17. The ascetic who massages his legs once or repeatedly or supports the ones who
___does so. 18. The ascetic who rubs his legs with oil and butter once or repeatedly or supports the
ones who does so. The ascetic who smears the paste of different colours on his legs once or repeatedly
or supports the ones who does so. 20. The ascetic who washes his legs with non-living cold water or with non-living hot
water once or repeatedly or supports the ones who washes so. 21. The ascetic who dyes his legs with henna and sealing wax and makes the colour
shine, or supports the ones who does so, a laghu-masik expiation comes to him.
विवेचन-थकान या वात आदि रोग के बिना, आमर्जन संवाहन करने पर यह प्रायश्चित्त समझना चाहिए। विशेष कारण में अथवा सहनशीलता के अभाव में स्थविरकल्पी को शरीर का परिकर्म करने की और औषध के सर सेवन की अनुज्ञा समझनी चाहिए।
Comments—It is worthy of expiation to massage the body without any ailment or fatigue, exceptionally the ascetic is permitted to use medicine and massage the body at the time of unbearable pain.
THE ATONEMETOF MASSAGING THE PHYSICAL BODY पर 22-27. जे भिक्खू अप्पणो कायं आमज्जेज्ज वा पमज्जेज्ज वा आमज्जंतं वा पमज्जंतं वा साइज्जइ शार एवं पायगमेण णेयव्वं जाव जे भिक्खू अप्पणो कायं फुमेज्ज वा रएज्ज वा फुमंतं वा रयंतं वा
साइज्जइ। 22-27. जो भिक्षु अपने शरीर का एक बार या बार-बार आमर्जन करता है अथवा करने वाले का
समर्थन करता है, इस प्रकार पैर के आलापक के समान जानना यावत् जो भिक्षु अपने शरीर को रंगता है या उस रंग को चमकीला बनाता है, अथवा ऐसा करने वाले का समर्थन करता है। (उसे लघुमासिक प्रायश्चित्त आता है।) 27. The ascetic who cleans his body once or repeatedly or supports the ones who does so, thus it should be known as it has been said about the legs i.e the ascetic who dyes his body or makes bright with that colour or supports the ones who does
so a laghu-masik expiation comes to him. व्रण-चिकित्सा-प्रायश्चित्त
THE EXPIATION OF THE SURGERY 2 28-33. जे भिक्खू अप्पणो कार्यसि वणं आमज्जेज्ज वा पमज्जेज्ज वा आमज्जंतं वा पमज्जंतं वा ___ साइज्जइ एवं पायगमेण णेयव्वं जाव जे भिक्खू अप्पणो कार्यसि वणं फुमेज्ज वा रएज्ज वा
फुमंतं वा रयंतं वा साइज्जइ।
| तृतीय उद्देशक
Third Lesson