Dasya words which are not divisible into root and suff x aid which are non-derivable like "madaha" and others should not be used in Sanskrit (compositions), just because they are some how well-known'. Namisādhu's commentary on Kāvyālaňkāra 6.27.
višişgadeśabhavam deśyam mahārāștrādidesaprasiddhañ / 'deśżyam' padaí samskyte na racayet / yasya padasya praksti-pratyayamūla vyutpattir na vidyate tac ca madahādi / tatra madaha-daha-horana-ghurghulama-kamdotta-ela-hukka-sayaruya-alañba-kusumala-vānavālādikam pathā. kramań sūkşma-śreştha-vastrapața-mandapa.padma haridrāñjali-suvarnakāra-kukkuța-caura-sakradivācakam kathañcid api naiva racayed il y arthaḥ / nanu desyaprākļiabhedatvāt katham samskyte prayoga prasanga ityaharūdhir iti / rūdhibhrāniyā na badhnīyāt / kaściddhyātmadeśa prasiddhartham sabdań sarvatrāyam vācaka iti manyamānah prayunjita / vyut pattir yasya nästīti vacanāt tu savyut pattikain deśyam kadăcit prayunjitety uktain bhavati / yatha durvāyāṁ chinnodbhavaśabdah | tale bhūmipiśācah/ sive mahānațah/ vrkse parasurujah / samudra.navanītam candrāmrtayoh /
jale meghakşīraśabdaḥ | 'Deśya means that which exists in a particuiar region or country, that is, well-known in countries like Mabārāstra. Deść word should not be made use of in Sanskrit - that word which is not divisible into root and suffix and which is non-derivable like madaha etc. That is, words like madaha, daha, horana, ghusghulama, kadotta, ela, hukka, sayaruya, alamba, kusumāla and vānavala - which respectively mean 'fine', 'best', 'cloth', 'screen', 'tent', 'lotus', 'turmeric', 'goldsmith, 'cock', thiet' and 'Indra' should not be used under any circumstances. Now, if it is objected that as being distinguished as Deśya Prakrit how does there arise the possibility of their use in Sanskrit. He replies, that "because of the conveni tion", i.e., they should not be employed under the wrong notion of convention. For, somebody is likely to use words current only in his region, under the impression that it is understood everywhere. The words "which is not derivable” imply that, that Deśya word which is derivable may be sometimes used. For exomple, the word chinna for durvā, bhūmi. piśāca for tāla, mahānața for Siva, paraśuruja for vỊksa, candrāmặta for samudranavanila and megha-kşīra for jala'. (xvi) From Kāvyamiināmsā of Rājasekhara (900 A. D.)
deśaviseşavašena ca bhāşāśrayanaí dịśyate 11 'Poets resort to languages according to different regions (to which they belong)' (xvii) From Nayakumāracariu of Puşpadanta (959-972 A. D.)
nisesa desabhāsau cavanti /
lakkhaņai visitthai dakkhavasti 1/1.1.6|| 1. Kāvyamīmāṁsā, edited by Kedarnath, Patna, p. 124,
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