19. The ascetic who with the desire of sexual intercourse with a woman has "valuable garments" or supports the ones who has so.
20. The ascetic who with the desire of sexual intercourse with a woman has "Undividend Cloth" (full length ) or supports the ones who keeps so.
21. The ascetic who with the desire sexual intercourse with a woman keeps the cloth washed in blue colour or supports the ones who keeps so.
22. The ascetic who with the desire of sexual intercourse with a woman keeps the coloured garments or supports the ones who keeps so.
23. The ascetic who with the desire of sexual intercourse with a woman keeps multicoloured garments or printed garments or supports the ones who keeps so. 24-77. The ascetic who with the desire of sexual intercourse with a women rubs his
legs once or repeatedly or supports the ones who does so, the same should be known similar to the aphorism No 16 to 69 of third chapter i.e. the ascetic who with the desire of sexual intercourse with a woman covers his head going from one village to another village or supports the ones who covers so.
78. The ascetic who with the desire of sexual intercourse with a woman consumes milk, curd, butter, butter oil, jaggery, Indian sugar, sugar or fine sugar etc. sweets or supports the ones who does so.
उपर्युक्त 78 सूत्रों में कथित दोष-स्थानों का सेवन करने वाले को गुरूचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त
आता है।.
One who afflicting with the faults of above mentioned 78 sutras costs GuruChoumasi expiation costs him.
विवेचन - माउग्गामं 'मातिसमाणो गामो मातुगामो, मरहट्ठविसय भासाएं वा "इत्थी, माउग्गामो भण्णति” – माता के समान है शरीरावयव जिसके उसे अर्थात् स्त्री को मातृग्राम कहते हैं तथा महाराष्ट्र देश की भाषा में भी स्त्री को "माउग्गाम" कहा जाता है। अतः ये दोनों पर्यायवाची शब्द समझना चाहिए।
विण्णवेइ - ' विण्णवण - विज्ञापना- इह तु प्रार्थना परिगृह्यते । '
वेदमोहनीयकर्म का प्रबल उदय होने पर जो भिक्षु आगम वाक्यों के चिंतन से उसे निष्फल नहीं करता है और से प्रार्थना करता है अर्थात् मैथुन सेवन के लिए कहता है तो भाव से ब्रह्मचर्य भंग होने के कारण अथवा मैथुन सेवन करने पर चतुर्थ व्रत के भंग होने से उसे गुरूचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।
Comments-Mauggamam "Matisamano gamo matugamo, marhathvisayaBhasayam va" Itthi, Mauggamo Bhannati". The lady whose body limbs and organs are like those the mother, that the woman is called "Matrigram". In marahathi language the woman is called "Matrigram". therefore both the words should be considered synonymous. “Vinnavaie”-“Vinnavana-vigyapan - Ih tu prathana parigrihayate”
Over arisen of entremely storing vedmohaniya karam the ascetic who does not make it useless through the contemplation of the text of holy scriptures (Agama) but requests the woman-means, requests her for sexual intercourse then due to break of
छठा उद्देशक
Sixth Lesson