Sutra-21-25 To admires the glory of village security guard. Sutra-26-30 To attract towards him, the village security guard etc.
Sutra-31 To eat living grains.
To laugh loudly.
Sutra-39-48 To give or take the "Sanghara" to these five namely "Parshvasth,
Avasanna, Kushil, Samsakt, Nityaka".
To accept "Vigaya" with the permission of perceptor etc. To go for seeking alms without knowing the "Shapanakul". To enter into the Upashraya of nuns is an unproper manner. To put sticks etc on the arrival way of Nuns.
To create new struggles.
To renew the subsided struggles again.
Sutra 64-117 To cleanse each others bodies.
Sutra 120 Sutra 121 Sutra 122
Sutra 123
Sutra 124
Sutra 125
Sutra 126
Sutra 127 Sutra 128
Sutra118-119 Not to clean three pieces of lands for excremention and urination in
the evening.
To accept food from the hands smeared with earth bodies, water bodies and vegetables bodies beings.
निशीथ सूत्र
To discard excreta and urine lesser wide and long land. To relieve of excreta and urine through unproper manner. Not to wipe the anus after crementation and urinating.
To wipe the anus with wooden stick etc.
To wash the anus.
To wash the anus at the very place of crementation and urination. To wash the anus going to a long distance.
To wash the anus with the water more than three "Pasali"
इस उद्देशक के 55 सूत्रों के विषय का कथन निम्न आगमों में है, यथा
सूत्र - 31
सूत्र - 32
सूत्र -36-37
To go for seeking food along with the observer of an atonement a laghu-masik expiation costs of all these above mentioned activities.
सचित्त बीज आदि का आहार करना अनाचार है दशा. अ. 3, गा. 7 निर्ग्रन्थ निर्ग्रन्थियों के लिए विकृतियाँ लेना अकल्पनीय है नया कलह उत्पन्न करना या उपशान्त कलह को असमाधि स्थान कहा है। दशा. द. 1
सचित्त पानी मिट्टी, वनस्पति आदि से लिप्त हाथ वालों से आहार लेने का निषेध ।
- (क) दश. अ. 5, उ. 1, गा. 33-34, (ख) आचा. श्रु. 2, अ. 1, उ. 6 सूत्र - 64 से 87, 89 से 95, 112 से 116
साधु साधु के परस्पर शरीर परिकर्म का निषेध आचा. श्रु. 2, अ. 14
दशा. द. 8, सु. 62
पुन: उत्तेजना देना
Nishith Sutra