F 80 F 81-82 ET 83-84 ET 85 F 86-89 T 90 9 91
Sutra 1-2 Sutra 3-4 Sutra 5 Sutra 6
Sutra 7 Sutra 8 Sutra 9-62 Sutra 63-64 Sutra 67-68 Sutra 69
नैवेद्य पिंड ग्रहण करके खाना। स्वच्छंदाचारी की प्रशंसा करना, उसे वन्दन करना। अयोग्य को दीक्षा देना या बड़ी दीक्षा देना। अयोग्य से सेवाकार्य कराना। अचेल या सचेल साध का सचेल या अचेल साध्वियों के साथ रहना। पर्युषित (रात रखे) चूर्ण, नमक आदि खाना। आत्मघात करने वालों की प्रशंसा करना। इत्यादि दोषस्थानों का सेवन करने पर गुरुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है। To build or keep the steels utensils. To build or keep the utensils tied with steel etc. To go beyond half a yojana to fetch utensil. The utensil to be given brought in advance from beyond half a yojana even with due reason. To criticize spirituality. To praise non-spirituality. To clean the body of a householder. To make intimidated self or the others. To show or say in opposite sense to self or others. To praise falsely the conduct and character of the head of the group or the individual who is sitting in front. To go and come repeatedly between two rival states. To criticize taking food at day time (lunch). To praise food taken at night. To eat the food next day brought in the previous day. To eat food at night brought in the day. To eat food in the day brought at night. To eat food at night brought at night. Without any solid reason to eat at night. To eat the food kept without any solid reason. To shift the stay somewhere else to consume food prepared for some other purposes (Sakhandi meal). To accept Naivediya food. To salute and praise wilfully. To initiate the unworthy or to give him final initiation. To get help of unworthy. Stay of the clothes or naked monk with the clothed or nude nuns.
Sutra 70 Sutra 71 Sutra 72 Sutra 73 Sutra 74 Sutra 75 Sutra 76 Sutra 77 Sutra 78 Sutra 79
Sutra 80 Sutra 81-82 Sutra 83-84 Sutra 85 Sutra 86-89
ग्यारहवाँ उद्देशक
Eleventh Lesson