दस बड़ी राजधानियों में एक महिने में एक बार से अधिक बार जाये । राजा के अधिकारी व कर्मचारी आदि के निमित्त निकाला आहार ग्रहण करे।
इत्यादि प्रवृत्तियाँ करने पर उसे गुरूचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।
Who accepts the Rajpind and consumes it. To go in Antahpur and asked for food from the Antahpur.
Accepts the Rajpind prepared for gate keeper cattle.
Five to six days have been spent in begging alms even then there is no knowledge of kings 6 places to him.
Resolving to see the king and queen, walks even for a single step. To accepts the food of the king who has gone for hunting.
To go for seeking food at the king food taking site.
to go and come at the time of coronation ceremony.
to go more than once during one month in ten big capitals.
to accept the food taken out for the use of king's officers and officials through performing these activities a Guru-chaumasi, expiation comes. सूत्रों के विषय का कथन अन्य आगमों में है, यथा
इस उद्देशक के
दशवै. अ. 3 में राजपिंड ग्रहण को अनाचार कहा गया है तथा ठाणांग के पाँचवें ठाणे में 5 कारण से राजा के अंतःपुर में प्रवेश करने का आपवादिक कथन है। इस तरह इस उद्देशक के प्रथम तीन सूत्रों का विषय अन्य आगमों में आया हुआ है। शेष सूत्र 4 से 27 तक के सूत्रों में अन्य आगमों में अनिर्दिष्ट विषय का कथन तथा प्रायश्चित्त है।
to stay where the king is staying.
to accept the food of the king coming and going for the journey of battle, mountains and river.
निशीथ सूत्र
इस प्रकार इस उद्देशक में अन्य आगमों में अनुक्त विषय ही अधिक (24 सूत्रों में ) हैं और विषय भी एक राजा सम्बन्धी है।
The description about the sutras of this chapter has been done in other Agamas
as :
In the third chapter of Dasvaikalika Sutra accepting of Rajpinds has been narrated as transgression and in the fifth thananga of the thangen sutra exceptional description of entering into the harem of the king on account of five reasons is found. Thus the subject matter of first three sutras of this chapter has been depicted in other Agamas. The articulation and expiation that has not been instructed in other Agamas in found herein the remaining sutra swerial no. 4 to 27.
In this way the undepicted subjects in other Nuns are merely found more in this chapter (in 24 sutras) and all the subject are verily related to the Kings.
नवम उद्देशक समाप्त
The End of the Ninth Chapter
Nishith Sutra