54. The ascetic who accepts the food from the hands smeared with "Mainghil powder" or supports the ones who accepts so.
55. The ascetic who accepts the food from the hands smeared with "Lampblack Powder" or supports the ones who accepts so.
56. The ascetic who accepts the food from the hands smeared with "Salt Powder" or supports the ones who accepts so.
57. The ascetic who accepts the food from the hands smeared with red ochre or supports the ones who accepts so.
58. The ascetic who accepts the food from the hands smeared with coloured yellow earth's powder or supports the ones who accepts so.
59. The ascetic who accepts the food from the hands smeared with White Clay Powder or supports the ones who accepts so.
60. The ascetic who accepts the food from the hands smeared with Alum Powder or supports the ones who accepts so.
61. The ascetic who accepts the food from the hands smeared with skin of green veg. husk etc. or supports the ones who accepts so.
62. The ascetic who accepts the food from the hands smeared with the powder of the green veg or supports the ones who accepts so.
63. The ascetic who accepts the food from un-smeared hands or supports the ones who accepts so, laghu-masik expiation comes to him.
विवेचन - सूत्र 49 में अप्काय की विराधना, सूत्र 50-60 तक पृथ्वीकाय की विराधना और सूत्र 61-62 मैं वनस्पतिकाय की विराधना की अपेक्षा से ये प्रायश्चित्त कहे गए हैं। अतः यहाँ ये सब पदार्थ सचित्त की अपेक्षा से गृहीत हैं। यदि किसी भी प्रयोगविशेष से ये वस्तुएँ शस्त्र-परिणत होकर अचित्त हो गई हों और उनसे हाथ आदि लिप्त हों तो उन हाथों से आहार ग्रहण करने का कोई प्रायश्चित्त नहीं समझना चाहिए। जैसे- "उदउल्लं " गर्म पानी से भी गीले हाथ हो सकते हैं। नमक कभी अचित्त भी हो सकता है इत्यादि । इसी प्रकार सर्वत्र समझ लेना चाहिए।
सूत्र 63 में पश्चात्कर्म की अपेक्षा प्रायश्चित्त कहा गया है। यदि पश्चात्कर्म दोष रहित खाद्य पदार्थ हो अथवा दाता विवेक वाला हो और पश्चात्कर्म दोष न लगावें तो असंसृष्ट हाथ आदि से भिक्षा लेने का प्रायश्चित्त नहीं है। दशवै. अ. 5, उ. 1, गा. 35 में कहा है- पच्छाकम्मं जहिं भवे - अर्थात् जहाँ पश्चात्कर्म हो ऐसा दिया जाता हुआ आहार भिक्षु ग्रहण न करे।
Comments-Regarding the expiation as in aphorism 49 the violence of water bodie beings, in aphorism No 50-60 the violence of earthen bodied beings and in sutra No 61 to 62 the violence of vegetable bodied beings have been narrated. Therefore, all these commodities have been accepted with due regard of living entity. If these commodities have been made non-living through the use of any knife etc and the hands are smeared with these commodities then there is no atonement in receiving from these hands, for example "Udaullakam" the hands may be wet with hot water, some-times the salt can be in nonliving form. Everywhere it should be understood in this context.
चतुर्थ उद्देश
Fourth Lesson