सूत्र - 40-42
सूत्र - 43-45
सूत्र -46-48
सूत्र - 53
सूत्र - 54 56
सूत्र - 57
Mention about the topics of 38 Sutras of this chapter (Uddeshak) is available in the following Aagams:
Sutra 1-7
Sutra - 9
Sutra 13 Sutra 18-20 Sutra - 21
Sutra - 37 Sutra 38
Sutra - 39
भिक्षाचरों के साथ भिक्षा आदि जाने का निषेध - आ. श्रु. 2, अ. 1, उद्दे. 1। मनोज्ञ आहार पानी खाना पीना, अमनोज्ञ परठना आ. श्रु. 2, अ. 1, उ.10 1 शय्यातर पिण्ड लेने का निषेध दशा. अ. 3 तथा आ. श्रु. 2, अ. 2, उद्दे. 31 शय्या संस्तारक अन्यत्र ले जाने के लिए दूसरी बार स्वामी से आज्ञा लेना- व्यव. उद्दे. 8 । शय्या - संस्तारक स्वामी को संभलाकर विहार करने का विधान - बृहत्कल्प उद्दे. 31 उपधि- प्रतिलेखन- उत्त. अ. 26 तथा आव. अ. 4 ।
Instructions and restrictions about keeping feet-wiper attached to wooden stick Brihatkalp, Udd. 5.
Sutra 22-24 Restriction about full hide, restriction about full cloth, restriction about. un-parted cloth. Brih. Udd. 3.
Restriction of smelling fragrance Aa., Shru. 2, A. 1. U. 8 and Aa... Shru. 2, A. 15.
Sutra 32-36 Restriction of visiting to seek alms from families where alms are given
everyday. Aa., Shru. 2, A. 1. U. 1.
Sutra - 53
Explanation about chilmili (veil or curtain). Description of three great vows. Dash. A. 4 Restriction of bathing, restriction of washing. A. 6, Ga. 62,
Sutra -57
निशीथ सूत्र
Brihatkalp, Udd. 5.
and Aa., Shru. 2, A. 15.
Dash. A. 4, Ga. 26 and
Sutra 40-42 Restriction of going for alms-seeking along with beggars Aa., Shru. 2,
A. 1. U. 1.
Restriction about permanent stay - Aa., Shru. 2, A. 2. U. 2. Restriction of praise of self or the donor - Pindaniryukti.
Sutra 43-45 Restriction of consuming tasty food-water and discarding non-tasty ones -Aa., Shru. 2, A. 1. U. 10.
Restriction of going for alms-seeking before prescribed time - Aa., Shru. 2. A. 1. U. 9.
Sutra 46-48 Restriction of taking alms from the host (stay provider) Dash. A. 3 and
Aa., Shru. 2, A. 2. U. 3.
To seek permission again from the donor to carry beddings to other. place Vyava. U. 8. Sutra -54-56 Code of returning beddings to the owner before final departure (vihaar)
Brihat. U. 3.
Code of inspection and cleansing of equipment Utt. A. 26 and Ava.
A. 4.
Nishith Sutra