic who gets his goods transported by the householder or supports the
ones who does so. The ascetic who of fers food, water, sweets and the fats etc. in lieu of transporting his goods to the householder or supports the ones who does so, a laghu-chaumasi
repentance comes to him. | निशीथ सूत्र
Nishith Sutra