of horse and elephant at the time of battle of the Royal Murdhabhishikt state seal holder warrior king or supports the one who accepts so. The ascetic who accepts the food, water, sweets and the tasty items taken out for the 1. Errant, 2. Massager, 3. Anointer, 4. Paste rubbing, 5. Bath maker, 6. the decorator of crown and ornaments, 7. the holder of Umbrella, 8. the holder of fly whisk, 9. holder of the coffer, 10. Garment holder for change, 11. Lamp holder, 12. Wielder of sword, 13. Trident wielder, 14. spear wielder of the Royal ‘Murdhabhishikt state seal holder warrior King or supports the ones who accepts
so. 26. The ascetic who accepts the food, water, sweet and tasty items taken out for the
1. Artificial, eunuch-Antahpur security guard, 2. eunch by birth, 3. The gate keeper of Antahpur, 4. Watchman, staff holder of antahpur of the Royal Murdhabhishikt
State seal holder warrior King or supports the ones who accepts. 27. The ascetic who accepts the food, water, sweets and the tasty items taken out four
the 1. Rumch backed women, 2. A female slave of Kisat country, 3. dwarf concubine, 4. slave female of crooked body, 5. the female slave of Barbaric country, 6. Concubine of Bakus country, 7. The concubine of Greece, 8. The concubine of Palhava country, 9. The concubine of Ishinika, 10. Concubine of Dhoruka, 11. Concubine of lat, 12. concubine of Dravida, 13.Concubine of Singhal country, 14. The concubine of Lokus, 15. The female slave of Drab country, 16. The concubine of Pulinda, 17. The concubine of Pakhana, 18. the female slave of Bohal country, 19. the concubine of Murand country, 20. The female slave of Shabar country, 21. the female slave of Paras country, of the Royal murdhabhishikt state seal holder warrior king or supports the ones who accepts so.
To the doer of these faults mentioned in above sutras, a Guru-Chaumasi expiation comes.
नवम उद्देशक का सारांश THE SUMMARY OF THE NINTH CHAPTER राजपिंड ग्रहण करे, खाए। अंत:पुर में प्रवेश करे, अंत:पुर में से आहार मंगवाए। द्वारपाल-पशु आदि के निमित्त का राजपिंड ग्रहण करे। भिक्षार्थ जाते 4-5 दिन हो जाएँ फिर भी राजा के 6 स्थानों की जानकारी न करे। राजा या रानी को देखने के संकल्प से एक कदम भी चले। शिकार आदि के लिए गए राजा का आहार ग्रहण करे। राजा भोजन करने गए हों, उस स्थल में उस समय भिक्षार्थ जावे।
राजा जहाँ कहीं ठहरे हों, वहाँ ठहरे। 13-18 युद्ध, यात्रा या पर्वत, नदी की यात्रार्थ जाते-आते राजा का आहार ग्रहण करे।
राज्याभिषेक की हलचल के समय उधर आये-जाये।
नवम उद्देशक
Nineth Lesson